Fysiatrian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2008
Publications 2008

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1 Liljeström MR et al. Are signs of temporomandibular disorders stable and predictable in adolescents with headache?
2 Mikkelsson M et al. Onset, prognosis and risk factors for widespread pain in schoolchildren: a prospectuive 4-year follow-up study.
3 Oksanen A. Neck Muscle Function and Adolescent Headache.
4 Oksanen A et al. Neck muscles' cross-sectional area in adolescents with and without headache - MRI study.
5 Oksanen A et al. Force production and EMG activity of neck muscles in adolescent headache.
6 Ståhl M et al. Non-spesific neck pain in schoolchildren: prognosis and risk factors for occurrence and persistence: A 4-year follow-up study.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2009 Publications Data Base 7.10.2009