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Julkaisut 2008
Publications 2008

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1 Mommers E et al. Male hormonal contraception: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
2 Aaltonen R, Alanen A. Kohdunsisäinen ureaplasmainfektio.
3 Ala-Nissilä S, Kiilholma P. Mikä avuksi naisen virtsankarkailuun?
4 Alhola P et al. Does hormone therapy affect attention and memory in sleep-deprived women?
5 Auranen A, Grenman S. Radiation therapy and biological compounds for consolidation therapy in advanced ovarian cancer.
6 Boström PJ et al. Ektooppinen virtsanjohdin - nuoren naisen inkontinenssin harvinainen syy.
7 Eigeliene N et al. Effects of estradiol and medroxyprogesterone acetate on expression of the cell cycle proteins cyclin D1, p21 and p27 in cultured human breast tissues.
8 Huhtaniemi I et al. Late-onset hypogonadism in men. Experience from the Turku male aging study (TuMAS).
9 Jalava-Broman J et al. Treatment of climacteric symptoms in Finland prior to the controversial reports on hormone therapy.
10 Joutsiniemi T et al. Hepatocellular enzyme glutathione S-transferase alpha and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.
11 Kalleinen N. Sleep and Menopause. Hormone Therapy and Sleep Deprivation.
12 Kalleinen N et al. Sleep and the menopause - do postmenopausal women experience worse sleep than premenopausal women?
13 Kalleinen N et al. 24-hour serum levels of growth hormone, prolactin, and cortisol in pre- and postmenopausal women. The effect of combined estrogen and progestin treatment.
14 Kuoppala T et al. Surgically staged high-risk endometrial cancer: Randomized study of adjuvant radiotherapy alone vs. sequential chemo-radiotherapy .
15 Linna MS et al. Smoking and low serum testosterone associates with high concentration of oxidized LDL.
16 Morin-papunen L, Palo P. Gynekologinen alavatsakipu.
17 Mäkinen J et al. Kohdunulkoinen raskaus. Käypä hoito suosituksen tiivistelmä.
18 Mäkinen JI et al. Endogenous testosterone and serumlipids in middle-aged men.
19 Näntö-Salonen K et al. Nasal insulin to prevent type 1 diabetes in children with HLA genotypes and autoantibodies conferring increased risk of disease: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial.
20 Pallasmaa N et al. Severe maternal morbidity and the mode of delivery.
21 Palo P. Gynekolologiset kaikututkimukset.
22 Perheentupa A. Missä viipyy miesten hormonaalinen raskaudenehkäisy?
23 Polo-Kantola P. Dealing with menopausal sleep disturbances.
24 Pöyhönen-Alho MK et al. Central sympatholytic therapy has anti-inflammatory properties in hypertensive postmenopausal women.
25 Rahi M et al. Influence of adenosine triphosphate and ABCB1 (MDR1) genotype on the P-glycoprotein-dependent transfer of saquinavir in the dually perfused human placenta.
26 Rantanen V, Yliskoski M. Miten tulkitsen Papa-vastausta?
27 Reiman M et al. Interleukin-6 polymorphism is associated with chorioamnionitis and neonatal infections in preterm infants.
28 Rinne K et al. A randomized trial comparing TVT with TVT-O: 12-month results.
29 Sarkola M et al. Human papillomavirus in the placenta and umbilical cord blood.
30 Sarkola M et al. Human papillomavirus DNA detected in breast milk.
31 Stephen JK et al. DNA hypermethylation profiles in squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva.
32 Tertti K et al. Comparison of metformin and insulin in the treatment of gestational diabetes: A retrospective, case-control study.
33 Vaari T et al. Survey of sleep problems in 3421 women aged 41-55 years.
34 Virtanen I et al. Postmenopausal estrogen therapy modulates nocturnal nonlinear heart rate dynamics.
35 Yliskoski M, Rantanen V. Mitä löytyy Papa-muutoksen takaa?

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2009 Publications Data Base 7.10.2009