Syöpätautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2004
Publications 2004

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1 Bauer HCF et al. The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group Register 1986-2001.
2 Bendardaf R et al. Prognostic and predictive molecular markers in colorectal carcinoma.
3 Bendardaf R et al. CD44 variant 6 expression predicts response to treatment in advanced colorectal cancer.
4 Bendardaf R et al. Response to chemotherapy (irinotecan plus 5-fluorouracil) in colorectal carcinoma can be predicted by tumour DNA content.
5 Elenius K. Täsmäpotilaat täsmälääkkeelle.
6 Elenius V et al. Inhibition by the soluble syndecan-1 ectodomains delays wound repair in mice overexpressing syndecan-1.
7 Erjala K et al. Concomitant vinorelbine and radiation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in vitro.
8 Gridelli C et al. Oral vinorelbine given as monotherapy to advanced, elderly NSCLC patients: a multicentre phase II trial.
9 Grönroos T et al. Comparison of the biodistribution of two hypoxia markers (18F)FETNIM and (18F)FMISO in an experimental mammary carcinoma .
10 Hernberg MM et al. The prognostic role of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes during chemoimmunotherapy in metastatic melanoma.
11 Howell A et al. Comparison of fulvestrant versus tamoxifen for the treatment of advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women previously untreated with endocrine therapy: a multinational, double-blind, randomized trial.
12 Huovinen R. Levinneen rintasyövän hormonihoito.
13 Huovinen R, Joensuu H. Rintasyöpäleikkauksen jälkeiset liitännäishoidot.
14 IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans . Tobacco Smoke and Involuntary Smoking.
15 Joensuu H et al. Risk for distant recurrence of breast cancer detected by mammography screening or other methods.
16 Jyrkkiö S. Eturauhassyövän sädehoito.
17 Kailajärvi MEH et al. Serum bone markers in breast cancer patients during 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (FEC) therapy.
18 Kauhava L et al. Lower costs of hospital treatment of breast cancer through a population-based mammography screening programme.
19 Kauhava L et al. Mammografiaseulonta alentaa rintasyövän sairaalahoidon kustannuksia.
20 Kilpeläinen M et al. Tupakasta vieroitus - osa sairauksien hoitoa. Kahden vuoden seurantatuloksia ryhmäohjauksesta Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa.
21 Kotilainen P et al. Positron emission tomography as an aid in the diagnosis and follow-up of Riedel's thyroiditis.
22 Kouri M et al. Undifferentiated sinonasal carcinoma may respond to single-fraction boron neutron capture therapy.
23 Kronqvist P et al. Predicting aggressive outcome in T1N0M0 breast cancer.
24 Lehtiö K et al. Imaging perfusion and hypoxia with PETto predict radiotherapy response in head-and-neck cancer.
25 Minn H et al. Imaging of adrenal incidentalomas with PET using 11C-metomidate and 18F-FDG.
26 Mäenpää HO et al. Temozolomide treatment in glioma.
27 Nikkola J. Integrins and Matrix Metalloproteinases as Prognostic Factors in Metastatic Melanoma.
28 Nikkola J et al. Integrin chains beta-1 and alfa-v as prognostic factors in human metastatic melanoma .
29 Ouwehand AC et al. Influence of endogenous mucosal microbiota on the adhesion of probiotic bacteria in vitro.
30 Paija O. Koskeeko syöpäpotilaan kipu lääkäriä?
31 Pekkola K et al. Permanent in vitro growth is associated with poor prognosis in head and neck cancer.
32 Pyrhönen S. Systemic therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
33 Raitanen M et al. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines are highly sensitive to the new taxanes, BMS-184476, BMS-188797, in vitro.
34 Salminen E et al. Dietary attitudes and changes as well as use of supplements and complementary therapies by Australian and Finnish women following the diagnosis of breast cancer.
35 Salminen E et al. Effect of adjuvant androgen deprivation on thyroid function tests in prostate cancer patients.
36 Salminen E et al. Unmet needs in information flow between breast cancer patients, their spouses, and physicians.
37 Salminen E et al. Eturauhassyövän hormonihoidon käytäntö Suomessa 2003.
38 Salminen EK et al. Associations between serum testosterone fall and cognitive function in prostate cancer patients.
39 Salminen EK et al. Trends in the use of androgen deprivation in prostate cancer.
40 Sihvo EIT et al. Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and the esophagogastric junction: Positron emission tomography improves staging and prediction of survival in distant but not in locoregional disease.
41 Sutinen E . Methodological and Clinical Studies on Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in Oncology. With Special Reference to Radiopharmaceuticals Marking Amino Acid and Phospholipid Metabolism.
42 Sutinen E et al. Kinetics of [11C]choline uptake in prostate cancer: a PET study.
43 Tanner M et al. Characterization of a novel cell line established from a patient with Herceptin-resistant breast cancer.
44 Thomasson M et al. ErbB4 is downregulated in renal cell carcinoma.
45 Valavaara R. Levinneen rintasyövän sädehoito.
46 Vihinen P, Kähäri V-M. Melanoma biomarkers - molecular profiling and its clinical implications.
47 Vihinen P et al. Ihomelanooman ennustetekijät ja kehittyvät hoitomahdollisuudet.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.10.2005 Publications Data Base 26.10.2005