Suusairauksien klinikka

Julkaisut 2005
Publications 2005

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1 Ahmed M et al. Kiputunnon puuttuminen, hikoilukyvyttömyys ja maitohampaiden ennenaikainen menetys harvinaisen neuropatian merkkeinä.
2 Forssell H. Purentaelimen toimintahäiriö.
3 Forssell H et al. Searching for an assessment instrument to determine temporomandibular disorder pain profiles for the purposes of primary health care.
4 Gardner DG et al. Ameloblastomas.
5 Haila S et al. Effects of homeopathic treatment on salivary flow rate and subjective symptoms in patients with oral dryness: a randomized trial.
6 Havanka H, Forssell H. Vain päänsärkyä ja kasvokipua? Auttaako uusi tieto pään alueen kivuista kärsivää?
7 Ikola S et al. Kuluneen purennan kuntoutus.
8 Jääskeläinen SK et al. Neurophysiologic and quantitative sensory testing in the diagnosis of trigeminal neuropathy and neuropathic pain.
9 Kanto D et al. Tramadol premedication in operative extraction of the mandibular third molar: a placebo-controlled crossover study.
10 Karjalainen S. Hammashoitopelon ehkäisy kannattaa.
11 Karjalainen S. Lasten hammashoidon niksit.
12 Karjalainen S, Soukka T. Hammasvammojen ensiapu ja jatkohoito.
13 Kuttila S et al. Recurrent tinnitus and associated ear symptoms in adults.
14 LE BELL Y. Är bettskena och bettslipning fortfarande godtagbara kliniska behandlingsformer?
15 LE BELL Y. Pentti Kirveskari - purentasymposiumi.
16 Leivo I et al. Characterization of gene expression in major types of salivary gland carcinomas with epithelial differentiation.
17 Liljeström M-R et al. Headache children with temporomandibular disorders have several types of pain and other symptoms.
18 Linnola RJ et al. Intraocular lens-capsular bag imaging with ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography. Pseudophakic human autopsy eyes.
19 Liukkonen M et al. Mandibular asymmetry in healthy children.
20 Lähteenmäki M et al. Effects of anaesthesia using endotracheal intubation or the laryngeal mask airway, or spinal anaesthesia, on oral mucosal host defences during minor surgery.
21 Meretoja V et al. Osteoblast differentiation with titania and titania-silica-coated titanium fiber meshes.
22 Närhi T. Joint meeting of the European College of Gerodontology (ECG) and the Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry /SSPD), 2-4 September 2004, Helsinki, Finland.
23 Närhi T. Proteettisen hoidon tulevaisuuden näkymiä.
24 Russell MW et al. Innate humoral defense factors.
25 Siukosaari P et al. Level of education and incidence of caries in the elderly: a 5-year follow-up study.
26 Tanner J et al. Early plaque formation on fibrereinforced composites in vivo.
27 Teerijoki-Oksa T. Sagittaalisen leukaosteotomian aiheuttama alaleuan tuntohermovaurio.
28 Tolvanen E, Närhi T. Kehitysvammaisen potilaan syvän traumaattisen purennan kuntoutus.
29 Vähätalo K et al. Effects of genioglossal muscle advancement on speech: an acoustic study of vowel sounds.
30 Yli-Urpo H et al. Compressive strength and surface characterization of glass ionomer cements modified by particles of bioactive glass.
31 Yli-Urpo H et al. Compound changes and tooth mineralization effects of glass ionomer cements containing bioactive glass (S53P4), an in vivo study.

Julkaisutietokanta 4.10.2006 Publications Data Base 4.10.2006