Synnytys- ja naistentautien kl

Julkaisut 2004
Publications 2004

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1 Airas L et al. Multippeliskleroosin pahenemisvaiheiden hoito raskauden aikana.
2 Alanen A. Does screening reduce preterm births?
3 Anttila L, Salmi T. Vaihdevuodet.
4 Backman T et al. Pregnancy during the use of levonorgestrel intrauterine system.
5 Ehrenberg A, Erkkola R. The incidence of eclampsia in Estonia in 1992-2001.
6 Ekblad U. Äidin veriryhmä - ja muut immunisaatiot.
7 Erkkola R. Hormonihoidon "tuho ja nousu".
8 Erkkola R. Sikiön kasvun hidastuminen.
9 Grénman S. Kohdun limakalvon ja kohtulihaksen kasvaimet.
10 Halmesmäki K et al. A randomized controlled trial of hysterectomy or levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in the treatment of menorrhagia-effect on FSH levels and menopausal symptoms.
11 Heikkinen J et al. Phenotypic characterization of regulatory T cells in the human decidua.
12 Hurskainen R et al. Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system or hysterectomy in the treatment of essential menorrhagia: predictors of outcome.
13 Hurskainen R et al. Clinical outcomes and costs with the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system or hysterectomy for treatment of menorrhagia. Randomized trial 5-year follow-up.
14 Koivusalo R, Hietanen S. The cytotoxity of chemotherapy drugs varies in cervical cancer cells depending on the p53 status.
15 Laurikainen E et al. The rosti sling: A new, minimally invasive, tension-free technique for the surgical treatment of female urinary incontinence - the first 217 patients.
16 Luttkus AK et al. Fetal scalp pH and ST analysis of the fetal ECG as an adjunct to CTG. A multicenter, observational study.
17 Meltomaa S et al. Concomitant vaginal surgery did not affect outcome of the tension-free vaginal tape operation during a prospective 3-year followup study.
18 Meltomaa SS et al. Hysterectomy for gynaecolocical cancer: A follow-up study of subjective and objective outcome.
19 Mäkinen J. Laskeumat.
20 Mäkinen J. Kohdunulkoinen raskaus.
21 Mäkinen J. Kohdun ulkoinen raskaus.
22 Mäkinen J. Gynekologiset laskeumat.
23 Mäkinen J. Kohdunulkoinen raskaus.
24 Mäkinen J, Perheentupa A. Miehen vaihdevuodet, onko niitä.
25 Ojala T et al. Low cerebral blood flow resistance in nonventilated preterm infants predicts poor neurologic outcome.
26 Ojanlatva A et al. Sexual activity and background variables among Finnish middle-aged women.
27 Oksjoki S et al. Differences in connective tissue gene expression between normally functioning, polycystic and post-menopausal ovaries.
28 Palo P,. Gynekologiset kaikututkimukset.
29 Perheentupa A. Raskaudenehkäisy imetysaikana.
30 Perheentupa A, Huhtaniemi I. Male contraception - quo vadis?
31 Perheentupa A et al. Transdermal estradiol treatment suppresses serum gonadotropins during lactation without transfer into breast milk.
32 Piltonen T et al. Ovarian age-related responsiveness to human chorionic gonadotropin in woman with polycystic ovary syndrome.
33 Polo-Kantola P, Erkkola R. Sleep and the menopause.
34 Polo-Kantola P, Erkkola R. Sleep and the menopause.
35 Raitanen M et al. Characterization of 10 vulvar carcinoma cell lines by karyotyping, comparative genomic hybridization and flow cytometry.
36 Rintala MAM et al. Detection of high-risk HPV DNA in semen and its association with the guality of semen.
37 Tanner M et al. Characterization of a novel cell line established from a patient with Herceptin-resistant breast cancer.
38 Timonen S, Erkkola R. Sikiön asfyksia synnytyksen aikana.
39 Timonen S, Erkkola R. Sikiön asfyksia synnytyksen aikana.
40 Virtanen I et al. Medroxyprogesterone improves cardiac autonomic control in postmenopausal women with respiratory insufficiency.
41 Zhang W-H et al. Incidence of severe pre-eclampsia, postpartum haemorrhage and septis as a surrogate marker for severe maternal morbidity in a European population-based study: the MOMS-B survey.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.10.2005 Publications Data Base 26.10.2005