Neurologian klinikka

Julkaisut 2003
Publications 2003

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1 Brunila T et al. The two part picture in detection of visuospatial neglect.
2 Haarala C et al. Effects of a 902 MHz mobile phone on cerebral blood flow in humans: a PET study.
3 Ishizawa T et al. Colocalization of tau and alpha-synuclein epitopes in Lewy bodies.
4 Julkunen L et al. Rehabilitation of chronic post-stroke visual field defect with computer-assisted training. A clinical and neuropsychological study.
5 Järvenpää T. Monozygotic twins and cognitive decline with emphasis on Alzheimer's disease. A study of brain imaging changes and alcohol consumption among a population-based twin cohort.
6 Järvenpää T et al. A 90-year-old monozygotic female twin pair discordant for Alzheimer's disease.
7 Järvenpää T et al. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in monozygotic twins discordant for Alzheimer's disease.
8 Kaasinen V et al. Extrastriatal dopamine D2 receptors in Parkinson's disease: a longitudinal study.
9 Keinonen T et al. Pharmaceutical industry´s barriers and preferences to conduct clinical drug trials in Finland: a qualitative study.
10 Keinonen T et al. Investigator barriers and preferences to conduct clinical drug trials in Finland: A Qualitative study.
11 Kemppainen N et al. Hippocampal dopamine D2 receptors correlate with memory functions in Alzheimer's disease.
12 Keränen T et al. Economic burden and quality of life impairment increase with severity of Parkinson´s disease (PD).
13 Krams M et al. Acute stroke therapy by inhibition of neutrophils (ASTIN). An adaptive dose-response study of UK-279,276 in acute ischemic stroke.
14 Kupila L et al. Aetiological diagnosis of brain abscesses and spinal infections: application of broad range bacterial polymerase chain reaction analysis.
15 Kuusisto H et al. NARP-oireyhtymä - vähän tunnettu mitokondriotauti.
16 Laaksonen M et al. A whole genome association study in Finnish multiple sclerosis patients with 3669 markers.
17 Laatu S et al. Visual object recognition in early Alzheimer´s disease; deficits in semantic processing.
18 Lehtimäki KA et al. Expression of cytokines and cytokine receptors in the rat brain after kainic acid-induced seizures.
19 Martikainen K et al. Transient loss of consciousness as reason for admission to primary health care emergency room.
20 Martikainen K et al. Transient loss of consciousness with and without injuries - where to treat these patients?
21 Mattila KM et al. Absence of association between an intercellular adhesion molecule 1 gene E469 polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease in Finnish patients.
22 Nejentsev S et al. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 K469E polymorphism: study of association with multiple sclerosis.
23 Nejentsev S et al. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 K469E polymorphism: Study of association with Multiple Sclerosis.
24 Nurmi E et al. Progression of dopaminergic hypofunction in striatal subregions in Parkinson´s disease using 18F-CFT PET.
25 Oikonen M et al. Ambient air quality and occurrence of Multiple Sclerosis relapse.
26 Pihlaja H et al. Linkage disequilibrium between the MBP tetranucleotide repeat and multiple sclerosis is restricted to a geographically-defined subpopulation in Finland.
27 Rainesalo S et al. Glutamate uptake in blood platelets from epileptic patients.
28 Rainesalo S et al. Uptake of GABA and activity of GABA-transaminase in platelets from epileptic patients.
29 Renvall K et al. Naming of multiple objects: neural correlates as measured by positron emission tomography.
30 Rinne JO et al. Brain acetylcholinesterase activity in mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer's disease.
31 Rinne JO et al. Semantic decision making in early probable AD: a PET activation study.
32 Rinne JO et al. Catechol-0-methyl transferase (COMT) inhibitors in patients with Parkinson's disease.
33 Salminen E et al. Androgen deprivation and cognition in prostate cancer.
34 Tenovuo O et al. Aikuisiän aivovammat. Käypä hoito -suositus.

Julkaisutietokanta 29.9.2004 Publications Data Base 29.9.2004