Kirurgian klinikka

Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Aaltonen V. PKC and neurofibromin in the molecular pathology of urinary bladder carcinoma. The effect of PKC inhibitors on carcinoma cell junctions, movement and death.
2 Aaltonen V et al. PKC inhibitor Go6976 induces mitosis and enhances doxorubicin-paclitaxel cytotoxicity in urinary bladder carcinoma cells.
3 Blanco G et al. Virtsaelinten syöpä.
4 Boström PJ, Soloway MS. Secondary cancer after radiotherapy for prostate cancer: Should we be more aware of the risk?
5 Boström PJ, Soloway MS. Upper urinary tract cancer - challenges for the urologist.
6 Dagvadorj A et al. Autocrine prolactin promotes prostate cancer cell growth via janus kinase-2-signal transducer and activator of transcription-5a/b signaling pathway.
7 Grönroos JM. Unsuccessful endoscopic stenting in iatrogenic bile duct injury. Remember rendezvous procedure.
8 Grönroos JM. Mirizzi syndrome: consider endoscopic stone removal.
9 Gueimonde M et al. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the bifidobacterial microbiota in the colonic mucosa of patients with colorectal cancer, diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
10 Guiducci L et al. Biodistribution of the fatty acid analogue 18F-FTHA: Plasma and tissue partitioning between lipid pools during fasting and hyperinsulinemia.
11 Heiro M et al. Short-term and one-year outcome of infective endocarditis in adult patients treated in a Finnish teaching hospital during 1980-2004.
12 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. Risk of serious upper gastrointestinal events with concurrent use of NSAIDs and SSRIs: a case-control study in the general population.
13 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. Risk of upper gastrointestinal events with the use of various NSAIDs: A case-control study in a general population.
14 Hiissa M et al. Towards automated classification of intensive care nursing narratives.
15 Hilska M et al. Prognostic significance of matrix metalloproteinases-1, -2, -7 and -13 and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-1, -2, -3 and -4 in colorectal cancer.
16 Ikonen TS et al. Ligation of ameroid-stenosed coronary artery leads to reproducible myocardial infarction - A pilot study in a porcine model.
17 Iozzo P et al. Quantification of liver glucose metabolism by positron emission tomography: validation study in pigs.
18 Joensuu H, Roberts P. Gastrointestinaalinen stroomatuumori GIST.
19 Joensuu H, Roberts PJ. Gastrointestinaalinen stroomatuumori eli GIST.
20 Joensuu H et al., toim. Syöpätaudit 3. p.
21 Juutilainen V, Niemi T. Uusia ajatuksia ja välineitä haavan hoitoon.
22 Järvinen M et al. Kirurgian professorit: Selvityshenkilöiltä varsin radikaaleja ehdotuksia erikoislääkärikoulutuksesta.
23 Karvonen J et al. Bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: primary and long-term results from a single institution.
24 Kauhanen S et al. Fluorine-18-L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (18F-DOPA) positron emission tomography as a tool to localize an insulinoma or beta-cell hyperplasia in adult patients.
25 Kiss J et al. Antioxidants combined with NO donor enhance systemic inflammation in acute lung injury in rats.
26 Kiss J et al. IFN-beta protects from vascular leakage via up-regulation of CD73.
27 Kiviniemi K, Leinonen T. Rakenteinen kirjaaminen perioperatiivisessa hoitotyössä.
28 Kokk K et al. Expression of insulin signaling transmitters and glucose transporters at the protein level in the rat testis.
29 Koskivuo I et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in cutaneous melanoma: a case-control study.
30 Koskivuo IO et al. Whole body positron emission tomography in follow-up of high risk melanoma.
31 Kössi J et al. The cleansing result of oral sodium phosphate is inversely correlated with time between the last administration and colonoscopy.
32 Kössi J et al. Laparoscopic sigmoid and rectal resection using an electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing device.
33 Leinonen T, Aho L. Preoperatiivisen hoitotyön laatu - miten määritellään ja kuinka mitataan?
34 Leinonen T et al. Perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaaminen haasteiden edessä.
35 Leinonen T, Wilskman K. Perioperatiivisen hoitotyön asiantuntijasairaanhoitaja - Tuija Leinonen ihanneammatissaan.
36 Lukkarinen O et al. Eturauhassyöpä.
37 Minn H et al. Tuntematon primaarikasvain.
38 Mäenpää M et al. The effects of surgical levels of sevoflurane and propofol anaesthesia on heart rate variability.
39 Niinikoski J et al. ECHM-ETRS joint conference on oxygen and tissue repair, Ravenna, Italy, October 27-28, 2006: Recommendations by the international jury.
40 Ovaska J. Hiatusherniat.
41 Ovaska J. Refluksisairaus. Kirurginen hoito.
42 Pakkanen M, Suominen E. Esteettinen kirurgia.
43 Rissanen M et al. Novel homogenous time-resolved fluorometric RT-PCR assays for quantification of PSA and hK2 mRNAs in blood.
44 Roberts PJ. Kirurginen hoito.
45 Roberts PJ et al. Haimasyöpä.
46 Roberts PJ, Joensuu H. Kliininen diagnostiikka ja levinneisyysluokittelu.
47 Roberts PJ, Pyrhönen S. Mahasyöpä.
48 Roberts PJ et al. Maksan ja sappiteiden syöpä.
49 Routamaa M. ESBL - Torjuntakäytännöt Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirissä.
50 Routamaa M, Hupli M. Käsihygienia hoitotyössä.
51 Routamaa M et al. Eighth congress of the International Federation of Infection Control (IFIC) 18.-21.10.2007 Budapest, Unkari. Matkakertomus Budapestistä IFIC-konferenssista.
52 Saarto T et al. Onkologiset hätätilanteet.
53 Salminen P. Studies on Surgical Treatment of Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease.
54 Salminen P et al. Surgeons' experience with laparoscopic fundoplication after the early personal experience: does it have an impact on the outcome?
55 Salminen P, Ovaska J. Re: Reflux laryngitis: A feasible indication for laparoscopic antireflux surgery? Surg laparosc endosc percutan tech. 2007;17:73-78.
56 Salminen P et al. Reflux laryngitis: A feasible indication for laparoscopic antireflux surgery?
57 Salminen PTP et al. Comparison of long-term outcome of laparoscopic and conventional Nissen fundoplication. A prospective randomized study with an 11-year follw-up.
58 Stenman U-H et al. Kasvainmerkkiaineet.
59 Suominen E, Pyrhönen S. Ihosyöpä.
60 Suominen EA et al. Free latissimus dorsi perforator flap for reconstruction of hemifacial atrophy: case report.
61 Tammela T et al. Therapeutic differentiation and maturation of lymphatic vessels after lymph node dissection and transplantation.
62 Terho K et al. Hygieniaprojektien avulla yhdenmukaisiin hygieniakäytäntöihin.
63 Vaalasti A et al. Krooninen alaraajahaava,. Käypä hoito -suositus.
64 Valtonen M et al. New mini-extracorporeal circulation system (ECC.O) is a safe technique in coronary surgery.

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008