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Julkaisut 2003
Publications 2003

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1 Erkolahti R et al. Self-image of adolescents with diabetes mellitus type-I and rheumatoid arthritis.
2 Erkolahti R et al. Self-image and depressive symptoms among adolescents in a non-clinical sample.
3 Haapasalo-Pesu KM et al. National prescribing practices of adolescent psychiatrists for psychotropic medications in outpatient care in Finland.
4 Heinimaa M et al. PROD-screen - a screen for prodromal symptoms of psychosis.
5 Laakso A et al. Personality traits and striatal dopamine synthesis capacity in healthy subjects.
6 Lipsanen T et al. Micropsia and dissociative disorders.
7 Lipsanen T et al. The finnish version of the dissociative experiences Scale-II (DES-II) and psychiatric distress.
8 Paasioksa A et al. Dissosiatiivinen oireilu tavallista psykiatrisessa hoidossa olevilla lapsilla - traumat taustalla.
9 Saarijärvi S, Lopperi M. Ekstaasin vaikutukset elimistöön.

Julkaisutietokanta 29.9.2004 Publications Data Base 29.9.2004