Lastentautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2004
Publications 2004

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1 Ahtiainen M et al. Indirect sertoli cell-mediated ablation of germ cells in mice expressing the inhibin-alfa promoter/herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase transgene.
2 Airas L et al. Multippeliskleroosin pahenemisvaiheiden hoito raskauden aikana.
3 Arvola T et al. Weaning to hypoallergenic formula improves gut barrier function in breast-fed infants with atopic eczema.
4 Barreiro ML et al. Ghrelin inhibits the proliferative activity of immature leydig cells in vivo and regulates stem cell factor messenger ribonucleic acid expression in rat testis.
5 Barreiro ML et al. Orexin 1 receptor messenger ribonucleic acid expression and stimulation of testosterone secretion by orexin-A in rat testis.
6 Boisen KA et al. High and increasing prevalence of cryptorchidism in Denmark (in Danish).
7 Boisen KA et al. Difference in prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism in infants between two Nordic countries.
8 Cheuvart B et al. Anti-diphtheria antibody seroprotection rates are similar 10 years after vaccination with dTpa or DTPa using a mathematical model.
9 Cuesta-Munoz AL et al. Severe persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia due to a de novo glucokinase mutation.
10 Cummings JH et al. PASSCLAIM - Gut health and immunity.
11 Edelman KJ et al. Pertussis-specific cell-mediated and humoral immunity in adolescents 3 years after booster immunization with acellular pertussis vaccine.
12 Elenius V et al. Inhibition by the soluble syndecan-1 ectodomains delays wound repair in mice overexpressing syndecan-1.
13 Gassner HL et al. Near-miss apparent sids from adrenal crisis.
14 Grönlund J, Ståhlberg MR. Yksitoistavuotiaan toistuva vatsakipu - kissat vai psyyke?
15 Hakanen M et al. Serum leptin concentration poorly reflects growth and energy and nutrient intake in young children.
16 Heikkinen T. Viral Vaccines for Recurrent Acute Otitis Media.
17 Heikkinen T. Post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea.
18 Heikkinen T. Influenssa ja sen lääkehoito.
19 Heikkinen T et al. Äkillinen välikorvatulehdus.
20 Heikkinen T, Ruuskanen O. Effectiveness of influenza vaccine to prevent acute otitis media.
21 Heikkinen T et al. Burden of influenza in children in the community.
22 Heikkinen T et al. Illness symptoms and absences due to influenza in different age groups of children.
23 Hermann R et al. Genetic screening for individuals at high risk for type 1 diabetes in the general population using HLA Class II alleles as disease markers. A comparison between three European populations with variable rates of disease incidence.
24 Hoppu S et al. Insulin autoantibody isotypes during the prediabetic process in young children with increased genetic risk of type 1 diabetes.
25 Huhtaniemi I, Toppari J. FSH regulation at the molecular and cellular levels: mechanisms of action and functional effects.
26 Isolauri E. Novel approaches for the nutritional management of the allergic infant.
27 Isolauri E. The role of probiotics paediatrics.
28 Isolauri E et al. The allergy epidemic extends beyond the past few decades.
29 Isolauri E et al. Food allergy in irritable bowel syndrome: new facts and old fallacies.
30 Isolauri E, Salminen S. Probiotics.
31 Isolauri E et al. Gut microbiota-an unexplored ecosystem.
32 Isolauri E, Walker WA, eds. Allergic Diseases and the Environment.
33 Jahnukainen K et al. Increased apoptosis occurring during the first wave of spermatogenesis is stage-specific and primarily affects midpachytene spermatocytes in the rat testis.
34 Jartti T et al. Persistence of rhinovirus and enterovirus RNA after acute respiratory illness in children.
35 Jartti T et al. Respiratory picornaviruses and respiratory syncytial virus as causative agents of acute expiratory wheezing in children.
36 Jensen TK et al. Association of in utero exposure to maternal smoking with reduced semen quality and testis size in adulthood: A cross-sectional study of 1,770 young men from the general population in five European countries.
37 Juven T et al. Clinical response to antibiotic therapy for community-acquired pneumonia.
38 Järvisalo MJ et al. Endothelial dysfunction and increased arterial intima-media thickness in children with Type 1 diabetes.
39 Kaila M et al. Miten lasten astmaa hoidetaan Suomessa?
40 Kainulainen L. Tuberkuloosi piilosilla.
41 Kaleva M. Congenital Cryptorchidism. Prevalence, Endocrinology and Treatment.
42 Kalliomäki M, Isolauri E. Probiotics and down-regulation of the allergic response.
43 Kankaanpää P et al. Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids in growth medium on lipid composition and on physicochemical surface properties of lactobacilli.
44 Kawamura K et al. Paracrine regulation of mammalian oocyte maturation and male germ cell survival.
45 Kirjavainen J. Excessive Crying and Sleep in Infancy. The assessment of sleep characteristics and the function of the autonomous nervous system in colicky infants.
46 Kirjavainen J et al. Sleep of excessively crying infants: A 24-hour ambulatory sleep polygraphy study.
47 Kirjavainen J et al. Heart rate variability response to the sleep-related movements in infants with and without colic.
48 Korhonen K et al. Pentoxifylline reduces regional inflammatory and ventilatory disturbances in meconium-exposed piglet lungs.
49 Kozák-Bárany A et al. Impaired left ventricular diastolic function in newborn infants of mothers with pregestational or gestational diabetes with good glycemic control.
50 Kukko M et al. Geographical variation in risk HLA-DQB1 genotypes for type 1 diabetes and sings of beta-cell autoimmunity in a high-incidence country.
51 Kähärä K et al. Kouluikäisten astmaatikkojen seuranta perusterveydenhuollossa.
52 Kääpä P. Corticosteroid treatment in meconium aspiration syndrome: a solution for better outcome?
53 Laine A-P et al. A linkage study of 12 IDDM susceptibility loci in the Finnish population.
54 Laine AP et al. The human leukocyte antigen genotype has a modest effect on the insulin gene polymorphism-associated susceptibility to type 1 diabetes in the Finnish population.
55 Latva R et al. Visiting less than every day. A marker for later behavioral problems in Finnish preterm infants.
56 Lehtonen L, Martin RJ. Ontogeny of sleep and awake states in relation to breathing in preterm infants.
57 Louhi-Pirkanniemi K et al. Recurrent antibiotic use in a small child and the effects on the family.
58 Louhi-Pirkanniemi K et al. Factors of early infancy and recurrent use of antibiotic therapy.
59 Lukkarinen H. Apoptosis in Acute Lung Injury .
60 Lukkarinen H et al. Angiotensin II receptor blockade inhibits pneumocyte apoptosis in experimental meconium aspiration.
61 Lähteenmäki PM et al. Outcome of single fraction total body irradiation-conditioned stem cell transplantation in younger children with malignant disease. Comparison with a busulphan-cyclophosphamide regimen.
62 Lähteenmäki PM et al. The siblings of childhood cancer patients need early support: a follow up study over the first year.
63 Lähteenmäki PM et al. The life situation of parents over the first year after their child`s cancer diagnosis .
64 Manner T, Näntö-Salonen K. Tutkimuksia makeamman elämän puolesta.
65 Marttila J et al. Epitopes recognized by CBV4 responding T cells: effect of type 1 diabetes and associated HLA-DR-DQ haplotypes.
66 Mäkelä M et al. Rotavirus-specific T-cell responses in young prospectively followed-up children.
67 Niinikoski H et al. Onset of small intestinal atrophy is associated with reduced intestinal blood flow in TPN-fed neonatal piglets .
68 Nogueiras R et al. Novel expression of resistin in rat testis: functional role and regulation by nutritional status and hormonal factors.
69 Näntö-Salonen K et al. Tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastavan nuoren hoito - kahdenlaisen tasapainon tavoittelua.
70 Ojala T et al. Low cerebral blood flow resistance in nonventilated preterm infants predicts poor neurologic outcome.
71 Otala M et al. Protection from radiation-induced male germ cell loss by sphingosine-1-phosphate.
72 Peltola V et al. Empyeema - lasten keuhkokuumeen yleistyvä komplikaatio.
73 Piirainen T et al. Ravitsemus- ja terveysneuvonta äitiys- ja lastenneuvoloissa.
74 Poutanen M et al. Reproductive system.
75 Rautava S, Isolauri E. Cow`s milk allergy in infants with atopic eczema is associated with aberrant production of interleukin-4 during oral cow`s milk challenge.
76 Rautava S et al. The hygiene hypothesis of atopic disease -an extended version.
77 Roth SB et al. Use of an oligonucleotide array for laboratory diagnosis of bacteria responsible for acute upper respiratory infections.
78 Ruohola A, Ruuskanen O. Kitarisan poisto - turha toimenpide välikorvatulehduksen ehkäisyssä?
79 Ruottinen S et al. Sucrose intake since infancy and dental health in 10-year-old children.
80 Ruuskanen O. Safety and tolerability of azithromycin in pediatric infectious diseases: 2003 update.
81 Ruuskanen O, Ruohola A. Diagnostic methods.
82 Räsänen M et al. Impact of nutrition counselling on nutrition knowledge and nutrient intake of 7- to 9-y-old children in an atherosclerosis prevention project.
83 Saarilehto S et al. Growth, energy intake, and meal pattern in five-year-old children considered as poor eaters.
84 Salminen KK et al. Isolation of enterovirus strains from children with preclinical type 1 diabetes.
85 Salminen S, Isolauri E. Development of healthy gut microbiota.
86 Salo E, Ståhlberg M-R. Lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö.
87 Simanainen U et al. Adult 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) exposure and effects on male reproductive organs in three differentially TCDD-susceptible rat lines.
88 Simanainen U et al. Pattern of male reproductive system effects after in utero and lactational 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) exposure in three differentially TCDD-sensitive rat lines.
89 Suominen J. Molecular Mechanisms of Apoptosis during Spermatogenesis.
90 Suominen JS et al. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alfa) promotes cell survival during spermatogenesis, and this effect can be blocked by infliximab, a TNF-alfa antagonist.
91 Sääkslahti A et al. Effects of a three-year intervention on children`s physical activity from age 4 to 7.
92 Sääkslahti A et al. Physical activity as a preventive measure for coronary heart disease risk factors in early childhood.
93 Söderholm A et al. Lapsen kaltoinkohtelu.
94 Takala RSK et al. Pulmonary inflammatory mediators after sevoflurane and thiopentone anaesthesia in pigs.
95 Talvia S et al. A randomized intervention since infancy to reduce intake of saturated fat. Calorie (energy) and nutrient intakes up to the age of 10 years in the special Turku coronary risk factor intervention project.
96 Toppari J. Pseudoprecocious Puberty, Male.
97 Vanto T et al. Prediction of the development of tolerance to milk in children with cow's milk hypersensitivity.
98 Vanto T et al. Comparison of two budesonide dry powder inhalers in the treatment of asthma in children.
99 Vanto T et al. Lasten ruoka-allergia.
100 Viikari JSA et al. Risk factors for coronary heart disease in children and young adults.
101 Vuento R et al. Kevättalven infektiot.
102 Wang Y et al. Survivin expression in rat testis is upregulated by stem-cell factor.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.10.2005 Publications Data Base 26.10.2005