Lastentautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Aaltonen M et al. Inhaled nitric oxide treatment inhibits neuronal injury after meconium aspiration in piglets.
2 Allander T et al. Human bocavirus and acute wheezing in children.
3 Ankelo M et al. Antibody responses to deamidated gliadin peptide show high specificity and parallel antibodies to tissue transglutaminase in developing coeliac disease.
4 Bay K et al. Insulin-like factor 3 levels in cord blood and serum from children: Effects of age, postnatal hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis activation, and cryptorchidism.
5 Beauchamp NJ et al. Glycogen storage disease type IX: High variability in clinical phenotype.
6 Bielinska M et al. GATA-4 is required for sex steroidogenic cell development in the fetal mouse.
7 Collado MC et al. Intestinal integrity and Akkermansia muciniphila, a mucin-degrading member of the intestinal microbiota present in infants, adults, and the elderly.
8 Damgaard IN et al. Cryptorchidism and maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
9 Dekki N et al. Type 1 diabetic serum interferes with pancreatic beta-cell Ca2+ -handling.
10 Domanskyi A et al. Expression and localization of androgen receptor-interacting protein-4 in the testis.
11 Edelman K et al. Immunity to pertussis 5 years after booster immunization during adolescence.
12 Elomaa A et al. Population dynamics of Bordetella pertussis in Finland and Sweden, neighbouring countries with different vaccination histories.
13 Grönlund M-M et al. Maternal breast-milk and intestinal bifidobacteria guide the compositional development of the Bifidobacterium microbiota in infants at risk of allergic disease.
14 Grönroos M et al. Vastasyntyneen hyperbilirubinemian hoitokaaviot.
15 Grönroos MH et al. Long-term renal function following bone marrow transplantation.
16 Gueimonde M et al. Breast milk: A source of bifidobacteria for infant gut development and maturation?
17 Hallander H et al. Bordetella pertussis strains circulating in Europe in 1999 to 2004 as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.
18 Harila-Saari AH et al. Scholastic achievements of childhood leukemia patients: A nationwide, register-based study.
19 Heikkinen E et al. Comparative genomics of bordetella pertussis reveals progressive gene loss in finnish strains.
20 Heikkinen T. Milloin influenssaa kannattaa hoitaa?
21 Heikkinen T. Influenssa.
22 Heikkinen T et al. Suositus lasten influenssarokotuksista - ei sittenkään niin hataralla pohjalla.
23 Hou Mi. Preservation of Male Fertility in Childhood Acute Leukemia. An experimental study addressing novel strategies and putative risks.
24 Huurre A. The Hygiene Hypothesis: Reinforcing Health Counselling against Allergy in Early Infancy.
25 Hämäläinen H et al. Lapsena sydänvian vuoksi leikattujen elämäntilanne aikuisiässä.
26 Ilmonen J et al. Ravitsemusneuvonta koetaan tärkeäksi neuvolatyössä.
27 Isolauri E. Probiotics in preterm infants: a controversial issue.
28 Jahnukainen T et al. Lasten akuutti tubulointerstitiaalinefriitti.
29 Jahnukainen T, Nuutinen M. Lapsen virtsatieinfektion tutkimukset ja hoito.
30 Jartti T et al. Efficacy of prednisolone in children hospitalized for recurrent wheezing.
31 Jartti T et al. Atopic characteristics of wheezing children and responses to prednisolone.
32 Jartti T et al. Enemmän huomiota uuden kohtauksen riskiin lapsen bronkioliitin hoidossa.
33 Jartti T, Vanto T. Inhaloitava kortikosteroidi vai montelukasti lasten astman aloituslääkkeeksi?
34 Kainulainen L et al. Bacteria and viruses in maxillary sinuses of patients with primary hypogammaglobulinemia.
35 Kaitosaari T. Serum Lipids, Lipoproteins, LDL Particle Size and Insulin Resistance in Healthy 7- To 11-Year-Old Children.
36 Kallio K et al. Tobacco smoke exposure is associated with attenuated endothelial function in 11-year-old healthy children.
37 Kalliomäki M et al. Kaksivuotiaan kalpeus ja väsymys - hoidon puutetta vai sen seuraus? Vinkistä vihiä.
38 Kalliomäki M et al. Probiotics during the first 7 years of life: A cumulative risk reduction of eczema in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
39 Kaplas N et al. Dietary counseling and probiotic supplementation during pregnancy modify placental phopholipid fatty acids.
40 Kirjavainen PV et al. Postnatal effects of obstetrical epidural anesthesia on allergic sensitization.
41 Kiviniemi M et al. A high-throughput population screening system for the estimation of genetic risk for type 1 diabetes: An application for the TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young) study.
42 Kleemola M et al. Heterodimerization of y+ LAT-1 and 4F2hc visualized by acceptor photobleaching FRET microskopy.
43 Korvenranta E et al. Differences in the length of initial hospital stay in very preterm infants.
44 Koskenvuo M et al. Mixed bacterial-viral infections in septic children with leukemia.
45 Kozák-Bárány A. Left Ventricular Myocardial Function in the Newborn Infant - A Cardiac Ultrasound Study.
46 Lahti E et al. Development of parapneumonic empyema in children.
47 Laimi K et al. Adolescent disc degeneration - no headache association.
48 Laimi K et al. Characteristics of neck pain associated with adolescent headache.
49 Laimi K et al. Does neck pain determine the outcome of adolescent headache?
50 Laine A-P et al. Two insulin gene single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with type 1 diabetes risk in the Finnish and Swedish populations.
51 Laitinen K, Isolauri E. Allergic infants: Growth and implications while on exclusion diets.
52 Latva R et al. Visits by the family to the neonatal intensive care unit.
53 Lehtinen P et al. Prednisolone reduces recurrent wheezing after a first wheezing episode associated with rhinovirus infection or eczema.
54 Lehtinen P et al. Prednisoloni ehkäisee toistuvaa uloshengitysvaikeutta rinovirusinfektioon tai ihottumaan liittyvän ensimmäisen kohtauksen jälkeen.
55 Lehtonen L. Keskosten sairaalainfektioiden vähentäminen onnistuu.
56 Lehtonen L et al. Vastasyntyneen sepsis.
57 Liljeström B et al. Adolescents at risk for MODY3 diabetes prefer genetic testing before adulthood.
58 Liljeström M-R et al. Familial occurrence of signs of temporomandibular disorders in headache children and their mothers.
59 Lähteenmäki PM et al. Scholastic achievements of children with brain tumors at the end of comprehensive education.
60 Madanat L-MS et al. The natural history of thyroid function abnormalities after treatment for childhood cancer.
61 Main KM et al. Flame retardants in placenta and breast milk and cryptorchidism in newborn boys.
62 Maunu J et al. Antenatal Doppler measurements and early brain injury in very low birth weight infants.
63 Nermes M et al. Äidinmaidonkorvikkeiden tuotevalikoima monipuolistuu - syntyykö valinnanvaikeuksia?
64 Niinikoski H et al. Neonatal hypothyroidism after amiodarone therapy.
65 Niinikoski H et al. Impact of repeated dietary counseling between infancy and 14 years of age on dietary intakes and serum lipids and lipoproteins. The STRIP study.
66 Niinikoski H et al. Tyypin IX glykogenoosi - suuren maksan harvinainen syy lapsella.
67 Niinikoski H et al. Inhaloitavat kortikosteroidit, lisämunuaislama ja kasvu.
68 Nurmio M et al. Inhibition of tyrosine kinases PDGFR and C-Kit by imatinib mesylate interferes with postnatal testicular development in the rat.
69 Ojala TH, Lehtonen L. A preliminary report - Heparin counteracts indomethacin effect on ductus arteriosus in very low birthweight infats.
70 Oksanen A et al. Neck flexor muscle fatique in adolescents with headache: an electromyographic study.
71 Oksanen A et al. Repeatability of electromyography and force measurements of the neck muscles in adolescents with and without headache.
72 Peltola V et al. Pulmonary abscess of viral-bacterial etiology in a neonate.
73 Peltola V et al. Discrepancy between total white blood cell counts and serum C-reactive protein levels in febrile children.
74 Peltoniemi OM et al. Randomized trial of a single repeat dose of prenatal betamethasone treatment in imminent preterm birth.
75 Piirainen T et al. Impact of national fortification of fluid milks and margarines with vitamin D on dietary intake and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in 4-year-old children.
76 Puomila K et al. Two alternative promoters regulate the expression of lysinuric protein intolerance gene SLC7 A7.
77 Rajpert-De Meyts E et al. Proceedings of the 6th Copenhagen workshop on carcinoma in situ testis and germ cell cancer, 26-28 october 2006.
78 Rautava L et al. The effect of birth in secondary- or tertiary-level hospitals in Finland on mortality in very preterm infants: A birth-register study.
79 Rautava L et al. Suomen keskus- ja yliopistosairaaloissa syntyneiden pikkukeskosten kuolleisuus.
80 Rautava L et al. Acoustic quality of cry in very-low-birth-weight infants at the age of 1 ½ years.
81 Renko M et al. A randomized, controlled trial of tonsillectomy in periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis syndrome.
82 Ritzén M et al. Nordic consensus on treatment of undescended testes.
83 Ronkainen J et al. Henoch-Schönleinin purppura lapsilla .
84 Ruohola A et al. The dynamics of bacteria in the middle ear during the course of acute otitis media with tympanostomy tube otorrhea.
85 Ruuskanen O. Miten seurata aikaansa?
86 Salmi TT et al. Lasten solidit kasvaimet.
87 Schmitt H-J et al. How to optimise the coverage rate of infant and adult immunisations in Europe.
88 Shen H et al. From mother to child: Investigation of prenatal and postnatal exposure to persistent bioaccumulating toxicants using breast milk and placenta biomonitoring.
89 Simell S et al. Fate of five celiac disease-associated antibodies during normal diet in genetically at-risk children observed from birth in a natural history study.
90 Skakkebaek NE et al. Testicular cancer trends as ´whistle blowers´ of testicular developmental problems in populations.
91 Stolt S et al. Size and composition of lexicon in prematurely born verry-low-birth-weight and full-term Finnish children at two years of age.
92 Ståhlberg M-R. Sosiaalipediatristen ongelmien hoitamiseen tarvitaan toimiva yhteistyöverkosto.
93 Tanner L. Long-term Outcome of Lysinuric Protein Intolerance.
94 Tanner LM et al. Long-term oral lysine supplementation in lysinuric protein intolerance.
95 Tanner LM et al. Nephropathy advancing to end-stage renal disease: A novel complication of lysinuric protein intolerance.
96 Tanner LM et al. Nutrient intake in lysinuric protein intolerance.
97 Tauriainen S et al. Human parechovirus 1 infections in young children-no association with type 1 diabetes.
98 Tommiska V et al. No improvement in outcome of nationwide extremely low birth weight infant populations between 1996-1997 and 1999-2000.
99 Toppari J. Huiput ovat harvassa. Uusi biometrinen mittari tutkijoiden arviointiin: h-indeksi.
100 Toppari J et al. Luteinizing hormone in testicular descent .
101 Tuomisto J, Toppari J. Altistus ympäristötekijöille ennen syntymää.
102 Vandenplas Y et al. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of cow's milk protein allergy in infants.
103 Virtanen HE et al. Development and descent of the testis in relation to cryptorchidism.
104 Virtanen HE, Toppari J. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome as a congenital disease.
105 Virtanen R et al. Changing headache from preschool age to puberty.
106 Volanen I. Chronic Infections and Atherosclerosis Development in Children and Adolescents. With Emphasis on Chlamydia pneumoniae.
107 Waris ME et al. Nasal swabs for detection of respiratory syncytial virus RNA.
108 Werterlund A et al. Affinity maturation of immunoglobulin A anti-tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies during development of coeliac disease.
109 Zhongyi S et al. Transgenic male mice expressing human hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 indicate a role for the enzyme independent of its action on sex steroids.
110 Öling V et al. Circulating CD4+CD25high regulatory T cells and natural killer T cells in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes or with diabetes-associated autoantibodies.

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008