Lastenpsykiatrian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2005
Publications 2005

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1 Ellilä H et al. Characteristics and staff resources of child and adolescent psychiatric hospital wards in Finland.
2 Haavisto A et al. Factors associated with ideation and acts of deliberate self-harm among 18-year-old boys. A prospective 10-year follow-up study.
3 Holtan A et al. A comparison of mental health problems in kinship and nonkinship foster care.
4 Hukkanen R et al. Have psychiatric problems of children in children´s homes increased?
5 Katainen R et al. Huonojen uutisten kertominen potilaalle-syöpätautien erikoislääkärien kokemuksia.
6 Kivijärvi M. A contented baby has a sensitive mother. The Construct and Determinants of Maternal Sensitivity Behaviour, and its Association with Infant Temperament and Behaviour in Early Interaction.
7 Kivijärvi M et al. Infant temperament and maternal sensitivity behavior in the first year of life.
8 Multimäki P et al. Military fitness class of Finnish 18-year-old men: Prediction of military fitness class at call-up with the YASR and sociodemographic factors.
9 Piha J. Lastenpsykiatrian hoitotakuu toteutuu huonosti yliopistosairaanhoitopiireissä/Dåligt genomslag för barnpsykiatrisk vårdsgaranti i sjukvårdsdistrikt med universitetssjukhus.
10 Piha J. Perheterapiakoulutusta Bukarestissa.
11 Ristkari T et al. Sense of coherence among Finnish young men - A cross-sectional study at military call-up.
12 Sandberg S. The biopsychosocial context of ADHD.
13 Santalahti P et al. Have there been changes in children´s psychosomatic symptoms? A 10-year comparison from Finland.
14 Savonlahti E et al. Interactive skills of infants with their high-risk mothers.
15 Schmitt F. Syrjäytyneen nuoren identiteetin kehityksestä kolmen sukupolven perspektiivissä.
16 Sourander A et al. Recognition of psychiatric disorders, and self-perceived problems. A follow-up study from age 8 to age 18.
17 Sourander A, Helstelä L. Childhood predictors of externalizing and internalizing problems in adolescence. A prospective follow-up study from age 8 to 16.
18 Sourander A et al. Childhood predictors of psychiatric disorders among boys: a prospective community-based follow-up study from age 8 years to early adulthood.

Julkaisutietokanta 4.10.2006 Publications Data Base 4.10.2006