Turun yliopistollinen keskussairaala
University hospital of Turku

Julkaisut 2008
Publications 2008

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1 Mommers E et al. Male hormonal contraception: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
2 Syrjänen K et al. Age at menarche is not an independent risk factor for high-risk human papillomavirus infections and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
3 Aaltonen J et al. Evidence of infant blood pressure programming by maternal nutrition during pregnancy: A prospective randomize controlled intervention study.
4 Aaltonen R, Alanen A. Kohdunsisäinen ureaplasmainfektio.
5 Aarnisalo J et al. Reduced CD4+T cell activation in children with type 1 diabetes carrying the PTPN22/Lyp 620Trp variant.
6 Aarnisalo J et al. Cytomegalovirus infection in early infancy: risk of induction and progression of autoimmunity associated with type 1 diabetes.
7 Abdalla F et al. Nuclear morphometry in FNABs of breast disease in libyans.
8 Abdulghani J et al. Stat3 promotes metastatic progression of prostate cancer.
9 Adamsson NA et al. In vivo and in vitro effects of flutamide and diethylstilbestrol on fetal testicular steroidogenesis in the rat.
10 Agostini D et al. I-123-mIBG myocardial imaging for assessment of risk for a major cardiac event in heart failure patients: insights from a retrospective European multicenter study.
11 Ahonen J et al. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship of dobutamine and heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output in healthy volunteers.
12 Ahvenainen T et al. Mutation screening of fumarate hydratase by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification: detection of exonic deletion in a patient with leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer.
13 Airaksinen J. Kroonisen sepelvaltimotaudin diagnostiikka.
14 Airaksinen J. Sepelvaltimotaudin konservatiivinen hoito.
15 Airaksinen J. Iäkkään sydänpotilaan hoito.
16 Airaksinen J. Hiippaläpän prolapsi.
17 Airaksinen J. Hiippaläpän vuodon aiheuttajat, seuraukset ja oireet.
18 Airaksinen J. Hiippaläpän vuodon tutkiminen .
19 Airaksinen J. Hiippaläpän ahtauma.
20 Airaksinen J. Aorttaläpän ahtauman syyt ja merkitys .
21 Airaksinen J. Aorttaläpän ahtauman oireet ja hoito.
22 Airaksinen J. Aorttaläpän vuoto.
23 Airaksinen J. Kolmoispurjeläpän viat.
24 Airaksinen J. Läppäleikkauksen jälkeinen hoito.
25 Airaksinen J, Hippeläinen M. Keuhkovaltimoläpän viat.
26 Airaksinen J, Ikäheimo M. Mitraaliläpän viat.
27 Airaksinen J, Ikäheimo M. Muut läppäviat.
28 Airas L et al. Vascular adhesion protein-1 in human ischaemic stroke.
29 Airas L et al. Methanol intoxication-induced nigrostriatal dysfunction detected using 6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa PET.
30 Airas L et al. Immunoregulatory factors in multiple sclerosis patients during and after pregnancy: relevance of natural killer cells.
31 Aitasalo K. Syvät kaulainfektiot ja niiden hoito.
32 Aittokalllio J et al. Overnight variability in transcutaneus carbon dioxide predicts vascular impairment in women.
33 Aittoniemi J et al. Relation among mannose-binding lectin 2 genotype, beta-cell autoantibodies, and risk for type 1 diabetes in Finnish children.
34 Al Sheikh M et al. Lack of B-RAF mutations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
35 Ala-aho R et al. Targeting degradome genes via engineered viral vectors.
36 Ala-Nissilä S, Kiilholma P. Mikä avuksi naisen virtsankarkailuun?
37 Alanen S et al. Hypertension quideline implementation: experiences of Finnish primary care nurses.
38 Alhola P et al. Does hormone therapy affect attention and memory in sleep-deprived women?
39 Annala A-P et al. Safety of diagnostic coronary angiography during uninterrupted therapeutic warfarin treatment.
40 Antila H. Tavoiteohjattu infuusio.
41 Anttalainen U. Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Women.
42 Anttila M et al. Information technology-based standardized patient education in psychiatric inpatient care.
43 Anttila M et al. Psychiatric nursing: theory and practice. Ethical questions related to ICT use in patient education.
44 Anttinen A et al. Neurological symptoms and natural course of xeroderma pigmentosum.
45 Arola OJ, Viikari J. Metabolinen oireyhtymä .
46 Asola M et al. Amino-acid-based peritoneal dialysis solution improves amino-acid transport into skeletal muscle .
47 Auranen A, Grenman S. Radiation therapy and biological compounds for consolidation therapy in advanced ovarian cancer.
48 Autti-Rämö I et al. Mielenterveyden ja käyttäytymisen häiriöiden vuoksi lasten hoitotukia saaneet vuosina 2000-2007.
49 Avellán NL et al. Experimental tooth pain elevates substance P and matrix metalloproteinase-8 levels in human gingival crevice fluid.
50 Axelin A, Salanterä S. Ethics in neonatal pain research.
51 Bakris G et al. The diabetes subgroup baseline characteristics of the avoiding cardiovascular events through combination therapy in patients living with systolic hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) trial.
52 Ballo A et al. In vitro mechanical testing of glass fiber-reinforced composite used dental implants.
53 Ballo AM et al. Osteoblast proliferation and maturation on bioactive fider-reinforced composite surface.
54 Bax JJ et al. 123I-mIBG scintigraphy to predict inducibility of ventricular arrhythmias on cardiac electrophysiology testing: A prospective multicenter pilot study .
55 Bendardaf R et al. VEGF-1 expression in colorectal cancer is associated with disease localization, stage, and long-term disease-specific survival.
56 Bendardaf R et al. Thymidylate synthase and microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer: Implications for disease free survival, treatment response and survival with metastases.
57 Bendardaf R et al. Oncoprotein Bcl-2 and microsatellite instability are associated with disease-free survival and treatment response in colorectal cancer.
58 Bendardaf R et al. Bcl-2 expression significantly correlates with thymidylate synthase expression in colorectal cancer patients.
59 Bernoulli J et al. Histopathological evidence for an association of inflammation with ductal pin-like lesions but not with ductal adenocarcinoma in the prostate of the noble rat.
60 Blanke CD et al. Long-term results from a randomized phase II trial of standard- versus higher-dose imatinib mesylate for patients with unresectable or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors expressing KIT.
61 Borra R et al. Inverse association between liver fat content and hepatic glucose uptake in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus .
62 Bostrom PJ et al. Bladder cancer after radiotherapy for prostate cancer: detailed analysis of pathological features and outcome after radical cystectomy.
63 Boström PJ et al. Risk factors for mortality and morbidity related to radical cystectomy.
64 Boström PJ et al. Ektooppinen virtsanjohdin - nuoren naisen inkontinenssin harvinainen syy.
65 Branca M et al. Predicting high-risk human papillomavirus infection, progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, and prognosis of cervical cancer with a panel of 13 biomarkers tested in multivariate modeling.
66 Bubendorf L et al. Molecular Techniques.
67 Buck Louis GM et al. Environmental factors and puberty timing: expert panel research needs.
68 Buhmeida A et al. Expression of the cell-cell adhesion molecule beta-catenin in colorectal carcinomas and their metastases.
69 Caminos JE et al. Novel expression and direct effects of adiponectin in the rat testis.
70 Ceriotti F et al. Reference intervals for serum creatinine concentrations: Assessment of available data for global application.
71 Chapman N et al. Effect of Doxazosin gastrointestinal therapeutic system as third-line antihypertensive therapy on blood pressure and lipids in the Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcomes trial .
72 Cohen-Solal A et al. Benefits and safety of candersartan treatment in heart failure are independent of age: insights from the Candesartan in Heart failure-assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity programme .
73 Collado MC et al. Distinct composition of gut microbiota during pregnancy in overweight nd normal-weight women 1-3.
74 Collado MC et al. Specific probiotic strains and their combinations counteract adhesion of Enterobacter skazakii to intestinal mucus.
75 Collings A et al. Allelic variants of upstream transcription factor 1 associate with carotid artery intima-media thickness. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
76 Collings A et al. The influence of smoking ana homocysteine on subclinical atherosclerosis is modified by the connexin37 C1019T polymorphism - The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
77 Collings A et al. Associations of methylenetetrahydrolate reductase C677T polymorphism with markers of subclinical atherosclerosis: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
78 Dahl AK et al. Overweight and obesity in old age are not associated with greater dementia risk.
79 Damgaard IN et al. Risk factors for congenital cryptorchidism in a prospective birth cohort study.
80 Derchain SF et al. Safety of screening with Human papillomavirus testing for cervical cancer at three-year intervals in a high-risk population: experience from the LAMS study.
81 Edison P et al. Amyloid load in Parkinson's disease dementia and Lewy body dementia measured with (11C)PIB-PET.
82 Eigeliene N et al. Effects of estradiol and medroxyprogesterone acetate on expression of the cell cycle proteins cyclin D1, p21 and p27 in cultured human breast tissues.
83 Eikelboom JW et al. Incomplete inhibition of thromboxane biosynthesis by acetysalicylic acid. Determinants and effect on cardiovascular risk.
84 Ekblad H. Suurten suonten transpositio - myöhäisseuranta eteistunnelointi- ja valtimonvaihtoleikkauten jälkeen.
85 Ekblad M et al. Keskosten äidit tupakoivat raskausaikana muita yleisemmin.
86 Eklund C et al. C-reactive protein genetics is associated with carotid artery compliance in men in the cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
87 Ellila HT et al. The involuntary treatment of adolescent psychiatric inpatients - A nation-wide survey from Finland.
88 Elomaa A. Bordetella pertussis - Vaccination and Strain Variation.
89 Eloranta S et al. Multiprofessional collaboration promoting home care clients' personal resources: perspectives of older clients.
90 Eloranta S et al. Potilas kirurgisen hoidon laadun arvioitsijana.
91 Eloranta S et al. Personal resources supporting living at home as described by older home care clients.
92 Eloranta S et al. Avannepotilaan ohjauksessa korostuu voimavaraistuminen.
93 Elovainio M et al. Association of the apolipoprotein E gene, its promoter polymorphisms and haplotypes with depressive symptoms - The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
94 Elzagheid A et al. Nuclear beta-catenin expression as a prognostic factor in advanced colorectal carcinoma.
95 Elzagheid A et al. Up-regulation of alfa-catenin is associated with increased lymph node involvement in colorectal cancer.
96 Elzagheid A, Collan Y. Evidence of the potential of nuclear morphometry and DNA cytometry in fine needle aspiration biopsies of the breast.
97 Elzagheid A et al. Intense cytoplasmic ezrin immunoreactivity predicts poor survival in colorectal cancer.
98 Engblom E. Läppäleikkauksen jälkeinen seuranta ja tekoläppien komplikaatiot.
99 Eriksson K et al. Hoitotiede ja tiede-etiikka.
100 Fagerholm V. Alpha-2A-Adrenoceptor Regulation of Blood Glucose Homeostasis in Mice .
101 Fagerholm V et al. Autoradiographic characterization of alpha(2C)-adrenoceptors in the human striatum.
102 Fagerholm V et al. Alpha2A-adrenoceptor antagonism increases insulin secretion and synergistically augments the insulinotropic effect of glibenclamidine mice.
103 Farnebo L et al. Number of negative points: a novel method for predicting radiosensitivity in head and neck tumor cell lines.
104 Flinkman H et al. Explaining young registered Finnish nurses' intention to leave the profession: A questionnaire survey.
105 Floch MH et al. Recommendations for probiotic use-2008.
106 Forsback S et al. Electrophilic synthesis of 6-(18F)fluoro-L-DOPA using post-target produced (18F)F2.
107 Färkkilä M et al. Serological markers for monitoring disease progression in noncirrhotic primary biliary cirrhosis on ursodeoxycholic acid therapy.
108 Gentili F et al. Alpha2-adrenoreceptors profile modulation. 4.1 From antagonist to agonist behavior.
109 Gerstein HC et al. The hemoglobin A1c level as a progressive risk factor for cardiovascular death, hospitalization for heart failure, or death in patients with chronic heart failure: an analysis of the Candesartan in Heart failure.
110 Giefing M et al. Characterization of homozygous deletions in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.
111 Gimeno D et al. When do social inequalities in C-reactive protein start? A life course perspective from conception to adulthood in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
112 Giorgi C et al. Clinical and epidemiological correlates of antibody response to human papillomaviruses (HPVs) as measured by a novel ELISA based on denatured recombinant HPV16 late (L) and early (E) antigens.
113 Girish CK et al. Effects of feedborne Fusarium mycotoxins on brain regional neurochemistry of turkeys.
114 Giuliani L et al. Detection of oncogenic DNA viruses in colorectal cancer.
115 Golub MS et al. Public health implications of altered puberty timing.
116 Gorin N-C et al. Identical outcome after autologous or allogeneic genoidentical hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in first remission of acute myelocytic leukemia carrying inversion 16 or t(8;21). A retrospective study from the European cooperative group for blood and marrow transplantation.
117 Gotfredsen K et al. Implants and/or teeth: consencus statements and recommendations.
118 Gratwohl A et al. The EBMT activity survey 2006 on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: focus on the use of cord blood products .
119 Grenman R. Book review: Eugene N. Myers, Robert L. Ferris (eds): Salivary gland disorders.
120 Grönroos J. Potilaan alkoholiongelma otettava huomioon akuutin vatsan diagnostiikassa ja hoidossa.
121 Grönroos JM. Endoscopic management of postcholecystectomy bile duct strictures.
122 Grönroos JM et al. Female gender may give rise to difficulties in endoscopic and laparoscopic biliary surgery.
123 Grönroos M. Treatment-related Renal Side-effects in Pediatric Cancer Patients.
124 Grönroos MH et al. Comparison of glomerular function tests in children with cancer.
125 Grönroos MH et al. Long-term follow-up of renal function after high-dose methotrexate treatment in children.
126 Grönroos P et al. Relation of apolipoprotein E polymorhism to markers of early atheroschlerotic changes in young adults - The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
127 Grönroos P et al. Association of high sensitive C-reactive protein with apolipoprotein E polymorphism in children and young adults: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
128 Gupta AK et al. Determinants of new-onset diabetes among 19,257 hypertensive patients randomized in the Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcome trial-blood pressure lowering arm and the relative influence of antihypertensive medication.
129 Haapasalo J, Kaivosoja M. Pakostakin paranee - Hyviä tuloksia kognitiivis-behavioraalisella perheterapialla lapsen pakko-oireisen häiriön hoidossa.
130 Haavisto LE, Sipilä JI. Acoustic rhinometry in children: Some practical aspects and influence of age and body surface area on results.
131 Hacke W et al. Thrombolysis with alteplase 3 to 4,5 hours after acute ischaemic stroke .
132 Hagelberg N. Päätoimittajalta.
133 Hagelberg N. Facultas. Krooninen kipu.
134 Hagelberg N. Päätoimittajalta.
135 Hagelberg N et al. Hoitotakuu toteutuu kipupoliklinikoilla säätelemällä potilasvirtoja.
136 Hagelberg N, Laurila I. Selkäkivun pitkittymisen ehkäisy - riskitekijöiden tunnistaminen ja potilasohjaus terveydenhoitajan työssä.
137 Hagelberg N, Valjakka A. Pitkittyvän kivun tunnistaminen ja kuntouttava hoito ehkäisevät selkäkivun kroonistumista.
138 Hagelberg N, Valjakka A. Kun selkäkipu pitkittyy.
139 Hakala M. Brain Imaging Studies in Severe Somatization.
140 Hakala M et al. Back to Briquet and Charcot.
141 Hakala M et al. Combination drug strategy in recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis suppresses collagen I degradation and associated with retardation of radiological progression .
142 Hakanen P, Järveläinen H. Vanhan rouvan odottamattoman syvät päiväunet.
143 Halava H, Lammintausta K. Toistuva anafylaksia hengitystieinfektion yhteydessä.
144 Haltia LT et al. Effects of intravenous placebo with glucose expectation on human basal ganglia dopaminergic function.
145 Hammes LS et al. Up-regulation of VEGF, c-fms and COX-2 expression correlates with severity of cervical cancer precursor (CIN) lesions and invasive disease.
146 Hamunen K et al. Interpretation of the large red-and-white visual analog scale by children compared with adults.
147 Hart RG et al. Clopidogrel and aspirin versus aspirin alone for the prevention of stroke in patients with a history of atrial fibrillation: Subgroup analysis of the CHARISMA randomized trial.
148 Hartell N et al. Miksi lapseni kävelee kuin ankka?
149 Haukioja A et al. Probiotic bacteria affect the composition of salivary pellicle and streptococcal adhesion in vitro.
150 Haukioja A et al. Acid production from sugars and sugar alcohols by probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in vitro.
151 Hautala L et al. Towards understanding gender differences in disordered eating among adolescents.
152 Hautala L et al. Adolescents with fluctuating symptoms of eating disorders: a 1-year prospective study.
153 Hautamäki MP et al. Repair of bone segment defects with surface porous fiber-reinforced polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) composite prosthesis.
154 Havulinna AS et al. Geographical Variation of Medicated Parkinsonism in Finland During 1995 - 2000 .
155 He Q, Mertsola J. Factors contributing to pertussis resurgence.
156 Hedlund PO et al. Parenteral estrogen versus combined androgen deprivation in the treatment of metastatic prostatic cancer: Part 2. Final evaluation of the Scandinavian Prostatic Cancer Group (SPCG) Study No. 5.
157 Heikkilä A et al. Verkkokysely tutkimusaineiston keruumenetelmänä.
158 Heikkilä J et al. Posterior Urethral valves are often associated with cryptorchidism and inguinal hernias.
159 Heikkinen E et al. Bordetella pertussis isolates in Finland: serotype and fimbrial expression.
160 Heikkinen K et al. A comparison of two educational interventions for the cognitive empowerment of ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients.
161 Heikkinen T. Lasten äkillisen välikorvatulehduksen hoito - antibiootilla vai ilman?
162 Heikkinen T et al. Human metapneumovirus infections in children.
163 Heino TJ, Hentunen TA. Differentitation of osteoblasts and osteocytes from mesenchymal stem cells.
164 Heinonen I et al. Myocardial blood flow and adenosine A2A receptor density in endurance athletes and untrained men.
165 Heiro M et al. Long-term outcome of infective endocarditis: A study on patients surviving over one year after the initial episode treated in a Finnish teaching hospital during 25 years.
166 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. Long-term persistence with statin therapy: A nationwide register study in Finland.
167 Helminen M et al. Krooninen granulomatoosi.
168 Henneman MM et al. Cardiac neuronal imaging: Application in the evaluation of cardiac disease.
169 Hernesniemi JA et al. Natural history of brain arteriovenous malformations: a long-term follow-up study of risk of hemorrhage in 238 patients.
170 Hernesniemi JA et al. Toll-like receptor 4 gene (Asp299Gly) polymorphism associates with carotid artery elasticity. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
171 Hietala K et al. Heritability of proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
172 Hijnen M et al. Antibody responses to defined regions of the Bordetella pertussis virulence factor pertactin.
173 Hilli J. Opioidien ekvianalgeettiset annokset.
174 Hilli J et al. The effect of oral contraceptives on the pharmacokinetics of melatonin in healthy subjects with CYP1A2 g.-163C>A polymorphism.
175 Hintsa T et al. Is the association between job strain and carotid intima-media thickness attributable to pre-employment environmental and dispositional factors? The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
176 Hintsanen M et al. Val/Met polymorphism of the COMT gene moderates the association between job strain and early atherosclerosis in young men.
177 Hirvonen J et al. Measurement of striatal and extrastriatal dopamine transporter binding with high-resolution PET and (11C) PE2I: quantitive modeling and test-retest reproducibility.
178 Hirvonen J et al. Decreased brain serotonin 5-HT1A receptor availability in medication-naive patients with major depressive disorder: an in-vivo imaging study using PET and (carbonyl-11C)WAY-100635.
179 Hirvonen J et al. Striatal dopamine D2 receptors in medication-naive patients with major depressive disorder as assessed with (11C)raclopride PET.
180 Hodge C. Jacqueline, Mattila K. Percutaneous Biopsy of Soft Tissues and Muscular Lesions.
181 Hoffman TK et al. Alterations in the p53 pathway and their association with radio- and chemosensitivity in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
182 Hohenthal U et al. Aetiological diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia: Utility of rapid microbiological methods with respect to disease severity.
183 Hohenthal U et al. The role of rhinoviruses and enteroviruses in community acquired pneumonia in adults .
184 Holland GN et al. Uveitis in 2008: A Festschrift for G. Richard O'Connor, MD.
185 Honkanen E et al. Abdominal aortic calcification in dialysis patients: results of the CORD study.
186 Honkanen P et al. Keuhkokuumeen hoito.
187 Honkinen P-L et al. Stability of the sense of coherence in adolescence.
188 Huhtaniemi I et al. Late-onset hypogonadism in men. Experience from the Turku male aging study (TuMAS).
189 Huhtinen A, Scheinin M. Expression and characterization of the human alpha2B-adrenoceptor in a vascular smooth muscle cell line.
190 Huikuri HV et al. Effects of intracoronary injection of mononuclear bone marrow cells on left ventricular function, arrhythmia risk profile, and restenosis after thormbolytic therapy of acute myocardial infarction .
191 Huovinen R. Rintasyöpä.
192 Hurme T. Mini-invasiivinen tekniikka sopii kuopparinnan korjaukseen.
193 Hurme T et al. Lasten pahoinpitelyepäilyjen selvitykset TYKS:n lastenklinikassa.
194 Hurme T et al. Risk factors for physical child abuse in infants and toddlers.
195 Hurme T, Reunanen M. Lasten nivus- ja napatyrät sekä vesikivekset.
196 Hurme T, Reunanen M. Poikien ympärileikkaus. Kysely lastenkirurgien hoitokäytännöistä.
197 Hurme T et al. Minimally invasive repair for treating pectus excavatum - early results.
198 Huttunen J et al. Striatal dopamine synthesis in first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia.
199 Huuhka K et al. Dopamine D2 receptor C957T and catechol-o-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphisms are associated with treatment response in electroconvulsive therapy.
200 Huupponen E et al. Electroencephalogram spindle activity during dexmedetomidine sedation and physiological sleep.
201 Huurre A et al. Mode of delivery - effects on gut microbiota and humoral immunity.
202 Huurre A et al. Impact of maternal atopy and probiotic supplementation during pregnancy on infant sensitization: a double-blind placebo-controlled study.
203 Hynninen V-V. Effects of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes Inhibitors on the Pharmacokinetics of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Venlafaxine.
204 Hynninen V-V et al. Effect of terbinafine and voriconazole on the pharmacokinetics of the antidepressant venlafaxine.
205 Hytönen J et al. Borreliosis: recent research, diagnosis, and management.
206 Häll B et al. Duration of surgical-orthodontic treatment.
207 Hämäläinen MM et al. Wilms tumour gene 1 overexpression in bone marrow as a marker for minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukaemia.
208 Hätönen H et al. Mental health: patients' experiences of patient education during inpatient care.
209 Ihalmo P et al. Association analysis of podocyte slit diaphragm genes as candidates for diabetic nephropathy.
210 Illman H et al. Quantitation of the effect of nitrous oxide on rocuronium infusion requirements using closed-loop feedback control.
211 Ilva T et al. Clinical significance of cardiac troponins I and T in acute heart failure.
212 Inberg E et al. Keskosvauvan ja vanhempien varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen tukeminen hoitotyön menetelmin.
213 Isolauri E et al. Modulation of the maturing gut barrier and microbiota: A novel target in allergic disease.
214 Isolauri E, Salminen S. Probiotics: Use in allergic disorders.
215 Isolauri E, Salminen S. Probiotics.
216 Itälä M. Krooninen lymfaattinen leukemia (KLL).
217 Itälä M et al. Stem cell transplantation in poor-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia: assessment of post-transplant minimal residual disease using four- and six-color flow cytometry and allele-specific RQ-PCR.
218 Jaakola M-L. Synnytyskipu ja sen lääkkeellinen hoito.
219 Jalava-Broman J et al. Treatment of climacteric symptoms in Finland prior to the controversial reports on hormone therapy.
220 Jalava-Karvinen P et al. Imported tungiasis in a Finnish journalist: the first case reported from the Nordic countries.
221 Jamerson K et al. Benazepril plus amlodipine or hydrochlorothiazide for hypertension in high-risk patients.
222 Jantunen E et al. Blood stem cell mobilization and collection in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a nationwide analysis.
223 Jartti T. Inhaled corticosteroids of montelukast as the preferred primary long-term treatment for pediatric asthma?
224 Jartti T et al. Uudet hengitystievirukset.
225 Jartti T et al. Indentification of respiratory viruses in asymptomatic subjects. Asymptomatic respiratory viral infections.
226 Jouhilahti E-M et al. Class III beta-Tubulin is a component of the mitotic spindle in multiple cell types.
227 Joukamaa M et al. Alexithymia and childhood abuse among patients attending primary and psychiatric care: results of the RADEP study.
228 Joutsiniemi T et al. Hepatocellular enzyme glutathione S-transferase alpha and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.
229 Juonala M et al. Effect of age and sex on carotid intima-media thickness, elasticity and brachial endothelial function in healthy adults: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
230 Juonala M et al. Childhood levels of serum apolipoproteins B and A-I predict carotid intima-media thickness and brachial endothelial function in adulthood. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
231 Juonala M et al. Associations of dyslipidemias from childhood to adulthood with carotid intima-media thickness, elasticity, and brachial flow-mediated dilatation in adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
232 Juonala M et al. Mitä tiedämme lapsen riskistä sairastua aikuisena sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin?
233 Juutilainen A et al. Similarity of the impact of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on cardiovascular mortality in middle-aged subjects.
234 Juvela S. Response to: Prognosis after intracerebral hemorrhage.
235 Jyrkkiö S. Kun syöpä ei enää parane.
236 Järveläinen H, Rönnemaa T. Metformiini ja maitohappoasidoosi - totta vai tarua?
237 Järvinen A-K et al. High-resolution copy number and gene expression microarray analyses of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines of tongue and larynx.
238 Kaaja R, Rönnemaa T. Gestational diabetes: Pathogenesis and consequences to mother and offspring.
239 Kaila M et al. Lasten astman diagnostiikka, lääkehoito ja hoidon tulokset vaihtelevat alueittain.
240 Kainulainen L et al. Hepatitis and human bocavirus primary infection in a child with T-cell deficiency.
241 Kalam-Salminen L et al. Vanhempien hoidon laatua koskevat odotukset lapsivuodeosastoilla ja hoitohenkilökunta niihin vastaajana.
242 Kalimo H et al. CADASIL: the most common hereditary subcortical vascular dementia.
243 Kalland M, Pajulo M. Äitien arvio ensikotihoidon merkityksestä.
244 Kalleinen N. Sleep and Menopause. Hormone Therapy and Sleep Deprivation.
245 Kalleinen N et al. Sleep and the menopause - do postmenopausal women experience worse sleep than premenopausal women?
246 Kalleinen N et al. 24-hour serum levels of growth hormone, prolactin, and cortisol in pre- and postmenopausal women. The effect of combined estrogen and progestin treatment.
247 Kalliokoski T et al. Pancreatic glucose uptake in vivo in men with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes.
248 Kalliomäki M et al. Early differences in fecal microbiota composition in children may predict overweight 1-3.
249 Kalliomäki M et al. Positive Interactions with the Microbiota: Probiotics.
250 Kankuri-Tammilehto M. Association of p53, Ki-67, COX-2, and Her-2 expressions, as well as T-stage and histopathologic grade, with occurrence of metastases and survival in renal cell carcinoma.
251 Kantele A et al. Local immune response to upper urinary tract infections in children.
252 Kantola I. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoito.
253 Kantola I. Primaarinen hypertensio.
254 Kantola I. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoito. ACE:n estäjää, ATR-salpaajaa vai jotain muuta. II erityistapaukset .
255 Kantola I. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoito. ACE:n estäjää, ATR-salpajaa vai jotain muuta. I Hoidon aiheet ja tavoitteet.
256 Kantola I. EKG iskeemisen sydäntaudin ja rytmihäiriöiden diagnostiikassa .
257 Kantola I. Verenpaineen kotimittaus, tarvitaanko enää toimistomittausta?
258 Kantola K et al. Serodiagnosis of human bocavirus infection.
259 Karjalainen PP et al. Safety of percutaneous coronary intervention during uninterrupted oral anticoagulant treatment.
260 Karjalainen PP et al. Titanium-nitride-oxide coated stents versus paclitaxel-eluting stents in acute myocardial infarction: a 12-months follow-up report from the TITAX AMI trial .
261 Karlsson L et al. One-year course and predictors of outcome of adolescent depression: A case-control study in Finland.
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519 Poutanen O et al. The depression scale (DEPS) as a case finder for depression in various subgroups of primary care patients.
520 Puttonen S et al. Temperament, health-related behaviors, and autonomic cardiac regulation: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
521 Puustjärvi A et al. Hoitamaton ADHD lisää lapsen ja nuoren muiden psykiatristen häiriöiden ja ongelmien riskiä.
522 Pyrhönen S. Syövän lääkehoidot.
523 Pyrhönen S et al. Toremifene. Past, Present and Future.
524 Päivä H et al. Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) has a role in regulating systemic vascular tone in young healthy subjects: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
525 Päiväläinen S et al. Myelination in mouse dorsal root ganglion/Schwann cell cocultures.
526 Pöyhönen-Alho MK et al. Central sympatholytic therapy has anti-inflammatory properties in hypertensive postmenopausal women.
527 Rahi M et al. Influence of adenosine triphosphate and ABCB1 (MDR1) genotype on the P-glycoprotein-dependent transfer of saquinavir in the dually perfused human placenta.
528 Raitakari OT et al. Cohort profile: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
529 Raitakari OT et al. Carotid artery compliance in users of plant stanol ester margarine.
530 Raitakari OT et al. Plant stanol ester consumption and arterial elasticity and endothelianl function.
531 Raitanen MP, The Finnbladder Group. The role of BTA stat Test in follow-up of patients with bladder cancer: results from FinnBladder studies.
532 Rama C et al. Rastreamento anterior para câncer de colo uterino em mulheres com alteracoes citológicas ou histológicas.
533 Rama CH et al. Prevalência do HPV em mulheres rastreadas para o câncer cervical.
534 Randell T, Antila H. Developments in laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation: viedogames and practical tools.
535 Rantala A. Vatsaontelon kanavointi leikkauksen jälkeen - turhaa tai jopa haitallista?
536 Rantala A. Välinehuollon merkitys leikkausalueen infektioiden torjunnassa.
537 Rantala A. Leikkausalueen infektioiden syntyyn vaikuttavat tekijät.
538 Rantala A. Tähystyksiin liittyvät infektiot ja välinehuolto.
539 Rantanen E et al. What is ideal genetic counselling? A survey of current international guidelines.
540 Rantanen E et al. Regulations and practices of genetic counselling in 38 European countries: the perspective of national representatives.
541 Rantanen K et al. Prolyl hydroxylase PHD3 activates oxygen-dependent protein aggregation.
542 Rantanen M et al. Knowledge expectations of patients on dialysis treatment.
543 Rantanen V, Yliskoski M. Miten tulkitsen Papa-vastausta?
544 Rautava J et al. ERBB receptors in developing, dysplastic and malignant oral epithelia.
545 Reiman M et al. Interleukin-6 polymorphism is associated with chorioamnionitis and neonatal infections in preterm infants.
546 Reiman M et al. Does placental inflammation relate to brain lesions and volume in preterm infants?
547 Remes AM et al. Parkinsonism associated with the homozygous W748S mutation in the POLG1 gene.
548 Remes AM et al. Carbon 11-labeled Pittsburgh Compound B positron emission tomographic amyloid imaging in patients with APP locus duplication .
549 Remes L et al. Major lower extremity amputation in elderly patients with peripheral arterial disease: incidence and survival rates.
550 Remes V et al. Polven nivelrikon kirurginen hoito.
551 Reunanen M, Hurme T. Piilokivekset ja äkilliset kiveskivut.
552 Ricci D et al. Cognitive outcome at early school age in term-born children with perinatally acquired middle cerebral artery territory infarction.
553 Ricci D et al. Neurological examination of preterm infants at term equivalent age.
554 Rigazio S et al. The lowering of hepatic fatty acid uptake improves liver function and insulin sensitivity without affecting hepatic fat content in humans.
555 Rinne JO et al. Loss of cholinergic neurons in the pedunculopontine nucleus in Parkinson's disease is related to disability of the patiens.
556 Rinne K et al. A randomized trial comparing TVT with TVT-O: 12-month results.
557 Rinne P et al. Blood pressure regulation and cardiac autonomic control in mice overexpressing alpha- and gamma-melanocyte stimulating hormone.
558 Ristamäki R. Kolorektaalisyöpä.
559 Ristkari T et al. Life events, self-reported psychopathology and sense of coherence among young men - A population-based study.
560 Rossi S et al. Peri-implant tissue response to Ti02 surface modifield implants.
561 Rossinen J et al. The use of more than one inotrope in acute heart failure is associated with increased mortality: a multi-centre observational study.
562 Rothenberg ML et al. Capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (XELOX) versus 5-fluorouracil/folinic acid plus oxaliplatin (FOLFOX-4) as second-line therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer: a randomized phase III noninferiority study.
563 Rovamo L et al. Vastasyntyneen elvytys, Käypä hoito -suositus.
564 Rubboli A et al. Antithrombotic therapy in patients treated with oral anticoagulation undergoing coronary artery stenting. An expert consensus document with focus on atrial fibrillation .
565 Ruohonen ST et al. Transgenic mice overexpressing neuropeptide Y in noradrenergic neurons. A novel model of increased adiposity and impaired glucose tolerance.
566 Ruokoniemi P et al. Shift of statin use towards the elderly in 1995-2005: a nation-wide register study in Finland.
567 Ruotsalainen E et al. Markers of endothelial dysfunction and low-grade inflammation are associated in the offspring of type 2 diabetic subjects .
568 Ruottinen S et al. High sucrose intake is associated with poor quality of diet and growth between 13 months and 9 years of age: The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project.
569 Ruuskanen O, Korppi M. Lasten yskänlääkkeiden myynti pitää lopettaa.
570 Ryynänen O-P et al. Ensihoidon vaikuttavuus.
571 Rönnemaa T. Mitä uutta inkretiinilääkkeet tuovat diabeteksen hoitoon?
572 Rönnemaa T. Kannattaako intensiivinen hyperglykemian hoito tyypin 2 diabeteksessa?
573 Rönnemaa T. Intensive glycemic control and macrovascular disease in type 2 diabetes - A report on the 44th Annual EASD Meeting, Rome, Italy, september 2008.
574 Rönnemaa T, Sarmasto E. Monisairaan potilaan suuret verenglukoosiarvot.
575 Saarelainen H et al. Subtle changes in ADMA and L-arginine concentrations in normal pregnancies are unlikely to account for prenancy-related increased flow-mediated dilatation .
576 Saaresranta T et al. Dyspnoea: diagnostic challenge.
577 Saari KM. Yersiniosis.
578 Saari TI et al. Effect of voriconazole and fluconazole on the pharmacokinetics of intravenous fentanyl.
579 Saarikoski M et al. Arviointimittari kuvaa käytännön oppimisympäristön ja ohjauksen laatua.
580 Sala E et al. Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease treated with laparoscopic fundoplication.
581 Sala E et al. Äänihäiriöt.
582 Salmi E et al. Measurement of GABAA receptor binding in vivo with (11C)flumazenil: A test-retest study in healthy subjects.
583 Salmi E et al. Xenon does not affect gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor binding in humans.
584 Salminen E et al. Needs of developing the skills of palliative care at the oncology ward.
585 Salminen JK et al. Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and fluoxetine in major depressive disorder - a randomized comparative study.
586 Salminen M et al. Leucine 7 to proline 7 polymorphism in the neuropeptide Y gene and changes in serum lipids during a family-based counselling intervention among school-aged children with a family history of CVD.
587 Salminen M et al. Effects of risk-based multifactorial fall prevention program on maximal isometric muscle strength in community-dwelling aged: a randomized controlled trail.
588 Salminen P et al. Subjective results and symptomatic outcome after fundoplication revision.
589 Salminen P, Huhtinen H. Maha-suolikanavan stentit.
590 Salminen P et al. Severe and fatal complications after ERCP: Analysis of 2555 procedures in a single experienced center.
591 Salminen S, Isolauri E. Opportunities for improving the health and nutrition of the human infant by probiotics.
592 Salokangas RKR. Älä unohda vanhoja psyykenlääkkeitä. Vanhat lääkkeet tehokkaita mutta annoksen määritys vaatii tarkkuutta.
593 Salokangas RKR. Staging intervention and meeting needs in early psychosis.
594 Salokangas RKR et al. Skitsofreniapotilaiden kuolleisuus sairaanhoitopiireittäin.
595 Salokangas RKR et al. Psykiatrian erikoisalojen koulutus syytä uudistaa.
596 Salokangas RKR, McGlashan TH. Early detection and intervention of psyckosis. A review.
597 Salomäki HH et al. Differential expression of decorin by human malignant and benign vascular tumors.
598 Salonen AJ et al. Finnish multicenter study comparing intermittent to continuous androgen deprivation for advanced prostate cancer: Interim analysis of prognostic markers affecting initial response to androgen deprivation.
599 Salonen RO et al. Health risk assessment of indoor air pollution in Finnish ice arenas.
600 Salonoja M et al. Kaatumisvaaraa lisäävien lääkkeiden käyttö on yleistä.
601 Samani NJ et al. Coronary artery disease-associated locus on chromosome 9p21 and early markers of atherosclerosis.
602 San Miguel JF et al. Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisone for initial treatment of multiple myeloma .
603 Santalahti P, Sourander A. Onko lasten psykiatrinen sairastavuus lisääntynyt?
604 Santalahti P et al. Victimization and bullying among 8-year-old Finnish children: A 10-year comparison of rates.
605 Saraheimo M et al. Increased levels of alfa-defensin (-1,-2 and -3) in type diabetic patients with nephropathy.
606 Saraheimo M et al. Serum adiponectin and progression of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes.
607 Saraste A et al. Severe coronary artery stenoses and reduced coronary flow velocity reserve in atheroschlerotic mouse model Doppler echocardiography validation study.
608 Saraste A et al. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of myocardial infarction and viability .
609 Sarian LOZ, Syrjänen KJ. Métodos de Inspecao visual para rastreamento do cancer do colo do utero.
610 Sarimo J et al. Complete proximal hamstring avulsions: a series of 41 patients with operative treatment .
611 Sarkola M et al. Human papillomavirus in the placenta and umbilical cord blood.
612 Sarkola M et al. Human papillomavirus DNA detected in breast milk.
613 Savontaus Eriika et al. Reduced blood glucose levels, increased insulin levels and improved glucose tolerance in alpha-2A-adrenoceptor knockout mice.
614 Savontaus M, Saraste M. Stunning of left atrial appendage after spontaneuos conversion of atrial fibrillation .
615 Saxén H et al. Uusi pneumokokkirokote kannattaa liittää lasten rokotusohjelmaan.
616 Saxén U et al. How does a shortage of physicians impact on the job satisfaction of health centre staff?
617 Saxén U et al. Terveyskeskusten henkilökunta on kiinnostunut laajentamaan tehtäväkuvaansa lääkärivajeesta riippumatta.
618 Scheinin N et al. Amyloidin kuvantaminen Alzheimerin taudissa.
619 Schetelig J et al. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukemia with 17p deletion: A retrospective European group for blood and marrow transplantation analysis.
620 Schmieder RE et al. Reduced incidence of new-onset atrial fibrillation with angiotensin II receptor blockade: the VALUE trial .
621 Schmitt F. Families in the Shadow of Cancer.
622 Schmitt F. Lapsiperhe syövän varjossa.
623 Schmitt F. Quand papa perd le tempo!
624 Schmitt F. Kuoleva potilas ja perhe.
625 Schmitt F et al. Does attachment theory offer new resources to the treatment of schizoaffective patients?
626 Schmitt F, Piha J. Vanhemmuudesta - vanhempana oleminen ja vanhempana toimiminen.
627 Schmitt F et al. Multinational study of cancer patients and their children: factors associated with family functioning.
628 Schmitt F et al. Cancer families with children: factors associated with family functioning-a comparative study in Finland.
629 Schrey AR et al. Monitoring microvascular free flaps with tissue oxygen measurement and pet.
630 Schroeder S et al. Cardiac computed tomography: indications, applications, limitations, and training requirements:. Report of a Writing Group deployed by the Working Group Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Council of Nuclear Cardiiology.
631 Sebe A et al. Transforming growth factor-beta-induced alpha-smooth muscle cell actin expression in renal proximal tubular cells is regulated by p38beta mitogen-activated protein kinase, extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase1,2 and the Smad signalling during...
632 Sengupta N et al. Varicella vaccination in Europe: are we ready for a universal childhood programme?
633 Seppälä M et al. Stereotaktinen sädehoito kallon alueelle.
634 Seppänen M. Modern imaging of multiple myeloma.
635 Seppänen M et al. Immunoglobuliinikorvaushoitoon uudet kriteerit.
636 Sever PS et al. The Anglo-Scadinavian cardiac outcomes trial lipid lowering arm: extended observations 2 years after trial closure.
637 Sevice HM et al. Does neuregulin- I play a role in Type A behavior? The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
638 Sevón L et al. Effect of age flow-rate, protein and electrolyte composition of stimulated whole saliva in healthy, non-smoking women.
639 Shalaby A et al. Initial results of a clinical study: adenosine enhanced cardioprotection and its effect on cardiomyocytes apoptosis during coronary artery bypass grafting.
640 Sheikh Ali MAL et al. Expression and mutation analysis of epidermal growth factor receptor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
641 Shen H et al. Concentrations of persistent organochlorine compounds in human milk and placenta are higher in Denmark than in Finland.
642 Shiri R et al. The association between obesity and the prevalence of low back pain in young adults. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
643 Siekkinen M et al. Quality of care experienced by Finnish cancer patients during radiotherapy.
644 Siekkinen M et al. Internet knowledge expectations by radiotherapy patients.
645 Siirilä J et al. Liikkuuko kymmenvuotias riittävästi?
646 Sillanpää M et al. Incidence of febrile seizures in Finland: Prospective population-based study.
647 Silventoinen K et al. Selective international migration by social position, health behaviour and personality.
648 Simberg S, Sala E. Experiences from six years of screening for voice disorders among teacher students.
649 TEDDY Study Group. The environmental determinants of diabetes in the young (TEDDY) study.
650 Simen-Kapeu A et al. Smoking impairs human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 and 18 capsids antibody response following natural HPV infection.
651 Sinisalo M et al. Reply to: Efficacy of pneumococcal vaccination on chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Should we rely on surrogate markers?
652 Siudikiene J et al. Dental caries increments and related factors in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
653 Sjösten N et al. The effects of fall prevention trials on depressive symptoms and fear of falling among the aged: A systematic review.
654 Sjösten NM et al. The effects of multifactorial fall prevention on depressive symptoms among the aged at increased risk of falling.
655 Skoglund L et al. The tau S305S mutation causes frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism.
656 Slimani L et al. Quantification of liver perfusion with (15O)H2O-PET and its relationship with glucose metabolism and substrate levels.
657 Soilu-Hänninen M et al. A longitudinal study of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and intact PTH levels indicate the importance of vitamin D and calcium homeostasis regulation in multiple sclerosis.
658 Sonck-Koota P et al. External-beam PIXE characterization of volcanic material used in ancient Roman mortars.
659 Sourander A. Lasten ja nuorten psykiatriasta tarvitaan kansainvälinen arvio.
660 Sourander A et al. Changes in psychiatric problems and service use among 8-year-old children: a 16-year population-based time-trend study.
661 Stephen JK et al. DNA hypermethylation profiles in squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva.
662 Stolt S et al. Early lexical development of Finnish children: A longitudinal study.
663 Strandberg M et al. Millainen sydämen kaikukuvaus aivoinfarkti- ja TIA-potilaalle?
664 Strandberg M et al. Transoesophageal echocardiography should be considered in patients with ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack.
665 Ståhl M et al. Non-spesific neck pain in schoolchildren: prognosis and risk factors for occurrence and persistence: A 4-year follow-up study.
666 Suhonen R et al. Individualised care from the orthopaedic and trauma patients' perspective: An international comparative survey.
667 Suhonen R et al. Health-related quality of life of day-case surgery patients: a pre/posttest survey using the EuroQoL-5D.
668 Suhonen R et al. A review of outcomes of individualised nursing interventions on adult patients.
669 Suikkala A et al. Factors related to the nursing student-patient relationship: The students' perspective.
670 Sullivan MM et al. Altered tissue repair in hevin-null mice: Inhibition of fibroblast migration by a matricellular SPARC homolog.
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672 Sundvall M et al. Role of ErbB4 in breast cancer.
673 Sundvall M et al. Isoform-specific monoubiquitination, endocytosis, and degradation of alternatively spliced ErbB4 isoforms.
674 Suominen T et al. Nurses' and nursing students' perceptions of sexual risk behavior: A study in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.
675 Suominen T et al. Work empowerment as experienced by nurses in elderly care.
676 Sureda A et al. Reduced-intensity conditioning compared with conventional allogeneic stem-cell transplantation in relapsed or refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma . An analysis from the lymphoma working party of the European group for blood and marrow transplantation.
677 Svensson M et al. Effects of epithelial and neutrophil CXCR2 on innate immunity and resistance to kidney infection.
678 Syrjänen K. New concepts on risk factors of HPV and novel screening strategies for cervical cancer precursors.
679 Syrjänen K. Evolución natural de las infecciones por papilomavirus humano.
680 Syrjänen K et al. Value of conventional Pap smear, liquid-based cytology, visual inspection and human papillomavirus testing as optional screening tools among Latin American women <35 and >35 years of age.
681 Syrjänen K et al. Drug addiction is not an independent risk factor for oncogenic human papillomavirus infections or high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: case-control study nested within the Latin American Screening study cohort.
682 Syrjänen S, Syrjänen K. The history of papillomavirus research.
683 Tabar L, Dean PB. Thirty years of experience with mammography screening: a new approach to the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer .
684 Tabár L, Dean PB. Breast Cancer - Early Detection with Mammography. Crushed Stone-like Calcifications: The Most Frequent Malignant Type.
685 Takala R. Experimental and Clinical Studies on the Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses after Sevoflurane Anaesthesia.
686 Takkunen M et al. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition downregulates laminin alfa5 chain and upregulates laminin alfa4 chain in oral squamous carcinoma cells.
687 Talvinen K et al. Proliferation marker securin identifies favourable outcome in invasive ductal breast cancer.
688 Tanner LM et al. Carnitine deficiency and L-carnitine supplementation in lysinuric protein intolerance.
689 Tauriainen S et al. Temporal relationship between human parechovirus 1 infection and otitis media in young children.
690 Teeri S et al. Maintenance of patients' integrity in long-term institutional care.
691 Tenovuo O et al. Posterior cortical atrophy: a rare form of dementia with in vivo evidence of amyloid-beta accumulation.
692 Tertti K et al. Comparison of metformin and insulin in the treatment of gestational diabetes: A retrospective, case-control study.
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695 Tervala T et al. Targeted treatment for lymphedema and lymphatic metastasis.
696 Teräs M. Performance and Methodological Aspects in Positron Emission Tomography.
697 Tetri S et al. Safety of low-dose subcutaneous enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after primary intracerebral haemorrhage.
698 Tetri S et al. Impact of ischemic heart disease and atrial fibrillation on survival after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
699 Tiala I et al. The PSORS1 locus gene CCHCR1 affects keratinocyte proliferation in transgenic mice.
700 Tiihonen J et al. Brain anatomy of persistent violent offenders: More rather than less .
701 Tirkkonen K et al. Jonotusajan vaikutus lonkan ja polven tekonivelleikkauspotilaiden selviytymiseen.
702 Tirkkonen T et al. Frequency and clinical relevance of drug interactions with lovastatin and simvastatin: an observational database study.
703 Toivanen A. Alphaviruses: an emerging cause of arthritis?
704 Tolonen N et al. Relationship between lipid profiles and kidney function in patients with type 1 diabetes .
705 Toppari J. Environmental endocrine disrupters.
706 Tukiainen E et al. Polymorphisms of the TNF, CD14, and HSPA1B genes in patients with acute alcohol-induced pancreatitis.
707 Tuokkola J et al. Agreement between parental reports and patient records in food allergies among infants and young children in Finland.
708 Tuomaala R. "Kyllähän nyt pitäs olla jo semmonen aika, että pääsis niin kö keskustelemhan näistä asioista". Tutkimus lappilaisten huutolaisten, sotavankien ja partisaanien uhrien elämänkulusta, voimavaroista, terveydestä ja sairauksista.
709 Tuunanen H et al. Trimetazidine, a metabolic modulator, has cardiac and extracardiac benefits in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
710 Tuunanen H et al. Myocardial fatty acid metabolism and cardiac performance in heart failure.
711 Tuusa S et al. A review of two animal studies dealing with biological responses to glass-fibre-reinforced composite implants in critical size calvarial bone defects in rabbits.
712 Tuusa SM-R et al. Reconstruction of critical size calvarial bone defects in rabbits with glass-fiber-reinforced composite with bioactive glass granule coating.
713 Uibu T et al. Asbestos-related pleural and lung fibrosis in patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis.
714 Ukkonen H et al. Is ventilatory efficiency (VE/VCO2 slope) associated with right ventricular oxidative metabolism in patients with congestive heart failure?
715 Ukkonen H et al. Sydämen magneettikuvaukset ja tietokonetomografiat .
716 Ukkonen H et al. Effects of CRT on myocardial innervation, perfusion and metabolism .
717 Usvasalo A et al. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adolescents and young adults in Finland.
718 Uusimaa J et al. Homozygous W748S mutation in the POLG1 gene in patients with juvenile-onset Alpers syndrome and status epilepticus.
719 Uusitalo L et al. Intake of antioxidant vitamins and trace elements during pregnancy and risk of advanced beta cell autoimmunity in the child1-3.
720 Uusitalo L et al. Serum alpha- and gamma-tocopherol concentrations and risk of advanced beta cell autoimmunity in children with HLA-conferred susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus.
721 Vaapio S et al. Kaatumisten ehkäisy - ehkäisyohjelma ja sen vaikutukset iäkkäiden terveyteen liittyvän elämänlaadun psykososiaalisiin ulottuvuuksiin.
722 Vaari T et al. Survey of sleep problems in 3421 women aged 41-55 years.
723 Vaartio H. Nursing Advocacy: A Concept Clarification in Context of Procedural Pain Care.
724 Vaartio H et al. The content of advocacy in procedural pain care - patients' and nurses' perspectives.
725 Vainionpää N et al. Kokemuksia tapausopetuksesta internetin välityksellä.
726 Vakkila J et al. A novel modification of a flow cytometric assay of phosphorylated STAT1 in whole blood monocytes for immunomonitoring of patients on IFNalpha regimen.
727 Valovirta E et al. Siedätyshoito . Käypä hoito -suosituksen päivitystiivistelmä.
728 Valtonen P et al. Serum L-homoarginine concentration in elevated during normal pregnancy and is related to flow-mediated vasodilatation.
729 Valtonen V et al. Infektiivinen endokardiitti.
730 Van Gaal LF et al. Long-term effect of CB1 blockade with rimonabant on cardiometabolic risk factors: two year results from the RIO-europe study.
731 Vanni P. et al. Deliberately self-poisoned adolescents at the emergency clinic of Turku University Hospital, Finland, in 1997-1999.
732 Vannini P et al. Failure to modulate neural response to increased task demand in mild Alzheimer's disease:fMRI study of visuospatial processing.
733 Varis J. Nuoren naispotilaan kipeä käsivarsiturvotus.
734 Varis J et al. Verenpainetaudin hoitotasapaino ei ole Suomessa vieläkään hyvä.
735 Varpe P et al. Adoption of self-expanding metallic stents in the palliative treatment of obstructive colorectal cancer - look out for perforations!
736 Venojärvi M et al. Exercise training with dietary counselling increases mitochondrial chaperone experssion in middle-age subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.
737 Vesanen M. Leukosytoosi yleislääkärin näkökulmasta.
738 Vihinen P et al. Diagnostic and prognostic role of matrix metalloproteases in cancer.
739 Vihinen P et al. Serum matrix metalloproteinase-8 is associated with ulceration and vascular invasion of malignant melanoma.
740 Vihinen P, Pyrhönen S. Long-term response to daily low-dose subcutaneous interferon-alfa2b in a patient with pretreated metastatic uveal melanoma in the liver and lung.
741 Viikari J. HDL-kolesteroliin vaikuttaminen kiinnostaa torsetrapibin kohtalosta huolimatta.
742 Viikari J, Strandberg T. Olisiko jo aika vapauttaa simvastatiini reseptittömäksi?
743 Vilkki J et al. Relationship of the Met allele of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism to memory after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
744 Vilo S et al. Pharmacokinetics of intravenous dexmedetomidine in children under 11 yr of age.
745 Virkki A et al. Overnight features of transcutaneous carbon dioxide measurement as predictors of metabolic status.
746 Virkki LM et al. Cost-effectiveness of infliximab in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in clinical pratice .
747 Virkkunen I et al. Pulseless electrical activity and unsuccessful out-of-hospital resuscitation: What is the cause of death?
748 Virolainen P. Nuoren potilaan polven mediaalinen artroosi - kokotekonivel.
749 Virolainen P. Navigation in TKR: point of view.
750 Virolainen P. Lonkka-artroosin hoito.
751 Virta JJ et al. Cerebral glucose metabolism in dizygotic twin pairs discordant for Alzheimer's disease.
752 Virta JR et al. 1-11C-methyl-4-piperidinyl-N-butyrate radiation dosimetry in humans by dynamic organ-specific evaluation.
753 Virtanen HE, Toppari J. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of cryptorchidism.
754 Virtanen I et al. Postmenopausal estrogen therapy modulates nocturnal nonlinear heart rate dynamics.
755 Virtanen JM et al. Quantitative liver iron measurement by magnetic resonance imaging: in vitro and in vivo assessment of the liver to muscle signal intensity and the R2* methods .
756 Virtanen R. Epidemiological Studies of Childhood and Adolescence Headache .
757 Visnapuu V et al. Periapikaalinen sementtidysplasia on yleinen naispuolisilla neuro-fibromatoosi 1 -potilailla.
758 Volanen I et al. Arterial intima-media thickness in 13-year-old adolescents and previous antichlamydial antimicrobial use: A retrospective follow-up study.
759 von Schantz M et al. Hoitotyöntekijöiden ja potilaiden tiedot sairaalainfektioista ja käsihygieniasta sairaalainfektioiden torjunnassa.
760 Vuopio-Varkila J, Kotilainen P. Metisilliiniresistentti Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
761 Vuorela PE et al. A familial CHARGE syndrome with a CHD7 nonsense mutation and new clinical features.
762 Vuorenoja S et al. Targeted therapy for adrenocortical tumors in transgenic mice through their LH receptor by Hecate-human chorionic gonadotropin beta conjugate.
763 Vuori A. Ryyppyputkea seurasi salakavala myrkytyskuolema.
764 Vuori M-L, Mäntyjärvi M. Tilted disc syndrome may mimic false visual field deterioration.
765 Vuorinen T et al. Virusten aiheuttamat niveltulehdukset.
766 Vuorma S et al. Menetelmämalli väestön hoidon tarpeen ja hoidon riittävyyden mittaamiseksi.
767 Välimäki M et al. Design and development process of patient-centered computer-based support system for patients with schizophrenia spectrum psychosis.
768 Välimäki M et al. Nursing students' perceptions of self-determination in elderly people.
769 Välimäki M et al. Willingness to care for patients with HIV/AIDS.
770 Väänänen R-M et al. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay for PCA3.
771 Wadén J et al. Physical activity and diabetes complications in patients with type 1 diabetes.
772 Wahlgren N et al. Multivariable analysis of outcome predictors and adjustment of main outcome results to baseline data profile in randomized controlled trials: Safe implementation of trhrombolysis in stroke-monitoring study (SITS-MOST).
773 Wallius E et al. Evaluation of the automatic three-dimensional delineation of caudate and putamen for PET receptor occupancy studies.
774 Wang HH et al. Physiological noise in MR Images: an indicator of the tissue response to ischemia?
775 Wasén E et al. Association between markers of renal function and C-reactive protein level in the elderly: Confounding by functional status.
776 Weir RAP et al. Efficacy and tolerability of adding an angiotensin receptor blocker in patients with heart failure already receiving an angiotensinconverting inhibitor plus aldosterone antagonist, with or without a beta blocker.
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Turun yliopistollinen keskussairaala University hospital of Turku
Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2009 Publications Data Base 7.10.2009