Lastenneurologian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2004
Publications 2004

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1 Anttila P et al. Psychiatric symptoms in children with primary headache.
2 Barnett AL et al. Can the Griffiths scales predict neuromotor and perceptualmotor impairment in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy?
3 Johansson R, Äärimaa T. Korvan, kuulon ja tasapainon häiriöt.
4 Kaukola T et al. Cerebral palsy is characterized by protein mediators in cord serum.
5 Linnankivi T et al. Five new cases of a recently described leukoencephalopathy with high brain lactate.
6 Louhi-Pirkanniemi K. Recurrent Therapy with Antibiotics in Infancy. Prospective Long-term Follow-up.
7 Louhi-Pirkanniemi K et al. Recurrent antibiotic use in a small child and the effects on the family.
8 Louhi-Pirkanniemi K et al. Factors of early infancy and recurrent use of antibiotic therapy.
9 Mercuri E et al. Visual function at school age in children with neonatal encephalopathy and low Apgar scores.
10 Mercuri E et al. Neonatal cerebral infarction and neuromotor outcome at school age.
11 Nikoskelainen E, Äärimaa T. Silmän ja näkemisen häiriöt.
12 Ojala T et al. Low cerebral blood flow resistance in nonventilated preterm infants predicts poor neurologic outcome.
13 Pihlakoski L et al. Use of and need for professional help for emotional and behavioral problems among preadolescents: a prospective cohort study of 3- to 12-year-old children.
14 Rantala H et al. Kromosomipoikkeavuudet ja fragiili X-oireyhtymä.
15 Rinne JO et al. Striatal dopaminergic system in dopa-responsive dystonia: a multi-tracer PET study shows increased D2 receptors.
16 Sillanpää M, Haataja L. Lapsuus- ja nuoruusiän epilepsiat.
17 Sillanpää M et al. Perceived impact of childhood-onset epilepsy on quality of life as an adult.
18 Ylisaukko-oja T et al. Indentification of two AGTR2 mutations in male patients with non-syndromic mental retardation.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.10.2005 Publications Data Base 26.10.2005