Psykiatrian klinikka

Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Hirvonen J et al. Measurement of serotonin 5-HT1A receptor binding using positron emission tomography and (carbonyl-11C)WAY-100635 - considerations on the validity of cerebellum as a reference region.
2 Honkonen T et al. Employment predictors for discharged schizophrenia patients.
3 Karlsson L et al. Lapsuuden stressi uhkaa aikuisiän terveyttä.
4 Koikkalainen J et al. Shape variability of the human striatum - effects of age and gender.
5 Korkeila J et al. Use of antidepressants and suicide rate in Finland: an ecological study.
6 Korkeila JA et al. Physical ill health and risk of psychosis.
7 Lumme V et al. Dopamine D2/D3 receptor binding in the anterior cingulate cortex and executive functioning.
8 Luutonen S. Sepelvaltimotautipotilaan masennuksen diagnostiikka ja hoito.
9 Luutonen S. Sydän ja masennus.
10 Luutonen S. Anger and depression - theoretical and clinical considerations.
11 Markkula J. On Restless Legs in Psychiatry. Clinical Observations on RLS from a Psychiatric Point of View.
12 Martikainen IK et al. Correlation of human cold pressor pain responses with 5-HT 1A receptor binding in the brain.
13 Mattila AK et al. Alexithymia and life satisfaction in primary healthcare patients.
14 McGlashan TH et al. Recruitment and treatment practices for help-seeking "prodromal" patients.
15 Nyman MJ et al. Gender and age affect NK1 receptors in the human brain - a positron emission tomography study with (18F)SPA-RQ.
16 Poutanen O et al. The depression scale as a screening instrument for a subsequent depressive episode in primary healtcare patients.
17 Poutanen O et al. Seven-year outcomeof depression in primary and psychiatric outpatient care: results of the Tadep (Tampere Depressio) II study.
18 Salokangas RKR. Psykoosin hoidosta riskivaiheen hoitoon.
19 Salokangas RKR. Medical problems in schizophrenia patients living in the community (alternative facilities).
20 Salokangas RKR. Nuoren vakavan mielenterveyshäiriön tunnistaminen on vaikeaa, mutta ei mahdotonta.
21 Salokangas RKR, Hietala J. Insuliini - ensimmäinen skitsofreniaa ehkäisevä lääke?
22 Salokangas RKR et al. Social role behaviour of patients with long-term schizophrenia in the community during sharp decline in number of psychiatric beds.
23 Salokangas RKR et al. Body mass index and functioning in long-term schizophrenia: results of the DSP project.
24 Salokangas RKR et al. Vulnerability to psychosis increases the risk of depression. Results of the RADEP study.
25 Svirskis T. Clinical Characterization of Subjects Wulnerable to Psychosis.
26 Svirskis T et al. Quality of life and functioning ability in subjects vulnerable to psychosis.
27 Wallius E et al. Voxel-based NK 1 receptor occupancy measurements with (18F)SPA-RQ and positron emission tomogrphy: A procedure for assessing errors from image reconstruction and physiological modeling.
28 Wolf J et al. A prospective, multicentre, open-label study of aripiprazole in the management of patients with schizophrenia in psychiatric practice in Europe: Broad effectiveness trial with Aripiprazole in Europe (EU-BETA).

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008