Sisätautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2008
Publications 2008

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1 Airaksinen J. Kroonisen sepelvaltimotaudin diagnostiikka.
2 Airaksinen J. Sepelvaltimotaudin konservatiivinen hoito.
3 Airaksinen J. Iäkkään sydänpotilaan hoito.
4 Airaksinen J. Hiippaläpän prolapsi.
5 Airaksinen J. Hiippaläpän vuodon aiheuttajat, seuraukset ja oireet.
6 Airaksinen J. Hiippaläpän vuodon tutkiminen .
7 Airaksinen J. Hiippaläpän ahtauma.
8 Airaksinen J. Aorttaläpän ahtauman syyt ja merkitys .
9 Airaksinen J. Aorttaläpän ahtauman oireet ja hoito.
10 Airaksinen J. Aorttaläpän vuoto.
11 Airaksinen J. Kolmoispurjeläpän viat.
12 Airaksinen J. Läppäleikkauksen jälkeinen hoito.
13 Airaksinen J, Hippeläinen M. Keuhkovaltimoläpän viat.
14 Airaksinen J, Ikäheimo M. Mitraaliläpän viat.
15 Airaksinen J, Ikäheimo M. Muut läppäviat.
16 Annala A-P et al. Safety of diagnostic coronary angiography during uninterrupted therapeutic warfarin treatment.
17 Arola OJ, Viikari J. Metabolinen oireyhtymä .
18 Asola M et al. Amino-acid-based peritoneal dialysis solution improves amino-acid transport into skeletal muscle .
19 Bakris G et al. The diabetes subgroup baseline characteristics of the avoiding cardiovascular events through combination therapy in patients living with systolic hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) trial.
20 Borra R et al. Inverse association between liver fat content and hepatic glucose uptake in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus .
21 Chapman N et al. Effect of Doxazosin gastrointestinal therapeutic system as third-line antihypertensive therapy on blood pressure and lipids in the Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcomes trial .
22 Cohen-Solal A et al. Benefits and safety of candersartan treatment in heart failure are independent of age: insights from the Candesartan in Heart failure-assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity programme .
23 Collings A et al. Allelic variants of upstream transcription factor 1 associate with carotid artery intima-media thickness. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
24 Collings A et al. The influence of smoking ana homocysteine on subclinical atherosclerosis is modified by the connexin37 C1019T polymorphism - The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
25 Collings A et al. Associations of methylenetetrahydrolate reductase C677T polymorphism with markers of subclinical atherosclerosis: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
26 Eikelboom JW et al. Incomplete inhibition of thromboxane biosynthesis by acetysalicylic acid. Determinants and effect on cardiovascular risk.
27 Eklund C et al. C-reactive protein genetics is associated with carotid artery compliance in men in the cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
28 Elovainio M et al. Association of the apolipoprotein E gene, its promoter polymorphisms and haplotypes with depressive symptoms - The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
29 Engblom E. Läppäleikkauksen jälkeinen seuranta ja tekoläppien komplikaatiot.
30 Färkkilä M et al. Serological markers for monitoring disease progression in noncirrhotic primary biliary cirrhosis on ursodeoxycholic acid therapy.
31 Gerstein HC et al. The hemoglobin A1c level as a progressive risk factor for cardiovascular death, hospitalization for heart failure, or death in patients with chronic heart failure: an analysis of the Candesartan in Heart failure.
32 Gimeno D et al. When do social inequalities in C-reactive protein start? A life course perspective from conception to adulthood in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
33 Gorin N-C et al. Identical outcome after autologous or allogeneic genoidentical hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in first remission of acute myelocytic leukemia carrying inversion 16 or t(8;21). A retrospective study from the European cooperative group for blood and marrow transplantation.
34 Gratwohl A et al. The EBMT activity survey 2006 on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: focus on the use of cord blood products .
35 Grönroos P et al. Relation of apolipoprotein E polymorhism to markers of early atheroschlerotic changes in young adults - The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
36 Grönroos P et al. Association of high sensitive C-reactive protein with apolipoprotein E polymorphism in children and young adults: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
37 Gupta AK et al. Determinants of new-onset diabetes among 19,257 hypertensive patients randomized in the Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcome trial-blood pressure lowering arm and the relative influence of antihypertensive medication.
38 Hakala M et al. Combination drug strategy in recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis suppresses collagen I degradation and associated with retardation of radiological progression .
39 Hakanen P, Järveläinen H. Vanhan rouvan odottamattoman syvät päiväunet.
40 Hart RG et al. Clopidogrel and aspirin versus aspirin alone for the prevention of stroke in patients with a history of atrial fibrillation: Subgroup analysis of the CHARISMA randomized trial.
41 Heinonen I et al. Myocardial blood flow and adenosine A2A receptor density in endurance athletes and untrained men.
42 Heiro M et al. Long-term outcome of infective endocarditis: A study on patients surviving over one year after the initial episode treated in a Finnish teaching hospital during 25 years.
43 Hernesniemi JA et al. Toll-like receptor 4 gene (Asp299Gly) polymorphism associates with carotid artery elasticity. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
44 Hietala K et al. Heritability of proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
45 Hintsa T et al. Is the association between job strain and carotid intima-media thickness attributable to pre-employment environmental and dispositional factors? The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
46 Hintsanen M et al. Val/Met polymorphism of the COMT gene moderates the association between job strain and early atherosclerosis in young men.
47 Hohenthal U et al. Aetiological diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia: Utility of rapid microbiological methods with respect to disease severity.
48 Hohenthal U et al. The role of rhinoviruses and enteroviruses in community acquired pneumonia in adults .
49 Honkanen E et al. Abdominal aortic calcification in dialysis patients: results of the CORD study.
50 Huikuri HV et al. Effects of intracoronary injection of mononuclear bone marrow cells on left ventricular function, arrhythmia risk profile, and restenosis after thormbolytic therapy of acute myocardial infarction .
51 Hytönen J et al. Borreliosis: recent research, diagnosis, and management.
52 Hämäläinen MM et al. Wilms tumour gene 1 overexpression in bone marrow as a marker for minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukaemia.
53 Ihalmo P et al. Association analysis of podocyte slit diaphragm genes as candidates for diabetic nephropathy.
54 Ilva T et al. Clinical significance of cardiac troponins I and T in acute heart failure.
55 Itälä M. Krooninen lymfaattinen leukemia (KLL).
56 Itälä M et al. Stem cell transplantation in poor-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia: assessment of post-transplant minimal residual disease using four- and six-color flow cytometry and allele-specific RQ-PCR.
57 Jalava-Karvinen P et al. Imported tungiasis in a Finnish journalist: the first case reported from the Nordic countries.
58 Jamerson K et al. Benazepril plus amlodipine or hydrochlorothiazide for hypertension in high-risk patients.
59 Jantunen E et al. Blood stem cell mobilization and collection in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a nationwide analysis.
60 Juonala M et al. Effect of age and sex on carotid intima-media thickness, elasticity and brachial endothelial function in healthy adults: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
61 Juonala M et al. Childhood levels of serum apolipoproteins B and A-I predict carotid intima-media thickness and brachial endothelial function in adulthood. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
62 Juonala M et al. Associations of dyslipidemias from childhood to adulthood with carotid intima-media thickness, elasticity, and brachial flow-mediated dilatation in adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
63 Juonala M et al. Mitä tiedämme lapsen riskistä sairastua aikuisena sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin?
64 Juutilainen A et al. Similarity of the impact of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on cardiovascular mortality in middle-aged subjects.
65 Järveläinen H, Rönnemaa T. Metformiini ja maitohappoasidoosi - totta vai tarua?
66 Kaaja R, Rönnemaa T. Gestational diabetes: Pathogenesis and consequences to mother and offspring.
67 Kalliokoski T et al. Pancreatic glucose uptake in vivo in men with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes.
68 Kantola I. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoito.
69 Kantola I. Primaarinen hypertensio.
70 Kantola I. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoito. ACE:n estäjää, ATR-salpaajaa vai jotain muuta. II erityistapaukset .
71 Kantola I. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoito. ACE:n estäjää, ATR-salpajaa vai jotain muuta. I Hoidon aiheet ja tavoitteet.
72 Kantola I. EKG iskeemisen sydäntaudin ja rytmihäiriöiden diagnostiikassa .
73 Kantola I. Verenpaineen kotimittaus, tarvitaanko enää toimistomittausta?
74 Karjalainen PP et al. Safety of percutaneous coronary intervention during uninterrupted oral anticoagulant treatment.
75 Karjalainen PP et al. Titanium-nitride-oxide coated stents versus paclitaxel-eluting stents in acute myocardial infarction: a 12-months follow-up report from the TITAX AMI trial .
76 Kauppila M. Trombosytopeeninen potilas.
77 Kauppila M. Miten lähestyn trombosytopeniaa?
78 Ketonen M et al. Long-term prognosis after coronary artery bypass surgery.
79 Kettunen R, Airaksinen J. Kroonisen sepelvaltimotaudin diagnostiikka .
80 Kivimäki M et al. Association of age at menarche with cardiovasular risk factors, vascular structure, and function in adulthood: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
81 Kivimäki M et al. Lifetime body mass index and later atheroschlerosis risk in young adults: examining causal links using Mendelian randomization in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
82 Kiviniemi TO et al. Effects of cognac on coronary flow reserve and plasma antioxidant status in healthy young men.
83 Kjeldsen SE et al. Predictors of blood pressure response to intensified and fixed combination treatment of hypertension: The ACCOMPLISH Study.
84 Knip M et al. Does the secular increase in body mass in children contribute to the increasing incidence of type 1 diabetes?
85 Knuuti J et al. Sydämen isotooppitutkimukset.
86 Koivuviita N. Sekundaarinen hypertensio.
87 Kolarik B et al. The association between phthalates in dust and allergic diseases among Bulgarian children.
88 Korhonen P et al. Glucose homeostasis in hypertensive subjects.
89 Koskenvuo JW et al. Twenty-four-month alfa-galactosidase A replacement therapy in Fabry disease has only minimal effects on symptoms and cardiovascular parameters.
90 Koukkunen H et al. Coronary events in persons aged 75 years or older in Finland from 1995 to 2002: the FINAMI study.
91 Kudomi N et al. Non-invasive estimation of hepatic blood perfusion from H2 15 O PET images using tissue-derived arterial and portal input functions.
92 Kupila L et al. Aikuispotilaiden aseptisen meningiitin ja enkefaliitin etiologia.
93 Kuu-Karkku V et al. Överraskande etiologi bakom svår huvudvärk och feber.
94 Laaksonen SM et al. Neuropathic symptoms and findings in women with Fabry disease.
95 Lagström H et al. Growth patterns and obesity development in overweight or normal-weight 13-year-old adolescents: The STRIP study.
96 Lee JC et al. WW-domain-containing oxidoreductase is associated with low plasma HDL-C levels.
97 Lehtimäki T et al. Adult-type hypolactasia is not a predisposing factor for the early functional and structural changes of atherosclerosis: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
98 Lehtonen-Veromaa M et al. Prospective study on food fortification with vitamin D among adolescent females in Finland: minor effects.
99 Leino R. Tahaton laihtuminen.
100 Leino R. Yersinioosi.
101 Liippo J et al. Cardiac tamponade in a patient predominantly cutaneous manifestations of primary antiphospholipid syndrome.
102 Lindgren P et al. Economic evaluation of ASCOT-BPLA: antihypertensive treatment with an amlodipine-based regimen is cost effective compared with an atenolol-based regimen.
103 MacDonald MR et al. Impact of diabetes on outcomes in patients with low and preserved ejection fraction heart failure.
104 Magnussen CG et al. Utility of currently recommended pediatric dyslipidemia classifications in predicting dyslipidemia in adulthood: Evidence from the childhood determinants of adult health (CHAD) study, cardiovascular risk in young Finns study, and bogalusa heart study.
105 Mann JFE et al. Renal outcomes with telmisartan, ramipril, or both, in people at high vascular risk (the ONTARGET study): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, controlled trial .
106 Mattson N et al. Childhood predictors of the metabolic syndrome in adulthood. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
107 Mattsson N et al. Arterial structure and function in young adults with the metabolic syndrome: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
108 Merjonen P et al. Anger is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in low SES but not in higher SES men and women. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
109 Miettinen KH et al. Prognostic role of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and their polymorphisms in acute decompensated heart failure.
110 Miettinen TA et al. Adolescent cholesterol metabolism predicts coronary risk factors at middle age: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
111 Miettinen TA et al. Synthesis and absorption of cholesterol in Finnish boys by serum non-cholesterol sterols. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
112 Murphy SA et al. Reduction in recurrent cardiovascular events with prasugrel compared with clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes from the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial.
113 Mäkelä P et al. The effects of a 6-month sodium restriction on cardiac autonomic function in patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension .
114 Mäkinen V-P et al. Metabolic phenotypes, vascular complications, and premature deaths in a population of 4, 197 patients with type 1 diabetes.
115 Mäkinen V-P et al. 1H NMR metabonomics approach to the disease continuum of diabetic complications and premature death.
116 Naydenov K et al. The association of pet keeping at home with symptoms in airways, nose and skin among Bulgarian children.
117 Niinikoski J et al. Diabeettisten alaraajahaavaumien ylipainehappihoito. Transkutaaninen happipaineen mittaus kliinisen päätöksenteon apuna.
118 Niiranen T. Home Blood Pressure Measurement - Epidemiology and Clinical Application .
119 Nikkari ST et al. Estrogen receptor 2 polymorphism and carotid intima-media thickness .
120 Nikus K et al. EKG:n iskemia-aste uhkaavan ST-nousuinfarktin yksilöllisessä vaaran arvioinnissa .
121 Nikus K et al. Akuuttien sepelvaltimo-oireyhtymien diagnoosi, luokittelu ja epidemiologia.
122 Nuutila J et al. A novel method for distinguishing between dsDNA and ssRNA virus infections .
123 Okin PM et al. Gender differences in regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy during antihypertensive therapy.
124 Okin PM et al. Combination of the electrocardiographic strain pattern and albuminuria for the prediction of new-onset heart failure in hypertensive patients: The LIFE Study.
125 Oksi J et al. Lymen borreliosin diagnostiikka ja hoito.
126 Owen CG et al. Does initial breastfeeding lead to lower blood cholesterol in adult life? A quantitative rewiew of the evidence.
127 Pahkala K et al. Vascular endothelial function and leisure-time physical activity in adolescents.
128 Perkiömäki JS et al. Autonomic markers as predictors of nonfatal acute coronary events after myocardial infarction .
129 Pikkarainen (née Rautava) E. Bone Mineral Accrual in Physically Active Girls with Special Reference in Physical Activity Level and Use of Oral Contraceptives.
130 Pikkarainen E et al. Exercise-induced training effects on bone mineral content: a 7-year follow-up study with adolescent female gymnasts and runners.
131 Pikkarainen E et al. Estrogen-progestin contraceptive use during adolescence prevents bone mass acquisition: a 4-year follow-up study.
132 Pinto DS et al. Economic evaluation of bivalirudin with or without glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition versus heparin with routine glycoprotein glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition for early invasive management of acute coronary syndromes.
133 Puttonen S et al. Temperament, health-related behaviors, and autonomic cardiac regulation: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
134 Päivä H et al. Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) has a role in regulating systemic vascular tone in young healthy subjects: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
135 Raitakari OT et al. Cohort profile: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
136 Rigazio S et al. The lowering of hepatic fatty acid uptake improves liver function and insulin sensitivity without affecting hepatic fat content in humans.
137 Rossinen J et al. The use of more than one inotrope in acute heart failure is associated with increased mortality: a multi-centre observational study.
138 Rubboli A et al. Antithrombotic therapy in patients treated with oral anticoagulation undergoing coronary artery stenting. An expert consensus document with focus on atrial fibrillation .
139 Ruotsalainen E et al. Markers of endothelial dysfunction and low-grade inflammation are associated in the offspring of type 2 diabetic subjects .
140 Ruottinen S et al. High sucrose intake is associated with poor quality of diet and growth between 13 months and 9 years of age: The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project.
141 Rönnemaa T. Mitä uutta inkretiinilääkkeet tuovat diabeteksen hoitoon?
142 Rönnemaa T. Kannattaako intensiivinen hyperglykemian hoito tyypin 2 diabeteksessa?
143 Rönnemaa T. Intensive glycemic control and macrovascular disease in type 2 diabetes - A report on the 44th Annual EASD Meeting, Rome, Italy, september 2008.
144 Rönnemaa T, Sarmasto E. Monisairaan potilaan suuret verenglukoosiarvot.
145 Saarelainen H et al. Subtle changes in ADMA and L-arginine concentrations in normal pregnancies are unlikely to account for prenancy-related increased flow-mediated dilatation .
146 Salomäki HH et al. Differential expression of decorin by human malignant and benign vascular tumors.
147 Salonen RO et al. Health risk assessment of indoor air pollution in Finnish ice arenas.
148 Samani NJ et al. Coronary artery disease-associated locus on chromosome 9p21 and early markers of atherosclerosis.
149 San Miguel JF et al. Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisone for initial treatment of multiple myeloma .
150 Saraheimo M et al. Increased levels of alfa-defensin (-1,-2 and -3) in type diabetic patients with nephropathy.
151 Saraheimo M et al. Serum adiponectin and progression of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes.
152 Saraste A et al. Severe coronary artery stenoses and reduced coronary flow velocity reserve in atheroschlerotic mouse model Doppler echocardiography validation study.
153 Saraste A et al. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of myocardial infarction and viability .
154 Savontaus M, Saraste M. Stunning of left atrial appendage after spontaneuos conversion of atrial fibrillation .
155 Schetelig J et al. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukemia with 17p deletion: A retrospective European group for blood and marrow transplantation analysis.
156 Schmieder RE et al. Reduced incidence of new-onset atrial fibrillation with angiotensin II receptor blockade: the VALUE trial .
157 Sever PS et al. The Anglo-Scadinavian cardiac outcomes trial lipid lowering arm: extended observations 2 years after trial closure.
158 Sevice HM et al. Does neuregulin- I play a role in Type A behavior? The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
159 Shalaby A et al. Initial results of a clinical study: adenosine enhanced cardioprotection and its effect on cardiomyocytes apoptosis during coronary artery bypass grafting.
160 Shiri R et al. The association between obesity and the prevalence of low back pain in young adults. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
161 Silventoinen K et al. Selective international migration by social position, health behaviour and personality.
162 Sinisalo M et al. Reply to: Efficacy of pneumococcal vaccination on chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Should we rely on surrogate markers?
163 Slimani L et al. Quantification of liver perfusion with (15O)H2O-PET and its relationship with glucose metabolism and substrate levels.
164 Strandberg M et al. Millainen sydämen kaikukuvaus aivoinfarkti- ja TIA-potilaalle?
165 Sundell J. Editorial.
166 Sureda A et al. Reduced-intensity conditioning compared with conventional allogeneic stem-cell transplantation in relapsed or refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma . An analysis from the lymphoma working party of the European group for blood and marrow transplantation.
167 Tertti K et al. Comparison of metformin and insulin in the treatment of gestational diabetes: A retrospective, case-control study.
168 Tertti R. Dialyysipotilas perusterveydenhuollossa.
169 Tertti R. Elinsiirtopotilas perusterveydenhuollossa.
170 Toivanen A. Alphaviruses: an emerging cause of arthritis?
171 Tolonen N et al. Relationship between lipid profiles and kidney function in patients with type 1 diabetes .
172 Tuunanen H et al. Trimetazidine, a metabolic modulator, has cardiac and extracardiac benefits in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
173 Tuunanen H et al. Myocardial fatty acid metabolism and cardiac performance in heart failure.
174 Uibu T et al. Asbestos-related pleural and lung fibrosis in patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis.
175 Ukkonen H et al. Is ventilatory efficiency (VE/VCO2 slope) associated with right ventricular oxidative metabolism in patients with congestive heart failure?
176 Ukkonen H et al. Sydämen magneettikuvaukset ja tietokonetomografiat .
177 Ukkonen H et al. Effects of CRT on myocardial innervation, perfusion and metabolism .
178 Usvasalo A et al. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adolescents and young adults in Finland.
179 Valtonen P et al. Serum L-homoarginine concentration in elevated during normal pregnancy and is related to flow-mediated vasodilatation.
180 Valtonen V et al. Infektiivinen endokardiitti.
181 Van Gaal LF et al. Long-term effect of CB1 blockade with rimonabant on cardiometabolic risk factors: two year results from the RIO-europe study.
182 Varis J. Nuoren naispotilaan kipeä käsivarsiturvotus.
183 Varis J et al. Verenpainetaudin hoitotasapaino ei ole Suomessa vieläkään hyvä.
184 Venojärvi M et al. Exercise training with dietary counselling increases mitochondrial chaperone experssion in middle-age subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.
185 Vesanen M. Leukosytoosi yleislääkärin näkökulmasta.
186 Viikari J. HDL-kolesteroliin vaikuttaminen kiinnostaa torsetrapibin kohtalosta huolimatta.
187 Viikari J, Strandberg T. Olisiko jo aika vapauttaa simvastatiini reseptittömäksi?
188 Virkki LM et al. Cost-effectiveness of infliximab in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in clinical pratice .
189 Volanen I et al. Arterial intima-media thickness in 13-year-old adolescents and previous antichlamydial antimicrobial use: A retrospective follow-up study.
190 Vuopio-Varkila J, Kotilainen P. Metisilliiniresistentti Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
191 Wadén J et al. Physical activity and diabetes complications in patients with type 1 diabetes.
192 Weir RAP et al. Efficacy and tolerability of adding an angiotensin receptor blocker in patients with heart failure already receiving an angiotensinconverting inhibitor plus aldosterone antagonist, with or without a beta blocker.
193 Wiviott SD et al. Greater clinical benefit of more intensive oral antiplatelet therapy with prasugrel in patients with diabetes mellitus in the trial to assess improvement in therapeutic outcomes by TRITON-TIMI 38.
194 Wiviott SD et al. Intensive oral antiplatelet therapy for reduction of ischaemic events including stent thrombosis in patients with acute coronary syndromes treated with percutaneous coronary intervention and stenting in the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial. A subanalysis of a randomised trial.
195 Wiviott SD et al. A perspective on the efficacy and safety of intensive antiplatelet therapy in the trial to assess improvement in therapeutic outcomes by optimizing platelet inhibition with prasugrel-thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 38.
196 Yang X et al. The longitudinal effects of physical activity history on metabolic syndrome.
197 Ylitalo K et al. Kroonisen sydänlihasiskemian aiheuttamat metaboliset ja toiminnalliset muutokset .
198 Yusuf S et al. Effects of the angiotensin-receptor blocker telmisartan on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients intolerant to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: a randomised controlled trial.
199 Yusuf S et al. Telmisartan, Ramipril, or both in patients at high risk for vascular events.
200 Östergren J et al. The Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcomes trial: blood pressure-lowering limb: effects in patients with type II diabetes .

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2009 Publications Data Base 7.10.2009