Lastentautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2008
Publications 2008

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1 Aaltonen J et al. Evidence of infant blood pressure programming by maternal nutrition during pregnancy: A prospective randomize controlled intervention study.
2 Aarnisalo J et al. Reduced CD4+T cell activation in children with type 1 diabetes carrying the PTPN22/Lyp 620Trp variant.
3 Aarnisalo J et al. Cytomegalovirus infection in early infancy: risk of induction and progression of autoimmunity associated with type 1 diabetes.
4 Adamsson NA et al. In vivo and in vitro effects of flutamide and diethylstilbestrol on fetal testicular steroidogenesis in the rat.
5 Aittoniemi J et al. Relation among mannose-binding lectin 2 genotype, beta-cell autoantibodies, and risk for type 1 diabetes in Finnish children.
6 Axelin A, Salanterä S. Ethics in neonatal pain research.
7 Buck Louis GM et al. Environmental factors and puberty timing: expert panel research needs.
8 Caminos JE et al. Novel expression and direct effects of adiponectin in the rat testis.
9 Collado MC et al. Distinct composition of gut microbiota during pregnancy in overweight nd normal-weight women 1-3.
10 Collado MC et al. Specific probiotic strains and their combinations counteract adhesion of Enterobacter skazakii to intestinal mucus.
11 Damgaard IN et al. Risk factors for congenital cryptorchidism in a prospective birth cohort study.
12 Ekblad H. Suurten suonten transpositio - myöhäisseuranta eteistunnelointi- ja valtimonvaihtoleikkauten jälkeen.
13 Ekblad M et al. Keskosten äidit tupakoivat raskausaikana muita yleisemmin.
14 Elomaa A. Bordetella pertussis - Vaccination and Strain Variation.
15 Floch MH et al. Recommendations for probiotic use-2008.
16 Golub MS et al. Public health implications of altered puberty timing.
17 Grönroos M. Treatment-related Renal Side-effects in Pediatric Cancer Patients.
18 Grönroos MH et al. Comparison of glomerular function tests in children with cancer.
19 Grönroos MH et al. Long-term follow-up of renal function after high-dose methotrexate treatment in children.
20 He Q, Mertsola J. Factors contributing to pertussis resurgence.
21 Heikkilä J et al. Posterior Urethral valves are often associated with cryptorchidism and inguinal hernias.
22 Heikkinen E et al. Bordetella pertussis isolates in Finland: serotype and fimbrial expression.
23 Heikkinen T. Lasten äkillisen välikorvatulehduksen hoito - antibiootilla vai ilman?
24 Heikkinen T et al. Human metapneumovirus infections in children.
25 Helminen M et al. Krooninen granulomatoosi.
26 Hijnen M et al. Antibody responses to defined regions of the Bordetella pertussis virulence factor pertactin.
27 Honkanen P et al. Keuhkokuumeen hoito.
28 Hurme T et al. Lasten pahoinpitelyepäilyjen selvitykset TYKS:n lastenklinikassa.
29 Hurme T et al. Risk factors for physical child abuse in infants and toddlers.
30 Huurre A et al. Mode of delivery - effects on gut microbiota and humoral immunity.
31 Huurre A et al. Impact of maternal atopy and probiotic supplementation during pregnancy on infant sensitization: a double-blind placebo-controlled study.
32 Hämäläinen MM et al. Wilms tumour gene 1 overexpression in bone marrow as a marker for minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukaemia.
33 Inberg E et al. Keskosvauvan ja vanhempien varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen tukeminen hoitotyön menetelmin.
34 Isolauri E et al. Modulation of the maturing gut barrier and microbiota: A novel target in allergic disease.
35 Isolauri E, Salminen S. Probiotics: Use in allergic disorders.
36 Isolauri E, Salminen S. Probiotics.
37 Jartti T. Inhaled corticosteroids of montelukast as the preferred primary long-term treatment for pediatric asthma?
38 Jartti T et al. Uudet hengitystievirukset.
39 Jartti T et al. Indentification of respiratory viruses in asymptomatic subjects. Asymptomatic respiratory viral infections.
40 Juonala M et al. Mitä tiedämme lapsen riskistä sairastua aikuisena sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin?
41 Kaila M et al. Lasten astman diagnostiikka, lääkehoito ja hoidon tulokset vaihtelevat alueittain.
42 Kainulainen L et al. Hepatitis and human bocavirus primary infection in a child with T-cell deficiency.
43 Kalliokoski T et al. Pancreatic glucose uptake in vivo in men with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes.
44 Kalliomäki M et al. Early differences in fecal microbiota composition in children may predict overweight 1-3.
45 Kalliomäki M et al. Positive Interactions with the Microbiota: Probiotics.
46 Kantele A et al. Local immune response to upper urinary tract infections in children.
47 Kantola K et al. Serodiagnosis of human bocavirus infection.
48 Kirjavainen J, Lehtonen L. Koliikkivauvoilla ei ole unihäiriöitä.
49 Korja R et al. Mother-infant interaction is influenced by the amount of holding in preterm infants.
50 Korja R et al. Maternal depression is associated with mother-infant interaction in preterm infants.
51 Korppi M et al. Pneumococcal serology in children's respiratory infections.
52 Koskenvuo M. Febrile Infections in Children with Leukemia, with Special Reference to Respiratory Viral Infections.
53 Koskenvuo M et al. Respiratory virus infections in children with leukemia.
54 Koskenvuo M et al. Human bocavirus in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
55 Kääpä P, Soukka H. Phospholipase A2 in meconium-induced lung injury.
56 Lagström H et al. Growth patterns and obesity development in overweight or normal-weight 13-year-old adolescents: The STRIP study.
57 Lahti E. Childhood Community-Acquired Pneumonia.
58 Latva R et al. How is maternal recollection of the birth experience related to the behavioral and emotional outcome of preterm infants?
59 Lehtonen L. Varhain kotiutuvan vastasyntyneen seuranta vaatii ammattitaitoa ja kokemusta.
60 Lehtonen L. Raskaudenaikaista tupakointia pitää aktiivisesti vähentää.
61 Liljeström MR et al. Are signs of temporomandibular disorders stable and predictable in adolescents with headache?
62 Louhiala P et al. Lastenlääkäri eti(i)kkaliemessä - etiikan verkkokurssi erikoistuville lääkäreille.
63 Lähteenmäki PM et al. Male reproductive health after childhood cancer.
64 Lähteenmäki PM et al. Opinions on childhood cancer care and degree of agreement between patient/mother and mother/father pairs.
65 Lähteenmäki PM et al. Scholastic achievement of children with lymphoma or Wilms tumor at the end of comprehensive education-A nationwide, register-based study.
66 Madanat L-MS et al. Hypothyroidism among pediatric cancer patients: A nationwide, registry-based study.
67 Madanat L-MS et al. Probability of parenthood after early onset cancer: A population-based study.
68 Main KM, Toppari J. Cryptorchidism.
69 Main KM, Toppari J. PBDEs and cryptorchidism.
70 Marttila J et al. T-cell reactivity to insulin peptide A1-12 in children with recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes or multiple beta-cell autoantibodies.
71 Munck P et al. Crying behaviour in early infancy is associated with developmental outcome at two years of age in very low birth weight infants.
72 Mäkelä E et al. Hematological parameters in preterm infants from birth to 16 weeks of age with reference to iron balance.
73 Mäkelä MJ et al. Medication use in children with asthma in Finland from 1995 to 2006.
74 Mäkinen A et al. Characterization of the humoral immune response to islet antigen 2 in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes.
75 Nascimento-Carvalho CM et al. The role respiratory viral infections among children hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia in a developing country.
76 Nikkilä J et al. Gender-dependent progression of systemic metabolic states in early childhood.
77 Nurmio M et al. Adult reproductive functions after early postnatal inhibition by imatinib of the two receptor tyrosine kinases, c-kit and PDGFR, in the rat testis.
78 Näntö-Salonen K et al. Nasal insulin to prevent type 1 diabetes in children with HLA genotypes and autoantibodies conferring increased risk of disease: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial.
79 Oikarinen M et al. Analysis of pancreas tissue in a child positive for islet cell antibodies.
80 Oksanen A et al. Neck muscles' cross-sectional area in adolescents with and without headache - MRI study.
81 Oksanen A et al. Force production and EMG activity of neck muscles in adolescent headache.
82 Oresic M et al. Dysregulation of lipid and amino acid metabolism precedes islet autoimmunity in children who later progress to type 1 diabetes.
83 Pahkala K et al. Vascular endothelial function and leisure-time physical activity in adolescents.
84 Peltola V. Enterovirusinfektiot Suomessa ja muualla maailmassa.
85 Peltola V, Ruuskanen O. Respiratory viral infections in developing countries: common, severe, and unrecognized.
86 Peltola V et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of lung infections in children.
87 Peltola V et al. Clinical effects of rhinovirus infections.
88 Peltola V et al. Rhinovirus transmission within families with children: incidence of symptomatic and asymptomatic infections.
89 Peltola V et al. Rinovirukset leviävät lapsilta helposti muille perheenjäsenille (in press J Infect Dis).
90 Reiman M et al. Interleukin-6 polymorphism is associated with chorioamnionitis and neonatal infections in preterm infants.
91 Reiman M et al. Does placental inflammation relate to brain lesions and volume in preterm infants?
92 Rovamo L et al. Vastasyntyneen elvytys, Käypä hoito -suositus.
93 Ruottinen S et al. High sucrose intake is associated with poor quality of diet and growth between 13 months and 9 years of age: The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project.
94 Ruuskanen O, Korppi M. Lasten yskänlääkkeiden myynti pitää lopettaa.
95 Salminen S, Isolauri E. Opportunities for improving the health and nutrition of the human infant by probiotics.
96 Saxén H et al. Uusi pneumokokkirokote kannattaa liittää lasten rokotusohjelmaan.
97 Sengupta N et al. Varicella vaccination in Europe: are we ready for a universal childhood programme?
98 Seppänen M et al. Immunoglobuliinikorvaushoitoon uudet kriteerit.
99 Shen H et al. Concentrations of persistent organochlorine compounds in human milk and placenta are higher in Denmark than in Finland.
100 Sillanpää M et al. Incidence of febrile seizures in Finland: Prospective population-based study.
101 TEDDY Study Group. The environmental determinants of diabetes in the young (TEDDY) study.
102 Stolt S et al. Early lexical development of Finnish children: A longitudinal study.
103 Tanner LM et al. Carnitine deficiency and L-carnitine supplementation in lysinuric protein intolerance.
104 Tauriainen S et al. Temporal relationship between human parechovirus 1 infection and otitis media in young children.
105 Toppari J. Environmental endocrine disrupters.
106 Tuokkola J et al. Agreement between parental reports and patient records in food allergies among infants and young children in Finland.
107 Usvasalo A et al. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adolescents and young adults in Finland.
108 Uusitalo L et al. Intake of antioxidant vitamins and trace elements during pregnancy and risk of advanced beta cell autoimmunity in the child1-3.
109 Uusitalo L et al. Serum alpha- and gamma-tocopherol concentrations and risk of advanced beta cell autoimmunity in children with HLA-conferred susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus.
110 Vainionpää N et al. Kokemuksia tapausopetuksesta internetin välityksellä.
111 Virtanen HE, Toppari J. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of cryptorchidism.
112 Volanen I et al. Arterial intima-media thickness in 13-year-old adolescents and previous antichlamydial antimicrobial use: A retrospective follow-up study.
113 Vuorenoja S et al. Targeted therapy for adrenocortical tumors in transgenic mice through their LH receptor by Hecate-human chorionic gonadotropin beta conjugate.
114 Vuorinen T et al. Virusten aiheuttamat niveltulehdukset.
115 Zhang F-P et al. Sumo-1 function is dispensable in normal mouse development.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2009 Publications Data Base 7.10.2009