Lastenpsykiatrian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Ellilä H. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Care in Finland.
2 Ellilä H et al. Ideology of nursing care in child psychiatric inpatient treatment.
3 Elonheimo H et al. Police-registered offenses and psychiatric disorders among young males. The Finnish "From a boy to a man" birth cohort study.
4 Lindqvist B et al. Factors associated with the mental health of adolescents when a parent has a cancer.
5 Pajulo M. Päihdeäidin kykyä tunnistaa vauvan tarpeita on tuettava mahdollisimman varhain.
6 Schmitt F. Lapsi ja vanhemman sairastuminen syöpään.
7 Schmitt F et al. Lapsipotilaan psykiatrinen palveluketju on hajanainen.
8 Schmitt F et al. Children of parents with cancer: A collaborative project between a child psychiatry clinic and an adult oncology clinic.
9 Schmitt F, Piha J. A colloquio con la vita. Un'esperienza clinica con pazienti terminali.
10 Schmitt F et al. Tarvitaanko syöpätautien klinikassa perhepsykoterapeuttia?
11 Sourander A. Turvapaikkaa hakevien pakolaislasten ja -nuorten mielenterveys.
12 Sourander A et al. Who is at greatest risk of adverse long-term outcomes? The Finnish from a boy to a man study. .
13 Sourander A et al. Childhood bullies and victims and their risk of criminality in late adolescence: The Finnish from a boy to a man study. .
14 Sourander A et al. What is the early adulthood outcome of boys who bully or are bullied in childhood? The Finnish from a boy to a man study. .
15 Wahlbeck K et al. Mielenterveyden edistäminen on yhteistyötä.

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008