Keuhkosairauksien klinikka

Julkaisut 2003
Publications 2003

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1 Aittokallio T et al. Prediction of inspiratory flow shapes during sleep with a mathematic model of upper airway forces.
2 Hersh AI et al. A cost-effectiveness analysis of universal versus selective immunization with Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin in Finland.
3 Laaksonen K et al. In vitro allergen-induced mRNA expression of signaling lymphocytic activation molecule by PBMC of patients with allergic rhinitis is increased during specific pollen immunotherapy.
4 Laaksonen K et al. In vitro kinetics of allergen- and microbe-induced IL-4 and IFN- gamma mRNA expression in PBMC of pollen-allergic patients.
5 Laitinen LA et al. Sleep apnoea: Finnish national guidelines for prevention and treatment 2002-2012.
6 Liippo K. Haasteena tartuntavaarallinen tuberkuloosi.
7 Mattila L et al. Food hypersensitivity among Finnish university students: association with atopic diseases.
8 Polo O. Sleep in postmenopausal women: better sleep for less satisfaction.
9 Polo-Kantola P et al. Breathing during sleep in menopause:A randomized, controlled, crossover trial with estrogen therapy.
10 Raitio M et al. Is the risk of occupational tuberculosis higher for young health care workers?
11 Rajalahti I et al. Tuberkuloositartunnalle altistumisen aiheuttamat toimet. Asiantuntijaryhmän suositus.
12 Saaresranta T et al. Effect of medroxyprogesterone on inspiratory flow shapes during sleep in postmenopausal women.
13 Saaresranta T, Polo O. Sleep-disordered breathing and hormones.
14 Salmi T et al. Unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden tutkiminen.
15 Savolainen J et al. HLA-DR-dependent increased mannan-induced lymphoproliferative response in atopic eczema dermatitis syndrome.
16 Vasankari T et al. Overt and cryptic miliary tuberculosis misdiagnosed until autopsy.
17 Viljanen M et al. Mykobakteerit ja nokardiat.
18 Virtanen I et al. State of vigilance, oestrogen replacement therapy, and lipid profile as modifiers of nocturnal movement-induced heart rate responses.
19 Virtanen I. Effect of hormone replacement therapy on cardiac autonomic regulation with special reference to the sleep state.
20 Virtanen T, Savolainen J. Allergian mekanismit.

Julkaisutietokanta 29.9.2004 Publications Data Base 29.9.2004