Radiologian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2005
Publications 2005

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1 Airas L et al. Successful pregnancy of a patient with Balo's concentric sclerosis.
2 Alanen A, Kulmala J. Aiheutanko potilaalle riskin röntgentutkimuksilla?
3 Dean. Rintasyövän varhaisdiagnostiikka olisi tehostettava.
4 Hannukainen J et al. In vivo measurements of glucose uptake in human Achilles tendon during different exercise intensities.
5 Himanen L et al. Cognitive functions in relation to MRI findings 30 years after traumatic brain injury.
6 Karhu J et al. Evaluation of flexion/extension of the upper cervical spine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: an MRI study with a dedicated positioning device compared to conventional radiographs.
7 Koponen S et al. Alexithymia after traumatic brain injury: its relation to magnetic resonance imaging findings and psychiatric disorders.
8 Kotilainen P et al. Riedel's thyroiditis in a patient with multiple sclerosis.
9 Långsjö J W et al. S-ketamine anesthesia increases cerebral blood flow in excess of the metabolic needs in humans.
10 Madanat R et al. Accurary and precision of radiostereometric analysis in the measurement of three-dimensional micromotion in a fracture model of the distal radius.
11 Mäkinen TJ et al. Comparison of digital and conventional radiostereometric image analysis in an ankle phantom model.
12 Paajanen H et al. Seulonnan merkitys rintasyövän toteamisessa.
13 Pudas T et al. Magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric elbow fractures.
14 Pudas T et al. Influence of film digitization on radiological interpretation .
15 Salminen E et al. Serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b) as a marker of skeletal changes in prostate cancer .
16 Saraste A et al. Kirurgi paransi malabsorption.
17 Tabar L et al. Breast Cancer - The art and science of early detection with mammography .
18 Tabár L, Dean PB. Preventing premature death from breast cancer.
19 Tabár LK et al. Mammographic-histologic correlation of tumor masses, asymmetric densities, and architectural distortion.
20 Varho T et al. Quantitative 1HMRS and MRI volumetry indicate neuronal damage in the hippocampus of children with focal epilepsy and infrequent seizures.
21 Viljanen APM et al. Rosiglitazone treatment increases subcutaneous adipose tissue glucose uptake in parallel with perfusion in patients with type 2 diabetes: A double-blind, randomized study with metformin.
22 Virkki R et al. Radiographic follow-up of pneumonia in children.
23 Virtanen KA et al. Increased fat mass compensates for insulin resistance in abdominal obesity and type 2 diabetes. A positron-emitting tomography study.

Julkaisutietokanta 4.10.2006 Publications Data Base 4.10.2006