Neurologian klinikka

Julkaisut 2004
Publications 2004

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1 Airas L et al. Multippeliskleroosin pahenemisvaiheiden hoito raskauden aikana.
2 Airas L et al. Jäykkyysoireyhtymä.
3 Amberla K et al. Insidious cognitive decline in CADASIL.
4 Brück A et al. Hippocampal and prefrontal atrophy in patients with early non-demented Parkinson´s disease is related to cognitive impairment.
5 Forssell H et al. Venlafaxine in the treatment of atypical facial pain: a randomized controlled trial.
6 Harju M et al. Scanning laser doppler flowmetry shows reduced retinal capillary blood flow in CADASIL.
7 Jääskeläinen SK et al. Sensory regeneration following intraoperatively verified trigeminal nerve injury.
8 Kaasinen V et al. Expectation of caffeine induces dopaminergic responses in humans.
9 Kaasinen V et al. Insular dopamine D2 reseptors and novelty seeking personality in Parkinson´s disease.
10 Kaasinen V et al. Dopaminergic effects of caffeine in the human striatum and thalamus.
11 Koponen S et al. APOE-epsilon4 predicts dementia but not other psychiatric disorders after traumatic brain injury.
12 Kotilainen P et al. Positron emission tomography as an aid in the diagnosis and follow-up of Riedel's thyroiditis.
13 Kupila L et al. Recurrent lymphocytic meningitis. The role of herpesviruses.
14 Laatu.S et al. Visual object recognition deficits in early Parkinson´s disease.
15 Mansikka H et al. Alpha2A Adrenoceptors contribute to feedback inhibition of capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia.
16 Marttila R. Millä lääkkeellä aloitan Parkinsonin taudin hoidon?
17 Miao Q et al. Fibrosis and stenosis of the long penetrating cerebral arteries: the cause of the white matter pathology in cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy.
18 Mykkänen K et al. Detection of the founder effect in Finnish CADASIL families.
19 Niemelä J et al. IFN-alpha induced adenosine production on the endothelium: A mechanism mediated by CD73 (Ecto-5´-nucleotidase) up-regulation.
20 Peltoniemi J et al. Immunomodulation by roquinimex decreases the expression of IL-23 (p19) mRNA in the brains of herpes simplex virus type 1 infected BALB/c mice.
21 Rainesalo S et al. Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid amino acids in epileptic patients.
22 Salminen EK et al. Associations between serum testosterone fall and cognitive function in prostate cancer patients.
23 Tenovuo O. Osaatko tunnistaa ja arvioida akuutin aivovamman?
24 Tuominen S et al. Positron emission tomography examination of cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism in young CADASIL patients.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.10.2005 Publications Data Base 26.10.2005