Korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautien

Julkaisut 2004
Publications 2004

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1 Aitasalo K, Peltola M. Bioaktiivinen lasi pään ja kaulan alueen kirurgiassa.
2 Ala-aho R et al. Targeted inhibition of human collagenase-3 (MMP-13) expression inhibits squamous cell carcinoma growth in vivo.
3 Erjala K et al. Concomitant vinorelbine and radiation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in vitro.
4 Hakkarainen K, Suonpää J. Lääketieteen opetuksen integraatio Suomen lääketieteellisissä tiedekunnissa.
5 Hartikka H et al. Lack of correlation between the type of COL1A1 or COL1A2 mutation and hearing loss in osteogenesis imperfecta patients.
6 Heikkinen T et al. Burden of influenza in children in the community.
7 Hessel F et al. Differentiation status of human squamous cell carcinoma xenografts does not appear to correlate with the repopulation capacity of clonogenic tumour cells during fractionated irradiation.
8 Hohenthal U et al. Diagnostic value of bronchoalveolar lavage in community-acquired pneumonia in a routine setting: A Study on Patients Treated in a Finnish University Hospital.
9 Hujala K. Otolaryngological Endoscopic Diagnostic Investigations and Therapeutic Procedures for Neoplasms in Adults.
10 Hujala K et al. Early percutanous endoscopic gastrostomy nutrition in head and neck cancer patients.
11 Kujawski M et al. Frequent chromosome Y loss in primary, second primary and metastatic squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck region.
12 Kuttila S et al. Characteristics of subjects with secondary otalgia.
13 Kuurila K et al. Stapes surgery in osteogenesis imperfecta in Finland.
14 Lehtiö K et al. Imaging perfusion and hypoxia with PETto predict radiotherapy response in head-and-neck cancer.
15 Lonka E et al. Mismatch negativity brain response as an index of speech perception recovery in cochlear-implant recipients.
16 Pekkola K et al. Permanent in vitro growth is associated with poor prognosis in head and neck cancer.
17 Pulkkinen J et al. Intraluminal radiotherapy in esophageal cancer. An update.
18 Pummi KP et al. Tight junction proteins ZO-1, occludin, and claudins in developing and adult human perineurium.
19 Raitanen M et al. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines are highly sensitive to the new taxanes, BMS-184476, BMS-188797, in vitro.
20 Raitanen M et al. Characterization of 10 vulvar carcinoma cell lines by karyotyping, comparative genomic hybridization and flow cytometry.
21 Ruutu M et al. Effect of confluence state and passaging on global cancer gene expression pattern in oral carcinoma cell lines.
22 Sala E. Äänihäiriöiden diagnostiikka ja hoito.
23 Sala E. Äänihäiriöiden työperäisiä riskitekijöitä.
24 Samuelsson P et al. Toll-like receptor 4 expression and cytokine responses in the human urinary tract mucosa.
25 Schrey A et al. Ultrasonically activated scalpel compared with electrocautery in tonsillectomy.
26 Simberg S et al. A comparison of the prevalence of vocal symptoms among teacher students and other university students.
27 Sipilä J et al. Endoscopic lasersurgery in obstructive tracheal and bronchial tumors. An update.
28 Stoor P, Grenman R. Bioactive glass and turbinate flaps in the repair of nasal septal perforations.
29 Suonpää J. Tukkoinen nenä.
30 Suonpää J. Nenämurtuma.
31 Suonpää J. Poskiontelotulehdus.
32 Suonpää J. Krooninen sinuiitti.
33 Suonpää J. Äkillinen otsaontelotulehdus.
34 Suonpää J. Krooninen nielutulehdus.
35 Suonpää J. Ménièren tauti.
36 Suonpää J. Lasten sinuiitti.
37 Takebayashi S et al. Loss of chromosome arm 18q with tumor progression in head and neck squamous cancer.
38 Välimaa H et al. Estrogen receptor-ß is the predominant estrogen receptor subtype in human oral epithelium and salivary glands.
39 Warner GC et al. Molecular classification of oral cancer by cDNA microarrays identifies overexpressed genes correlated with nodal metastasis.
40 Wide K. Prediction of the Outcome of Acute Frontal Sinusitis.
41 Wide K et al. Recurrent and prolonged frontal sinusitis.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.10.2005 Publications Data Base 26.10.2005