Kliinisen fysiologian ja isotooppilääketieteen yksikkö

Julkaisut 2003
Publications 2003

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1 Härkönen K et al. The polymorphic androgen receptor gene CAG repeat, pituitary-testicular function and andropausal symptoms in ageing men.
2 Iozzo P et al. Insulin stimulates liver glucose uptake in humans: an 18F-FDG PET study.
3 Janatuinen T et al. Plasma asymmetric demethylarginine modifies the effect of pravastatin on myocardial blood flow in young adults.
4 Jartti L. Markers of Subclinical Atherosclerosis. A Study of Middle-Aged Male Twins Discordant for Migration from Finland to Sweden.
5 Jartti L et al. Higher prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae seropositivity in Finnish twins compared with co-twins living in Sweden: relationships with markers of subclinical atherosclerosis.
6 Järvisalo M. Arterial changes related to early atherosclerosis in children and adolescents. A high-resolution ultrasound study.
7 Järvisalo M, Raitakari O. Ateroskleroosin varhaismuutokset lapsilla ja nuorilla.
8 Järvisalo MJ et al. Enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilation in subjects with Proline7 substitution in the signal peptide of neuropeptide Y.
9 Kaitosaari T et al. Effect of 7-year infancy-onset dietary intervention on serum lipoproteins and lipoprotein subclasses in healthy children in the prospective, randomized special Turku coronary risk factor intervention project for children (STRIP) study.
10 Koskenvuo JW et al. Correlation of transthoracic Doppler echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging in measuring left anterior descending artery flow velocity and time-course of dipyridamole-induced coronary flow increase.
11 Kytölä J et al. Meconium aspiration stimulates cyclooxygenase-2 and nitric oxide synthase-2 expression in rat lungs.
12 Langenfeld M et al. Nitric oxide does not mediate the vasodilation of early human pregnancy.
13 Luotolinna-Lybeck H. Lapsipotilas teknisessä hoitoympäristössä. Esimerkkinä virtsan refluksin gammakuvaustutkimus.
14 Raitakari OT et al. Cardiovascular risk factors in childhood and carotid artery intima-media thickness in adulthood. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
15 Salminen E et al. Docetaxel with epirubicin-investigations on cardiac safety.
16 Sheil ML et al. Contrast echocardiography: potential for the in-vivo study of pediatric myocardial preservation.
17 Snapir A et al. Effects of common polymorphisms in the alpha1A-, alpha2B, beta1- and beta2-adrenoreceptors on haemodynamic responses to adrenaline.
18 Sovijärvi A et al., toim. Kliininen fysiologia ja isotooppilääketiede.
19 Stolen K et al. Exercise training improves insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose uptake in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.
20 Stolen KQ et al. Exercise training improves biventricular oxidative metabolism and left ventricular efficiency in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.
21 Stolen KQ. The effects of exercise training on myocardial function and metabolism in patients with idiopathic cardiomyopathy. Studies using Positron Emission Tomography.
22 Sundell J et al. High serum leptin is associated with attenuated coronary vasoreactivity.
23 Sundell J et al. Blunted coronary vasoreactivity to insulin is an early alternation in hypertension.
24 Syvanen K et al. Immediate effects of docetaxel alone or in combination with epirubicin on cardiac function in advanced breast cancer.

Julkaisutietokanta 29.9.2004 Publications Data Base 29.9.2004