Laboratoriotoiminnan yksikkö

Julkaisut 2007
Publications 2007

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1 Eskelinen S et al. Biochemical reference intervals for sex hormones with a new AutoDelfia method in aged men.
2 Eskelinen SI et al. Associations of sex hormone concentrations with health and life satisfaction in elderly men.
3 Eskelinen SI et al. Associations of thyroid-stimulating hormone and free thyroxine concentrations with health and life satisfaction in elderly adults.
4 Grönroos M et al. Vastasyntyneen hyperbilirubinemian hoitokaaviot.
5 Grönroos P, Lehtonen O-P. Mitkä laboratoriotulokset tarvitaan kiireellisesti terveyskeskuksissa?
6 Grönroos P et al. Influence of apolipoprotein E polymorphism on serum lipid and lipoprotein changes: a 21-year follow-up study from childhood to adulthood. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
7 Hiekkanen H et al. MRI changes and ApoE genotype, a prospective 1-year follow-up of traumatic brain injury: A pilot study.
8 Kallio K et al. Tobacco smoke exposure is associated with attenuated endothelial function in 11-year-old healthy children.
9 Knuutila S et al. Syto- ja molekyyligenetiikka.
10 Koistinen P et al. Long-term outcome of intensive chemotherapy for adults with de novo acute myeloid leukaemia (AML): the nationwide AML-92 study by the Finnish Leukaemia Group.
11 Koivula M-K et al. Autoantibodies binding to citrullinated telopeptide of type II collagen and to cyclic citrullinated peptides predict synergistically the development of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis.
12 Leino A, Loo B-M. Comparison of three commercial tests for buprenorphine screening in urine.
13 Loikas S et al. Vitamin B12 deficiency in the aged: a population-based study.
14 Loikas S et al. Renal impairment compromises the use of total homocysteine and methylmalonic acid but not total vitamin B12 and holotranscobalamin in screening for vitamin B12 deficiency in the aged.
15 Loikas S. Vitamin B12 Deficiency in the aged: Laboratory Diagnosis, Prevalence and Clinical Profile.
16 Meurman O. Tutkimuskäsineiden suojateho.
17 Mononen T et al. A novel duplication in the FMR1 gene: implications for molecular analysis in fragile X syndrome and repeat instability.
18 Nyrhinen T et al. Privacy and equality in diagnostic genetic testing.
19 Nyrhinen T et al. Consequences as ethical issues in diagnostic genetic testing - a comparison of the perceptions of patients/parents and personnel.
20 Nyrhinen T. Ethics in Diagnostic Genetic Testing.
21 Pelliniemi T-T. Megaloblastinen anemia.
22 Pelliniemi T-T. Krooninen eosinofiilinen leukemia ja muut eosinofiliat.
23 Pelliniemi T-T et al. Pahanlaatuisten veritautien nykydiagnostiikka.
24 Pelliniemi T-T, Tienhaara A. Leukemioiden immunofenotyypitys.
25 Putkonen M et al. Sepsis, low platelet nadir at modilization and previous IFN use predict stem cell mobilization failure in patients with multiple myeloma.
26 Risteli J et al. Citrullinated collagens in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.
27 Saldanha J et al. Characterization of a reference material for BCR-ABL (M-BCR) mRNA quantitation by real-time amplification assays: towards new standards for gene expression measurements.
28 Vuorma S et al. Kohtaavatko hoitokäytäntö ja suositus? Väestötutkimus pitkäaikaissairauksien hoidosta.
29 Wendelin-Saarenhovi M et al. Ambulatory blood pressure: associations with coronary heart disease in the aged Finnish population.

Julkaisutietokanta 22.10.2008 Publications Data Base 22.10.2008