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Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Aaltonen R et al. Local inflammatory response in choriodecidua induced by Ureaplasma urealyticum.
2 Alhola P. Cognitive Performance and Menopause.
3 Auranen A et al. Prognostic factors of ovarian granulosa cell tumor: a study of 35 patients and review of the literature.
4 Backman T. User Satisfaction, Efficacy and Safety of the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Contraceptive System. A Nation-Wide Surveillance Study of a Cohort of 17 360 Finnish Women.
5 Elovainio M et al. Depressive symptoms as predictors of discontinuation of treatment of menorrhagia by levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.
6 Halmesmäki K et al. The effect of hysterectomy or levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system on sexual functioning among women with menorrhagia: a 5-year randomised controlled trial.
7 Hurskainen R et al. Diagnosis and treatment of menorrhagia.
8 Härkki P et al. Pitääkö kaikki endometriumpolyypit poistaa?
9 Kaaja R et al. Effects of sympatholytic therapy on insulin sensitivity indices in hypertensive postmenopausal women.
10 Kestilä KK et al. Continuous glucose monitoring versus self-monitoring of blood glucose in the treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus.
11 Kiilholma P et al. Naisten virtsankarkailun hoito. Käypä hoito -suosituksen tiivistelmä.
12 Kortekangas-Savolainen O, Kiilholma P. Treatment of vulvovaginal erosive and stenosing lichen planus by surgical dilatation and methotrexate.
13 Kumpulainen S. Operative Treatment of Ovarian Cancer and Borderline Tumors in Different Hospital Categories in Finland.
14 Kumpulainen S et al. Surgical staging, treatment, and follow-up borderline tumors in different hospital categories: a prospective nationwide survey in Finland.
15 Laurikainen E et al. Retropubic compared with transobturator tape placement in treatment of urinary incontinence.
16 Maunu J et al. Antenatal Doppler measurements and early brain injury in very low birth weight infants.
17 Mäkinen J. Sex Hormones and Atherosclerosis in Aging Men.
18 Mäkinen JI et al. Sexual symptoms in aging men indicate poor life satisfaction and increased health service consumption.
19 Norén H et al. Fetal scalp pH and ST analysis of the fetal ECG as an adjunct to cardiotocography to predict fetal acidosis in labor.
20 Perheentupa A, Huhtaniemi I. Does the andropause exist?
21 Polo-Kantola P. Sleep and menopause.
22 Pöyhönen-Alho M et al. Use of insulin glargine during pregnancy.
23 Saaresranta T, Polo-Kantola P. Vaihdevuosi-ikäisen naisen uni- ja unenaikaiset hengityshäiriöt.
24 Siira S et al. Change in heart rate variability in relation to a significant ST-event associates with newborn metabolic acidosis.
25 Timonen S. Synnytyksen hoito.
26 Virtanen I et al. Sleep stage dependent patterns of nonlinear heart rate dynamics in postmenopausal women.
27 Vuento M et al. Ultrasonographic-guided pervaginal cul-de-sac cytology in the follow-up of ovarian carcinoma.
28 Winter C et al. Variations in policies for management of the third stage of labour and the immediate management of postpartum haemorrhage in Europe.

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008