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Julkaisut 2004
Publications 2004

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1 Amberla K et al. Insidious cognitive decline in CADASIL.
2 Anttila T et al. Alcohol drinking in middle age and subsequent risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in old age: a prospective population based study.
3 Appelros P, Viitanen M. Prevalence and predictors of depression at one year in a Swedish population - based cohort with first-ever stroke.
4 Avlund K et al. Tooth loss and caries prevalence in very old Swedish people: relationship to cognitive function and functional ability.
5 Cornelius C et al. Aspirin, NSAIDs, risk of dementia, and influence of the apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele in an elderly population.
6 Harju M et al. Scanning laser doppler flowmetry shows reduced retinal capillary blood flow in CADASIL.
7 Kalaria RN et al. The pathogenesis of CADASIL: an update.
8 Miao Q et al. Fibrosis and stenosis of the long penetrating cerebral arteries: the cause of the white matter pathology in cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy.
9 Mykkänen K et al. Detection of the founder effect in Finnish CADASIL families.
10 Passare G et al. Drug use and increased HbA1c levels in non-diabetic very elderly persons: the Kungsholmen project.
11 Savonlahti E et al. Children younger than 4 years and their substance-dependent mothers in the child welfare clinic.
12 Tuominen S et al. Positron emission tomography examination of cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism in young CADASIL patients.
13 Verkkoniemi A et al. Neuropsychological functions in variant Alzheimer's disease with spastic paraparesis.
14 Vuori A. Ensihoidon vaiheita Turun seudulla.
15 Vuori A. Puremat ja pistokset.
16 Käärmeenpurema ulkosaaristossa.
17 Vuori A. Kyyn purema.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.10.2005 Publications Data Base 26.10.2005