Korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2008
Publications 2008

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1 Aitasalo K. Syvät kaulainfektiot ja niiden hoito.
2 Al Sheikh M et al. Lack of B-RAF mutations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
3 Farnebo L et al. Number of negative points: a novel method for predicting radiosensitivity in head and neck tumor cell lines.
4 Giefing M et al. Characterization of homozygous deletions in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.
5 Grenman R. Book review: Eugene N. Myers, Robert L. Ferris (eds): Salivary gland disorders.
6 Haavisto LE, Sipilä JI. Acoustic rhinometry in children: Some practical aspects and influence of age and body surface area on results.
7 Hoffman TK et al. Alterations in the p53 pathway and their association with radio- and chemosensitivity in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
8 Järvinen A-K et al. High-resolution copy number and gene expression microarray analyses of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines of tongue and larynx.
9 Laitio RM et al. Bispectral index entropy, and quantitative electroencephalogram during single-agent xenon anesthesia.
10 Luukkaa H et al. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, -9 and -13 as prognostic factors in salivary gland cancer.
11 Misawa K et al. Epigenetic inactivation of galanin receptor 1 in head and neck cancer.
12 Näntö-Salonen K et al. Nasal insulin to prevent type 1 diabetes in children with HLA genotypes and autoantibodies conferring increased risk of disease: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial.
13 Peltola M et al. Long-term tissue reactions of three biomaterials in craniofacial surgery.
14 Peltola M et al. Reconstruction of orbital wall defects with bioactive glass plates.
15 Peltola MJ et al. Long-term microscopic and tissue analytical findings for 2 frontal sinus obliteration materials.
16 Sala E et al. Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease treated with laparoscopic fundoplication.
17 Sala E et al. Äänihäiriöt.
18 Salmi E et al. Measurement of GABAA receptor binding in vivo with (11C)flumazenil: A test-retest study in healthy subjects.
19 Salmi E et al. Xenon does not affect gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor binding in humans.
20 Schrey AR et al. Monitoring microvascular free flaps with tissue oxygen measurement and pet.
21 Sheikh Ali MAL et al. Expression and mutation analysis of epidermal growth factor receptor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
22 Simberg S, Sala E. Experiences from six years of screening for voice disorders among teacher students.
23 Stephen JK et al. DNA hypermethylation profiles in squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva.
24 Svensson M et al. Effects of epithelial and neutrophil CXCR2 on innate immunity and resistance to kidney infection.
25 Takkunen M et al. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition downregulates laminin alfa5 chain and upregulates laminin alfa4 chain in oral squamous carcinoma cells.
26 Tuusa S et al. A review of two animal studies dealing with biological responses to glass-fibre-reinforced composite implants in critical size calvarial bone defects in rabbits.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2009 Publications Data Base 7.10.2009