Lastenneurologian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2006
Publications 2006

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1 Anttila P et al. Long-term trends in the incidence of headache in Finnish schoolchildren.
2 Haavio M-L et al. Oraalimotoriset häiriöt ja kuntoutus.
3 Laimi K et al. Outcome of headache freguency in adolescence .
4 Maunu J et al. Relation of prematurity and brain injury to crying behavior on infancy.
5 Metsähonkala L et al. Extracephalic tenderness and pressure pain threshold in children with headache.
6 Oksanen A et al. Strength and mobility of the neck-shoulder region in adolescent headache.
7 Pihlakoski L et al. The continuity of psychopathology from early childhood to preadolescence: a prospective cohort study of 3-12-year-old children .
8 Ricci D et al. Neurological examination at 6 to 9 months in infants with cystic periventricular leukomalacia.
9 Ricci D et al. Sequential neurological examinations in infants with neonatal encephalopathy and low apgar scores: relationship with brain MRI.
10 Seljamo S et al. Alcohol use in families: a 15-year prospective follow-up study.
11 Sillanpää M. Epilepsy has significant effects on social and educational development: Implications for surgical desicions.
12 Sillanpää M et al. Temporal changes in the incidence of epilepsy in Finland: Nationwide study.
13 Sillanpää M, Schmidt D. Prognosis of seizure recurrence after stopping antiepileptic drugs in seizure-free patients: A long-term population-based study of childhood-onset epilepsy.
14 Sillanpää M, Schmidt D. Natural history of treated childhood-onset epilepsy: prospective, long-term population-based study.
15 Sourander A et al. Early predictors of deliberate self-harm among adolescents. A prospective follow-up study from age 3 to age 15.
16 Sourander A et al. Early predictors of parent- and self-reported perceived global psychological difficulties among adolescents: A prospective cohort study from age 3 to age 15.

Julkaisutietokanta 23.10.2007 Publications Data Base 23.10.2007