Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (hoitotiede)

Julkaisut 2008
Publications 2008

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1 Alanen S et al. Hypertension quideline implementation: experiences of Finnish primary care nurses.
2 Anttila M et al. Information technology-based standardized patient education in psychiatric inpatient care.
3 Anttila M et al. Psychiatric nursing: theory and practice. Ethical questions related to ICT use in patient education.
4 Axelin A, Salanterä S. Ethics in neonatal pain research.
5 Ellila HT et al. The involuntary treatment of adolescent psychiatric inpatients - A nation-wide survey from Finland.
6 Eloranta S et al. Potilas kirurgisen hoidon laadun arvioitsijana.
7 Eriksson K et al. Hoitotiede ja tiede-etiikka.
8 Flinkman H et al. Explaining young registered Finnish nurses' intention to leave the profession: A questionnaire survey.
9 Hautala L et al. Towards understanding gender differences in disordered eating among adolescents.
10 Hautala L et al. Adolescents with fluctuating symptoms of eating disorders: a 1-year prospective study.
11 Heikkilä A et al. Verkkokysely tutkimusaineiston keruumenetelmänä.
12 Heikkinen K et al. A comparison of two educational interventions for the cognitive empowerment of ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients.
13 Hätönen H et al. Mental health: patients' experiences of patient education during inpatient care.
14 Inberg E et al. Keskosvauvan ja vanhempien varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen tukeminen hoitotyön menetelmin.
15 Kalam-Salminen L et al. Vanhempien hoidon laatua koskevat odotukset lapsivuodeosastoilla ja hoitohenkilökunta niihin vastaajana.
16 Koivunen M et al. Barriers and facilitators influencing the implementation of an interactive Internet.portal application for patient education in psychiatric hospitals.
17 Koivunen M et al. Developing an evidence-based curriculum designed to help psychiatric nurses learn to use computers and the Internet.
18 Koivunen M et al. The impact of individual factors on healthcare staff's computer use in psychiatric hospitals .
19 Koponen L et al. Patient knowledge of atrial fibrillation: 3-month follow-up after an emergency room visit.
20 Kuosmanen L et al. Patient complaints in Finland 2000-2004: a retrospective register study.
21 Laaksonen C et al. Health related quality of life in 10-year-old schoolchildren.
22 Lahti M et al. Ethical issues in E-Learning continuing education among psychiatric nurses.
23 Laiho R et al. Diagnostisen radiografian kirjallisten potilasohjeiden arviointi.
24 Lundgren-Laine H, Salanterä S. Ääneenajattelun tekniikka ja protokolla-analyysi päätöksenteon tutkimusmenetelminä.
25 Montin L, Leino-Kilpi H. Seurantatutkimuksen käyttö hoitotieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Esimerkkinä lonkan tekonivelleikkauksessa olleiden potilaiden seurantatutkimus.
26 Montin L et al. A systematic review of empirical studies between 1966 and 2005 of patient outcomes of total hip arthroplasty and related factors.
27 Pelander T. The Quality of Paediatric Nursing Care - Children's Perspective .
28 Pitkänen A et al. Patients' descriptions of nursing interventions supporting quality of life in acute psychiatric wards: A qualitative study.
29 Rantanen M et al. Knowledge expectations of patients on dialysis treatment.
30 Saarikoski M et al. Arviointimittari kuvaa käytännön oppimisympäristön ja ohjauksen laatua.
31 Siekkinen M et al. Quality of care experienced by Finnish cancer patients during radiotherapy.
32 Siekkinen M et al. Internet knowledge expectations by radiotherapy patients.
33 Siirilä J et al. Liikkuuko kymmenvuotias riittävästi?
34 Suhonen R et al. Individualised care from the orthopaedic and trauma patients' perspective: An international comparative survey.
35 Suhonen R et al. Health-related quality of life of day-case surgery patients: a pre/posttest survey using the EuroQoL-5D.
36 Suhonen R et al. A review of outcomes of individualised nursing interventions on adult patients.
37 Suikkala A et al. Factors related to the nursing student-patient relationship: The students' perspective.
38 Suominen T et al. Nurses' and nursing students' perceptions of sexual risk behavior: A study in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.
39 Suominen T et al. Work empowerment as experienced by nurses in elderly care.
40 Teeri S et al. Maintenance of patients' integrity in long-term institutional care.
41 Vaartio H. Nursing Advocacy: A Concept Clarification in Context of Procedural Pain Care.
42 Vaartio H et al. The content of advocacy in procedural pain care - patients' and nurses' perspectives.
43 von Schantz M et al. Hoitotyöntekijöiden ja potilaiden tiedot sairaalainfektioista ja käsihygieniasta sairaalainfektioiden torjunnassa.
44 Välimäki M et al. Design and development process of patient-centered computer-based support system for patients with schizophrenia spectrum psychosis.
45 Välimäki M et al. Nursing students' perceptions of self-determination in elderly people.
46 Välimäki M et al. Willingness to care for patients with HIV/AIDS.
47 Ääri R-L et al. Competence in intensive and critical care nursing: A literature review.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2009 Publications Data Base 7.10.2009