Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (hoitotiede)

Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Alanen SI et al. Evaluation of current care effectiveness: a survey of hypertension quideline implementation in Finnish health centres.
2 Blomqvist L et al. Images of loneliness: using art as an educational method in professional training.
3 Ellilä H et al. Ideology of nursing care in child psychiatric inpatient treatment.
4 Heikkinen A. Privacy in Occupational Health Care - Ethical Examination.
5 Heikkinen A et al. Sensitivity towards patient needs in the occupational health consultation.
6 Heikkinen AM et al. Privacy in occupational health practice; promoting and impeding factors.
7 Heikkinen AM et al. Privacy and dual loyalties in occupational health practice.
8 Heikkinen K et al. Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients' knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge.
9 Hiissa M et al. Towards automated classification of intensive care nursing narratives.
10 Johansson K et al. Empowering orthopaedic patients through preadmission education: results from a clinical study.
11 Koivunen M et al. A preliminary usability evaluation of Wed-based portal application for patients with schizophrenia.
12 Kuosmanen L et al. Deprivation of liberty in psychiatric hospital care: the patient's perspective.
13 Laaksonen C et al. Paediatric health-related quality of life instrument for primary school children: cross-cultural validation.
14 Lundgrén-Laine H, Suominen T. Nursing intensity and patient classification at an adult intensive care unit (ICU).
15 Marjamäki M. Seurantatutkimus itsemurhan tehneiden henkilöiden puolisoiden selviytymisprosesista.
16 Montin L. Patient-Perceived Health-Related Quality of Life During Recovery After Total Hip Arthroplasty - A 6-Month Follow-up Study.
17 Montin L et al. Anxiety and health-related quality of life patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis.
18 Numminen OH, Leino-Kilpi H. Nursing students' ethical decision-making: a review of the literature.
19 Nyrhinen T et al. Privacy and equality in diagnostic genetic testing.
20 Nyrhinen T et al. Consequences as ethical issues in diagnostic genetic testing - a comparison of the perceptions of patients/parents and personnel.
21 Nyrhinen T. Ethics in Diagnostic Genetic Testing.
22 Pelander T et al. Children in the hospital: elements of quality in drawings.
23 Pelander T et al. Quality of pediatric nursing care in Finland: children's perspective.
24 Pirinen L. Työterveyshoitajan terveysneuvonta ja sen kehittyminen - esimerkkinä painonhallinta.
25 Pitkälä K et al. Miten ikääntyneiden kuntoutusta tulisi kehittää?
26 Rankinen S et al. Expectations and received knowledge by surgical patients .
27 Routamaa M, Hupli M. Käsihygienia hoitotyössä.
28 Routasalo P et al. Luopuminen ikääntyneiden henkilöiden ryhmäkeskusteluissa.
29 Salmela M, Leino-Kilpi H. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijioden hoitamisen taidot ja niiden opetus ammattikorkeakoulussa.
30 Siponen U et al. Increase in involuntary psychiatric treatment and child welfare placements in Finland 1996-2003. A nationwide register study.
31 Suhonen R et al. The patient satisfaction scale - an empirical investigation into the Finnish adaptation.
32 Suhonen R et al. Provision of individualised care improves hospital patient outcomes: an explanatory model using LISREL.
33 Suhonen R et al. Hospitals' organizational variables and patients' perceptions of individualized nursing care in Finland.
34 Suhonen R et al. Yksilöllisellä hoidolla tyytyväisyyttä ja elämänlaatua ortopedisille potilaille.
35 Suhonen RA et al. Day-case surgery patients' health-related quality of life .
36 Suikkala A. Nursing Student-Patient Relationship and Associated Factors.
37 Suominen MH et al. Vitamin D and calcicum supplementation among aged residents in nursing homes.
38 Teeri S. Ethical Problems in Long-Term Institutional Care of Older Patients in the Field of Integrity.
39 Teeri S et al. Nurses perceptions of older patients integrity in long-term institutions.
40 Teeri S et al. Maintaining the integrity of older patients in long-term institutions: relatives' perceptions.
41 Virtanen H et al. Kirurgisen potilaan oppimistarpeet - katsaus oppimistarpeita arvioiviin mittareihin.
42 Virtanen H et al. Empowering discourse in patient education.
43 Välimäki M et al. Patients' perceptions of Internet usage and their opportunity to obtain health information.
44 Välimäki M et al. Hoitohenkilökunnan valmiudet hyödyntää informaatioteknologiaa potilasopetutuksessa.

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008