Kirurgian klinikka

Julkaisut 2008
Publications 2008

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1 Bendardaf R et al. VEGF-1 expression in colorectal cancer is associated with disease localization, stage, and long-term disease-specific survival.
2 Blanke CD et al. Long-term results from a randomized phase II trial of standard- versus higher-dose imatinib mesylate for patients with unresectable or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors expressing KIT.
3 Bostrom PJ et al. Bladder cancer after radiotherapy for prostate cancer: detailed analysis of pathological features and outcome after radical cystectomy.
4 Boström PJ et al. Risk factors for mortality and morbidity related to radical cystectomy.
5 Boström PJ et al. Ektooppinen virtsanjohdin - nuoren naisen inkontinenssin harvinainen syy.
6 Eloranta S et al. Multiprofessional collaboration promoting home care clients' personal resources: perspectives of older clients.
7 Eloranta S et al. Potilas kirurgisen hoidon laadun arvioitsijana.
8 Eloranta S et al. Personal resources supporting living at home as described by older home care clients.
9 Eloranta S et al. Avannepotilaan ohjauksessa korostuu voimavaraistuminen.
10 Grönroos J. Potilaan alkoholiongelma otettava huomioon akuutin vatsan diagnostiikassa ja hoidossa.
11 Grönroos JM. Endoscopic management of postcholecystectomy bile duct strictures.
12 Grönroos JM et al. Female gender may give rise to difficulties in endoscopic and laparoscopic biliary surgery.
13 Hedlund PO et al. Parenteral estrogen versus combined androgen deprivation in the treatment of metastatic prostatic cancer: Part 2. Final evaluation of the Scandinavian Prostatic Cancer Group (SPCG) Study No. 5.
14 Heiro M et al. Long-term outcome of infective endocarditis: A study on patients surviving over one year after the initial episode treated in a Finnish teaching hospital during 25 years.
15 Kauhanen S et al. Premedication with carbidopa masks positive finding of insulinoma and beta-cell hyperplasia in (18F)-dihydroxy-phenyl-alanine positron emission tomography.
16 Kiss J. The Role of Endothelial Enzymes NOS, VAP-1 and CD73 in Acute Lung Injury.
17 Kiss J et al. Ischemia-reperfusion injury is attenuated in VAP-1-deficient mice and by VAP-1 inhibitors.
18 Kokkola A et al. Does the eradication of Helicobacter pylori delay the diagnosis of gastric cancer?
19 Koskivuo I. Clinically Occult Metastases in Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma. Detection with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy and Whole Body Positron Emission Tomography.
20 Koskivuo I, Suominen E. Ihomelanooman muuttuva kirurginen hoito.
21 Kudomi N et al. Non-invasive estimation of hepatic blood perfusion from H2 15 O PET images using tissue-derived arterial and portal input functions.
22 Lajunen T et al. Chlamydial LPS and high-sensitivity CRP levels in serum are associated with an elevated body mass index in patients with cardiovascular disease.
23 Lajunen T et al. Comparison of polymerase chain reaction methods, in situ hybridization, and enzyme immunoassay for detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in atherosclerotic carotid plaques.
24 Lindström O et al. Elevated levels of the complement regulator protein CD59 in severe acute pancreatitis.
25 Mahkonen A et al. Lactobacillus acidophilus 74-2 and butyrate induce cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 expression in gastric cancer cells.
26 Mentula P et al. Obesity correlates with early hyperglycemia in patients with acute pancreatitis who developed organ failure.
27 Mikkola AKK et al. A high pretreatment plasma oestradiol level is associated with a low risk of acute myocardial infarction in parenteral oestrogen therapy for locally advanced prostate cancer.
28 Mustonen H et al. Taurocholate-induced nitric oxide signaling and the ensuing production of reactive oxygen species lead to an increase in epithelial permeability in cultivated mouse gastric epithelium.
29 Myllykangas S et al. Integrated gene copy number and expression microarray analysis of gastric cancer highlights potential target genes.
30 Niinikoski J. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in chronic osteomyelitis.
31 Niinikoski J et al. Diabeettisten alaraajahaavaumien ylipainehappihoito. Transkutaaninen happipaineen mittaus kliinisen päätöksenteon apuna.
32 Penttinen R, Grönroos JM. Mesh repair of common abdominal hernias: a review on experimental and clinical studies.
33 Petrova TV et al. Transcription factor PROX1 induces colon cancer progression by promoting the transition from benign to highly dysplastic phenotype.
34 Raitanen MP, The Finnbladder Group. The role of BTA stat Test in follow-up of patients with bladder cancer: results from FinnBladder studies.
35 Rantala A. Vatsaontelon kanavointi leikkauksen jälkeen - turhaa tai jopa haitallista?
36 Rantala A. Välinehuollon merkitys leikkausalueen infektioiden torjunnassa.
37 Rantala A. Leikkausalueen infektioiden syntyyn vaikuttavat tekijät.
38 Rantala A. Tähystyksiin liittyvät infektiot ja välinehuolto.
39 Sala E et al. Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease treated with laparoscopic fundoplication.
40 Salminen P et al. Subjective results and symptomatic outcome after fundoplication revision.
41 Salminen P, Huhtinen H. Maha-suolikanavan stentit.
42 Salminen P et al. Severe and fatal complications after ERCP: Analysis of 2555 procedures in a single experienced center.
43 Salonen AJ et al. Finnish multicenter study comparing intermittent to continuous androgen deprivation for advanced prostate cancer: Interim analysis of prognostic markers affecting initial response to androgen deprivation.
44 Slimani L et al. Quantification of liver perfusion with (15O)H2O-PET and its relationship with glucose metabolism and substrate levels.
45 Sullivan MM et al. Altered tissue repair in hevin-null mice: Inhibition of fibroblast migration by a matricellular SPARC homolog.
46 Tervala T et al. Targeted treatment for lymphedema and lymphatic metastasis.
47 Tiala I et al. The PSORS1 locus gene CCHCR1 affects keratinocyte proliferation in transgenic mice.
48 Tukiainen E et al. Polymorphisms of the TNF, CD14, and HSPA1B genes in patients with acute alcohol-induced pancreatitis.
49 Vakkila J et al. A novel modification of a flow cytometric assay of phosphorylated STAT1 in whole blood monocytes for immunomonitoring of patients on IFNalpha regimen.
50 Varpe P et al. Adoption of self-expanding metallic stents in the palliative treatment of obstructive colorectal cancer - look out for perforations!
51 Vihinen P et al. Serum matrix metalloproteinase-8 is associated with ulceration and vascular invasion of malignant melanoma.
52 Väänänen R-M et al. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay for PCA3.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2009 Publications Data Base 7.10.2009