Neurologian klinikka

Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Airas L et al. Mechanism of action of IFN-beta in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. A special reference to CD73 and adenosine.
2 Airas L et al. Postpartum-activation of multiple sclerosis is associated with down-regulation of tolerogenic HLA-G.
3 Annunen-Rasila J et al. Cytoskeletal structure in cells harboring two mutations: R133C in NOTCH3 and 5650G>A in mitochondrial DNA.
4 Annunen-Rasila J et al. Proteome and cytoskeleton responses in osteosarcoma cells with reduced OXPHOS activity.
5 Forssell H et al. Differences and similarities between atypical facial pain and trigeminal neuropathic pain.
6 Haltia LT et al. Effects of intravenous glucose on dopaminergic function in the human brain in vivo.
7 Haltia LT et al. Brain white matter expansion in human obesity and the recovering effect of dieting.
8 Hiekkanen H et al. MRI changes and ApoE genotype, a prospective 1-year follow-up of traumatic brain injury: A pilot study.
9 Kalliomäki M et al. Kaksivuotiaan kalpeus ja väsymys - hoidon puutetta vai sen seuraus? Vinkistä vihiä.
10 Korja M et al. Hyperostosis frontalis interna as a novel finding in Unverricht-Lundborg disease.
11 Korja M et al. Substantial thalamostriatal dopaminergic defect in Unverricht-Lundborg disase.
12 Lindell AB et al. Clinical assessment of hemispatial neglet: evaluation of different measures and dimensions.
13 Martikainen K et al. Työikäinen Parkinson-potilas.
14 Moulin CJA et al. Brain function during multi-trial learning in mild cognitive impairment: A PET activation study.
15 Paavilainen T et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain used to detect early post-partum activation of multiple sclerosis.
16 Saraste M et al. Expansion of CD56Bright natural killer cells in the peripheral blood of multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta.
17 Seppänen A et al. Distribution of collagen XVII in the human brain.
18 Sprigg N et al. Early recovery and functional outcome are related with causal stroke subtype: data from the Tinzaparin in acute ischemic stroke trial.
19 Sprigg N et al. Stroke severity, early recovery and outcome are each related with clinical classification of stroke: Data from the 'Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial'.
20 Strandberg M. The role of transesophageal echocardiography in patients with ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, or atrial fibrillation.
21 Tenovuo O. Central pain after brain trauma - A neglected problem in neglected victims.
22 Tenovuo O et al. Aivovamman jälkitilan diagnostiikka ja arviointi.
23 Ugalde C et al. Mutated ND2 impairs mitochondrial complex I assembly and leads to Leigh Syndrome.
24 Uusimaa J et al. Prevalence, segregation and phenotype of the mitochondrial DNA 3243A>G mutation in children.

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008