Kirurgian klinikka

Julkaisut 2005
Publications 2005

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1 Bakker DJ, Niinikoski J. Chronic hyperbaric oxygen therapy indications - Final Report.
2 Blomstedt G et al. Leikkausalueen infektiot neurokirurgiassa.
3 Dorval-Coiffec I et al. Identification of the leukemia inhibitory factor cell targets within the rat testis.
4 Gullichsen R et al. Needle-knife assisted ERCP.
5 Hilska M et al. The significance of tumor markers for proliferation and apoptosis in predicting survival in colorectal cancer.
6 Kinnala P. Tissue Perfusion in Experimental Acute Pancreatitis.
7 Kokk K et al. Expression of insulin receptor substrates 1-3, glucose transporters GLUT-1-4, signal regulatory protein 1alpha, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and protein kinase B at the protein level in the human testis.
8 Koskivuo I et al. Sentinel node metastasectomy in thin =/<1-mm melanoma.
9 Kotilainen P et al. Verisuonikatetreihin liittyvät infektiot.
10 Kujala P et al., toim. Infektioiden torjunta sairaalassa.
11 Meretoja T, Suominen E. Demand for plastic surgical operations after primary breast cancer surgery.
12 Meurman O et al. Screening for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: which anatomical sites to culture?
13 Mölsä M et al. Functional role of P-glycoprotein in the human blood-placental barrier.
14 Narva S et al. Lantion alueen aktinomykoosi - pysyvän munuaisvaurion aiheuttaja.
15 Niinikoski J. Chronic hyperbaric oxygen therapy indications. Hyperbaric oxygenation and healing disorders - Introductory report.
16 Niinikoski J. Which role for HBOT to improve tissue salvage after acute musculo-skeletal trauma?
17 Nurmi M. Eturauhassyövän leikkaushoito.
18 Portin R et al. Eturauhassyöpäpotilaiden kastraatio ja kognitio.
19 Rantala A. Kirurginen mikrobilääkeprofylaksi: kenelle, milloin ja miten?
20 Rantala A. Postoperatiivisten infektioiden merkitys.
21 Rantala A et al. Profylaktinen mikrobilääkehoito.
22 Rantala A, Wiik H. Leikkausalueen infektiot.
23 Rantala A et al. Hygienia kirurgisessa toiminnassa.
24 Saaristo A et al. Gene transfer as a tool to induce therapeutic vascular growth in plastic surgery.
25 Salminen E et al. Increased proliferation activity measured by immunoreactive Ki67 is associated with survival improvement in rectal/recto sigmoid cancer.
26 Salminen EK et al. Estradiol and cognition during androgen deprivation in men with prostate carcinoma.
27 Salonen J, Rantala A. Kandidainfektiot.
28 Suominen E. Melanooman leikkaushoito.
29 Suominen E et al. Ihomelanooma. Käypä hoito -suositus.
30 Tarvainen K, Rantala A. Leikkaussalin ilmastointi.
31 Vähäsilta T. Myocardial Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Open Heart Surgery. Studies on Apoptosis and Cardioprotection in Pig Model.
32 Vähäsilta T et al. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis after antegrade and retrograde cardioplegia.

Julkaisutietokanta 4.10.2006 Publications Data Base 4.10.2006