Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (yleislääketiede)

Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Ahto M et al. Stronger symptoms of depression predict high coronary heart disease mortality in older men and women.
2 Akkanen J. Inpatient Hospital Care and Its Costs Among Type 1 Diabetic Patients in Finland - a Nationwide Longitudinal Study.
3 Eskelinen S et al. Biochemical reference intervals for sex hormones with a new AutoDelfia method in aged men.
4 Eskelinen SI et al. Associations of sex hormone concentrations with health and life satisfaction in elderly men.
5 Eskelinen SI et al. Associations of thyroid-stimulating hormone and free thyroxine concentrations with health and life satisfaction in elderly adults.
6 Honkanen P et al. Comparison of two vaccination programmes in preventing influenza-related hospitalization among the elderly during two consecutive seasons.
7 Jaatinen PT et al. Incidence of hip fractures among the elderly in Satakunta, Finland.
8 Loikas S et al. Vitamin B12 deficiency in the aged: a population-based study.
9 Loikas S et al. Renal impairment compromises the use of total homocysteine and methylmalonic acid but not total vitamin B12 and holotranscobalamin in screening for vitamin B12 deficiency in the aged.
10 Loikas S. Vitamin B12 Deficiency in the aged: Laboratory Diagnosis, Prevalence and Clinical Profile.
11 Mattila R et al. The effects of lifestyle intervention for hypertension on low back pain. A randomized controlled trial.
12 Piirtola M et al. Incidence of fractures and changes over time among the aged in a Finnish municipality: a population-based 12-year follow-up.
13 Puustinen J et al. Associations between use of benzodiazepines or related drugs and health, physical abilities and cognitive function. A non-randomised clinical study in the elderly.
14 Saxen U et al. Perusterveydenhuollon lisäkoulutusvaiheen lääkäreiden ohjaus terveyskeskuksissa kohenemassa. Lisääntyyko kiinnostus yleislääketieteeseen?
15 Sjösten N. The Effects of Multifactorial Fall Prevention on the Psychological Risk Factors of Falling.
16 Sjösten NM et al. A multifactorial fall prevention programme in home-dwelling elderly people: A randomized-controlled trial.
17 Sjösten NM et al. A multifactorial fall prevention programme in the community-dwelling aged: predictors of adherence.
18 Teinonen T et al. Vanhusten sosiaalinen osallistuminen ja elinajan ennuste.
19 Vaapio S et al. Effects of risk-based multifactorial fall prevention on health-related quality of life among the community-dwelling aged: a randomized controlled trial.
20 Wendelin-Saarenhovi M et al. Ambulatory blood pressure: associations with coronary heart disease in the aged Finnish population.

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008