Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (hoitotiede)

Julkaisut 2009
Publications 2009

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1 Aalto P et al. The connection between personnel resources with work loading and patient satisfaction on in-patient wards.
2 Alanen S. Implementing an Evidence-based Hypertension Guideline into Finnish Primary Care Nursing.
3 Alanen S et al. Attitudes toward guidelines in Finnish primary care nursing: a questionnaire survey.
4 Alanen S et al. Nurses' experiences of guideline implementations: a focus group study.
5 Axelin A et al. Promoting shorter duration of ventilator treatment decreases the number of painful procedures in preterm infants.
6 Axelin A et al. Oral glucose and parental holding preferable to opioid in pain management in preterm infants.
7 Brunou S. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ohjattujen käytännön harjoittelujen aikana ilmenneet eettiset ongelmat.
8 Eloranta S,. Supporting Older People's Independent Living at Home Through Social and Health Care Collaboration.
9 Eloranta S,. Ikäihmisten hyvä kotihoito edellyttää sosiaali- jaterveydenhuollon yhteistyötä.
10 Eloranta S et al. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistyö - avain iäkkään asiakkaan kotona asumisen tukemiseen.
11 Eloranta S et al. Polikliinisen hoidon laatu kirurgisen potilaan arvioimana.
12 Eloranta S et al. Voimavaraistumista tukeva avannepotilaan ohjaus.
13 Eloranta S et al. Kokemukset avannepotilaan voimavaraistumista tukevan ohjauksen kehittämisestä.
14 Gustafsson M-L et al. Yksilöllistä hoitoa edistävät tekijät - hoitohenkilöstön näkökulma.
15 Hautala L et al. Uncovering hidden eating disorders using the SCOFF questionnaire: Cross-sectional survey of adolescents and comparision with nurse assessments.
16 Hyötiä M et al. Suuhygienistin kokemuksia ammattipätevyydestä suun terveydentilan selvityksessä.
17 Ijäs J et al. Primary care guidelines: senior executives' views on changing health centre practices in hypertension treatment.
18 Kivistö K et al. Asiakkaan voimavaraistumista tukeva terveysneuvonta työterveyshoitajan työssä.
19 Klemetti S et al. The effect of preoperative fasting on postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting in pediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy.
20 Koivunen M. Acceptance and Use of Information Technology among Nurses in Psychiatric Hospitals.
21 Kontio E et al. Key elements of successful care process of patients with heart symptoms in an emergency care - could an ERP system help?
22 Kontio R et al. Nurses' and physicians' educational needs in seclusion and restraint practices.
23 Kuosmanen L. Personal Liberty in Phsychiatric Care - Towards Service User Involvement.
24 Kuosmanen L et al. The effectiveness of technology-based patient education on self-reported deprivation of liberty among people with severe mental illness: A randomized controlled trial.
25 Leino-Kilpi H. Ethics of healthcare technology.
26 Leino-Kilpi H,. Self-care and empowerment of individuals and population. Editorial comment.
27 Leino-Kilpi H et al. Preference for information and behavioral control among adult ambulatory surgical patients.
28 Leino-Kilpi H, Virtanen H. Hoitotieteen valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu - yliopistojen yhteinen voimavara.
29 Lundgren-Laine H, Ritmala-Castren M. Saksittua tehohoitotyöstä 2/2009.
30 Lundgren-Laine H, Suominen H. Mistä näitä tietoja oikein tulee? - informaatio ja tehohoidon tiedot hallintaan.
31 Lundgren-Laine H et al. Intensive care admission and discharge - critical decision-making points.
32 Montin L et al. Economic outcomes from patients' perspective and health-related quality of life after total hip arthroplasty.
33 Moran A et al. Restraint and seclusion:a distressing treatment option?
34 Nikula A et al. Vaccination competence.
35 Nikula AE et al. Factors strengthening and weakening vaccination competence.
36 Numminen O et al. Nurse educators' and nursing students' perspectives on teaching codes of ethics.
37 Numminen O et al. Nurses' codes of ethics in practice and in education: a review of the literature.
38 Numminen OH et al. Nursing students and teaching of codes of ethics: an empirical research study.
39 Nyrhinen T et al. Are patient rights to information and self-determination in diagnostic genetic testing upheld? A comparison of patients' and providers' perceptions.
40 Pelander T et al. The quality of paediatric nursing care: developing the child care quality at hospital instrument for children.
41 Pitkänen A et al. Individual quality of life of people with severe mental disorders.
42 Pudas-Tähkä S-M et al. Pain assessment tools for unconscious or sedated intensive care patients: a systematic review.
43 Renholm M et al. Continuity of care in ambulatory surgery critical pathways: The patients' perceptions.
44 Ritmala-Castren M, Lundgren-Laine H. Saksittua tehohoitotyöstä 1/2009.
45 Ryhänen AM et al. Evaluation of written patient educational materials in the field of diagnostic imaging .
46 Saarikoski M et al. Kliininen oppimisympäristö ja ohjaus hoitajaopiskelijoiden kokemana - muutokset kymmenvuotiskaudella.
47 Saarikoski M et al. The role of the nurse teacher in clinical practice: an empirical study of Finnish student nurse experiences.
48 Salanterä S, Lundgren-Laine H. Better ICU documentation with language technology.
49 Salenius P, Salanterä S. Omahoitajan toiminta lastenpsykiatrisella osastotutkimusjaksolla.
50 Salmela M et al. Child-reported hospital fears in 4 to 6-year-old children.
51 Salminen LK et al. The competence of student nurse teachers.
52 Suhonen R et al. European orthopaedic and trauma patients' perceptions of nursing care: a comparative study.
53 Suhonen R et al. Yksilöllinen hoito ja siihen yhteydessä olevat tekijät - esimerkki hoitotieteen teorianmuodostuksesta empiirisen tutkimuksen avulla.
54 Suhonen R et al. Cross-cultural nursing research.
55 Suikkala A et al. Factors related to the nursing student-patient relationship: the patients' perspective.
56 Suohonen R et al. The driving and restraining forces that promote and impede the implementation of individualised nursing care: a litterature review.
57 Suominen H et al. Information flow in intensive care narratives.
58 Suominen H et al. Evaluating pain in intensive care.
59 Suominen T et al. Nursing students' attitudes towards HIV/AIDS patients in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.
60 Taylor J et al. How to be a professor: what the books dont't tell you.
61 Tiusanen T et al. Perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisen arviointi.
62 Vaartio H et al. Measuring nursing advocacy in procedural pain care - development and validation of an instrument.
63 Vaartio H et al. Nursing advocacy in procedural pain care.
64 Virtanen H et al. A survey of patients' personal expenditure related to ambulatory surgery.
65 Välimäki M et al. Patients' rights to complain in Finnish psychiatric care: An overview.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.8.2010 Publications Data Base 26.8.2010