Turun yliopistollinen keskussairaala
University hospital of Turku

Julkaisut 2009
Publications 2009

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For full details, please click the number in front of the publication.

1 Aalto P et al. The connection between personnel resources with work loading and patient satisfaction on in-patient wards.
2 Aalto S et al. The effects of d-amphetamine on extrastriatal dopamine D2/D3 receptors: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled PET study with [11C]FLB 457 in healthy subjects.
3 Aalto S et al. Sleep apnea patients with nasal CPAP therapy need control visits.
4 Aalto S et al. Reproducibility of automated simplified voxel-based analysis of PET amyloid ligand (11C)PIB uptake using 30-in scanning data.
5 Abdalla F et al. Correlation of nuclear morphometry of breast cancer in histological sections with clinicopathological features and prognosis.
6 Abrahamsson P et al. Impact of hospitalization for acute coronary events on subsequent mortality in patients with chronic heart failure.
7 Adamsson A. The Effects of Endocrine Disrupters on Fetal Male Rat Testicular and Adrenal Development.
8 Adamsson A et al. Effects of maternal exposure to di-isononylphthalate (DINP) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p´-DDE) on steroidogenesis in the fetal rat testis and adrenal gland.
9 Adamsson A et al. The effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on foetal male rat steroidogenesis.
10 Aho VV, Saari KM. Silmätaudit antiikin aikana.
11 Airaksinen J. Tekoläppäpotilaan seuranta .
12 Airaksinen J. Aikuisten viattomat sydämen sivuäänet .
13 Airaksinen J . Aikuisen yleisimmät hankitut läppäviat ja niihin liittyvät sivuäänet .
14 Airaksinen J et al. DRG kardiologiassa - onko keisarilla edes vaatteita? .
15 Airas L. Demyelinaatiomuutokset aivojen magneettikuvauksessa sattumalöydöksenä - mitä kertoa potilaalle?
16 Aittokallio J. Nocturnal Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide and Early Changes in Atherosclerosis in Pre- and Postmenopausal Women.
17 Aittokallio J et al. Nocturnal transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension in postmenopausal estrogen users and non-users.
18 Aittokallio J et al. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide profile during sleep reveals metabolic risk factors in postmenopausal women.
19 Aittokallio J et al. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide profile during sleep reveals metabolic risk factors in post-menopausal females.
20 Akkanen MJ et al. Inpatient care of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus by duration of diabetes and sex: A nationwide population-based longitudinal study.
21 Ala-Kokko T et al. Tehohoidon mahdollisuudet influenssa A(H1N1)v -pandemiassa.
22 Alanen S. Implementing an Evidence-based Hypertension Guideline into Finnish Primary Care Nursing.
23 Alanen S et al. Attitudes toward guidelines in Finnish primary care nursing: a questionnaire survey.
24 Alanen S et al. Nurses' experiences of guideline implementations: a focus group study.
25 Alanne M et al. Tight junction proteins in human Schwann cell autotypic junctions.
26 Alivuotila L et al. Speech characteristics in neurofibromatosis type 1.
27 Allen LA et al. Liver function abnormalities and outcome in patients with chronic heart failure: data from the Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM) program .
28 Alm JJ et al. Female patients with low systemic BMD are prone to bone loss in Gruen zone 7 after cementless total hip arthroplasty.
29 Altman D et al. Sexual dysfunction after trocar-guided transvaginal mesh repair of pelvic organ prolapse.
30 Anker SD et al. Prevalence, incidence and prognostic value of anaemia in patients after an acute myocardial infarction: data from the OPTIMAAL trial .
31 Ansell A et al. Polymorphism of FGFR4 in cancer development and sensitivity to cisplatin and radiation in head and neck cancer.
32 Ansell A et al. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 and -13 expression associate to cisplatin resistance in head and neck cancer cell lines.
33 Arjasmaa M et al. Syömishäiriöpotilaan hampaiston restaurointi.
34 Avivi I et al. Matched unrelated donor stem cell transplant in 131 patients with follicular lymphoma: an analysis from the Lymphoma Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.
35 Axelin A et al. Promoting shorter duration of ventilator treatment decreases the number of painful procedures in preterm infants.
36 Axelin A et al. Oral glucose and parental holding preferable to opioid in pain management in preterm infants.
37 Ayer JG et al. HDL-cholesterol, blood pressure, and asymmetric dimethylarginine are significantly associated with arterial wall thickness in children.
38 Baccarani M et al. Comparison of imatinib 400 mg and 800 mg daily in the front-line treatment of high-risk, Philadelphia-positive chronic myeloid leukemia: a European LeukemiaNet Study.
39 Ballo AM et al. Bone tissue responses to glass fiber-reinforced composite implants - a histomorphometric study.
40 Bekir Beder L et al. T-lymphocyte maturation-associated protein gene as a candidate metastasis suppressor for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
41 Bello IO et al. Alpha-smooth muscle actin within epithelial islands is predictive of ameloblastic carcinoma.
42 Bergman M et al. Association between antimicrobial consumption and resistance in Escherichia coli.
43 Bono P et al. Docetaxel 100 versus 80 mg/m2 as adjuvant treatments of early breast cancer: an exploratory analysis of a randomised trial.
44 Borra RJH. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. . Studies sing 1H MRS and PET .
45 Borra RJH et al. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Rapid evaluation of liver fat content with in-phase and out-of-phase MR imaging .
46 Boström P et al. Analysis of cyclins A, B I, D I, and E in breast cancer in relation to tumour grade and other prognostic factors.
47 Boström PJ et al. Twenty-year experience of radical cystectomy for bladder cancer in a medium-volume centre.
48 Branca M, Syrjänen KJ. Novel biomarkers as predictors of CIN lesions and prognosis of cervical cancer.
49 Brandtzaeg P et al. Microbial-Host Interaction: Tolerance versus Allergy.
50 Brokken LJ et al. Antiandrogen exposure in utero disrupts expression of desert hedgehog and insulin-like factor 3 in the developing fetal rat testis.
51 Brunou S. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ohjattujen käytännön harjoittelujen aikana ilmenneet eettiset ongelmat.
52 Brück A et al. A follow-up study on 6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa uptake in early Parkinsons's disease shows nonlinear progression in the putamen.
53 Brügger-Andersen T et al. Moderate alcohol consumption in associated with reduced long-term cardiovascular risk in patients following a complicated acute myocardial infarction.
54 Buhmeida A et al. Prognostic significance of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in stage II colorectal carcinoma.
55 Buhmeida A et al. PLA2 (group IIA phospholipase A2) as a prognostic determinant in stage II colorectal carcinoma.
56 Buhmeida A et al. DNA image cytometry predicts disease outcome in Stage II colorectal carcinoma.
57 Bäck L et al. Assessment of submucosal radiofrequency tonsil reduction by magnetic resonance imaging.
58 Bäck LJJ et al. Radiofrequency surgery of the soft palate in the treatment of mild obstructive sleep apnea is not effective as a single-stage procedure: a randomized single-blinded placebo-controlled trial.
59 Bäck LJJ et al. Complication rates of radiofrequency surgery in the upper airways: a single institution experience.
60 Böttiger Y et al. SFINX-a drug-drug interaction database designed for clinical decision support systems.
61 Cacoub PP et al. Patients with peripheral atrerial disease in the CHARISMA trial .
62 Chrohns M et al. Concurrent decline of several antioxidants and markers of oxidative stress during combination chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer.
63 Chumaeva N et al. Chronic stress and the development of early atherosclerosis: moderating effect of endothelial dysfunction and impaired arterial elasticity.
64 Chumaeva N et al. Interactive effect of long-term mental stress and cardiac stress reactivity on carotid intima-media thickness: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study.
65 Connolly SJ et al. Dabigatran versus warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation.
66 Costa S et al. Outcome of conservatively treated microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix during a 10-year follow-up.
67 Cowan BR et al. Left ventricular mass and volume with telmisartan, ramipril or combination in patients with previous atherosclerotic events or with diabetes mellitus.
68 Cowan BR et al. The cardiac MRI substudy to ongoing telmisartan alone and in combination with ramipril global endpoint trial/telmisartan randomized assessment study in ACE-intolerant subjects with cardiovascular disease: analysis protocol and baseline characteristics .
69 Cukierman-Yaffe T et al. Glucose intolerance and diabetes as risk factors for cognitive impairment in people at high cardiovascular risk: Results from the ONTARGET/TRANSCEND Research Programme.
70 Dasgupta A et al. Clinical outcomes of patients with diabetic nephropathy randomized to clopidogrel plus aspirin versus aspirin alone (A post hoc analysis of the clopidogrel for high atherothrombotic risk and ischemic stabilization, management and avoidance trial).
71 Deneux-Tharaus C et al. Policies for manual removal of placenta at vaginal delivery: variations in timing in Europe.
72 Dilsizian V et al. PET myocardial perfusion and metabolism clinical imaging.
73 Doepel M et al. Salivary cortisol and IgA levels in patients with myofascial pain treated with occlusal appliances in the short term.
74 Douroudis K et al. Association of CTLA4 but not ICOS polymorphisms with type 1 diabetes in two populations with different disease rates.
75 Duodecimin ja Suomen Kardiologisen Seuran asettama työryhmä et al. Käypä hoito -suositus: Sepelvaltimotautikohtaus: epästabiili angina pectoris ja sydäninfarkti ilman ST-nousuja ja - vaaran arviointi ja hoito .
76 Duodecimin ja Suomen sisätautilääkärien yhdistys ry:n asettama työryhmä et al. Käypä hoito -suositus: Dyslipidemiat.
77 Duodecimin ja Suomen Verenpaineyhdistys ry:n asettama työryhmä et al. Käypä hoito -suositus: Kohonnut verenpaine .
78 Dwyer T et al. Decline in physical fitness from childhood to adulthood associated with increased obesity and insulin resistance in adults.
79 Eastell R et al. Effect of once-yearly zoledronic acid five milligrams on fracture risk and change in femoral neck bone mineral density.
80 Egevad L et al. The European network of uropathology.
81 Ekblad H. Lapsen sydämen sivuääni - vaaratonko?
82 Ekblad H. Ymmärrätkö yskän?
83 Elomaa A et al. Pertussis before and after the introduction of acellular pertussis vaccines in Finland.
84 Elonheimo H et al. Psychosocial correlates of police-registered youth crime. A Finnish population-based study.
85 Eloranta S,. Supporting Older People's Independent Living at Home Through Social and Health Care Collaboration.
86 Eloranta S,. Ikäihmisten hyvä kotihoito edellyttää sosiaali- jaterveydenhuollon yhteistyötä.
87 Eloranta S et al. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistyö - avain iäkkään asiakkaan kotona asumisen tukemiseen.
88 Eloranta S et al. Polikliinisen hoidon laatu kirurgisen potilaan arvioimana.
89 Eloranta S et al. Voimavaraistumista tukeva avannepotilaan ohjaus.
90 Eloranta S et al. Kokemukset avannepotilaan voimavaraistumista tukevan ohjauksen kehittämisestä.
91 Erglis A et al. Randomized comparison of coronary bifurcation stenting with the crush versus the culotte technique using sirolimus eluting stents: the Nordic stent technique study.
92 Eriksson HI et al. Levosimendan facilitates weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting with impaired left ventricular function.
93 Erkkola M et al. Maternal vitamin D intake during pregnancy is inversely associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis in 5-year-old children.
94 Erkkola R. Raskauspahoinvointi ja hyperemeesi.
95 Erkolahti R, Nyström M. The prevalence of transitional object use in adolescence: is there a connection between the existence of a transitional object and depressive symptoms?
96 Eskelinen A et al. Long-term results of hip and knee arthroplasties - A review of population-based results obtained from the Finnish arthroplasty registry.
97 Falkenbach P et al. Incidence of iatrogenic dyscarbia during mild therapeutic hypothermia after successful resuscitation from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
98 Fan M et al. The association between cigarette smoking and carotid intima-media thickness is influenced by the -930A/G CYBA gene polymorphism: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
99 Fan Y-M et al. Hepatic lipase promoter C-480T polymorphism is associated with serum lipids levels, but not subclinical atherosclerosis: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
100 Farinha RJPC et al. Segmentation of striatal brain structures from high resolution PET images.
101 Farnebo L et al. Proteins and single nucleotide polymorphisms involved in apoptosis, growth control, and DNA repair predict cisplatin sensitivity in head and neck cancer cell lines.
102 Finke J et al. Standard graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis with or without anti-T-cell globulin in haematopoietic cell transplantation from matched unrelated donors: a randomised, open-label, multicentre phase 3 trial.
103 Flykt M et al. Prenatal expectations in transition to parenthood: Former infertility and family dynamic considerations.
104 Forsback S et al. Alternative solvents for electrophilic synthesis of 6-(18F)fluoro-L-DOPA.
105 Forssell H, Haanpää M. Päänsäryt ja kasvokivut.
106 Forssell H, Ohrbach R. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD).
107 Frisoni GB et al. In vivo mapping of amyloid toxicity in Alzheimer disease.
108 Fry BG et al. The toxicogenomic multiverse: Convergent recruitment of proteins into animal venoms.
109 Georgiadis SD et al. Kalman smoother based time-varying spectrum astimation of EEG during single agnet propofol anesthesia.
110 Goernig M et al. Comparison of current density viability imaging at rest with FDG-PET in patients after myocardial infarction.
111 Goldstein E et al. From genetic risk awareness to overt type 1 diabetes.
112 Goodwin RD et al. Do mental health problems in childhood predict Chronic physical conditions among males in early adulthood? Evidence from a community-based prospective study.
113 Gratwohl A et al. The EBMT activity survey 2007 with focus on allogeneic HSCT for AML and novel cellular therapies.
114 Grenman S et al. NFOG activities in FIGO-good to know before the FIGO 2009 congress.
115 Groop P-H et al. The presence and severity of chronic kidney disease predicts all-cause mortality in type 1 diabetes.
116 Grönlund J et al. Tavoiteohjattu infuusio - Target controlled infusion (TCI).
117 Grönroos JM. How to avoid unnecessary laparotomies in Mirizzi syndrome?
118 Grönroos JM. How to avoid unnecessary laparotomies in iatrogenic bile duct injuries?
119 Grönroos P et al. Normal leukocyte count and C-reactive protein value do not effectively exclude acute appendicitis in children.
120 Grönroos T et al. Imaging of hypoxia with PET-CT.
121 Grénman R et al. A common curriculum in Europe for ORL-HNS specialization and subspecialist training programs: we are on the right way!
122 Guarisi R et al. Smoking worsens the prognosis of mild abnormalities in cervical cytology.
123 Gunell M et al. Mechanisms of resistance in nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica strains exhibiting a nonclassical quinolone resistance phenotype .
124 Guo J-P et al. Deregulation of IKBKE is associated with tumor progression, poor prognosis, and cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer.
125 Gustafsson M-L et al. Yksilöllistä hoitoa edistävät tekijät - hoitohenkilöstön näkökulma.
126 Gylling H et al. Long-term consumption of plant stanol and sterol esters, vascular function and genetic regulation.
127 Haakana S, Hagelberg N. Ummetus kivun lääkehoidon haittavaikutuksena.
128 Haarala A et al. Use of combined oral contraceptives alters metabolic determinants and genetic regulation of C-reactive protein. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
129 Hagelberg N. Hyvät Kipuviestin ystävät.
130 Hagelberg N. Metyylinaltreksoni - täsmälääke opioidiummetuksen hoitoon.
131 Hagelberg N. Psykofyysiset kiputestit oksikodonin yhteisvaikutusten tutkimisessa.
132 Hagelberg N, Heikkonen S. Selkäkivun hallinta - helppoa, mutta vaikeaa.
133 Hagelberg NM et al. Voriconazole drastically increases exposure to oral oxycodone.
134 Hagqvist O et al. Suupolte.
135 Hahn GA et al. Parafoveal letter recognition at reduced contrast in normal aging and in patients with risk factors for AMD.
136 Hakala M et al. Nivelreuma .
137 Hakanen M. Childhood overweight - Predictors, Consequences and Prevention .
138 Hakanen M et al. FTO genotype is associated with body mass index after the age of seven years but not with energy intake or leisure-time physical activity .
139 Halava H et al. Selective prescribing of simvastatin and atorvastatin by patient characteristics at treatment initiation over a 7-year period in Finland.
140 Halkola U et al. Valokuvan terapeuttinen voima.
141 Hammar N et al. Migration and differences in dietary habits - a cross sectional study of Finnish twins in Sweden.
142 Hannu T et al. Long-term prognosis of immediate hypersensitivity type of occupational laryngitis.
143 Haukkala J et al. 68Ga-DOTA-RGD peptide: biodistribution and binding into atherosclerotic plaques in mice.
144 Hauta-Aho M et al. The effect of drug interactions on bleeding risk associated with warfarin therapy in hospitalized patients.
145 Hautala L et al. Uncovering hidden eating disorders using the SCOFF questionnaire: Cross-sectional survey of adolescents and comparision with nurse assessments.
146 Haze A et al. Regeneration of bone and periodontal ligament induced by recombinant amelogenin after periodontitis.
147 Heikkinen O et al. Solution structure of the first immunoglobulin domain of human myotilin.
148 Heikkinen T, Luutonen S. Äidin masennuksen hoito raskauden aikana ja synnytyksen jälkeen.
149 Heikkinen T, Peltola V. Influenza vaccination of children.
150 Heino R. Laihdutuskirurgia anestesiologisena haasteena.
151 Helenius I et al. Operative treatment of fractures in children is increasing. A population-based study from Finland.
152 Helenius Ilkka. Kasvuikäisen selkäongelmien kirurginen hoito.
153 Helenius Ilkka et al. "Puuttuva nikama".
154 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. Persistence with statin therapy in diabetic and non-diabetic persons: a nation-wide register study in 1995-2005 in Finland.
155 Heliövaara-Peippo S et al. The effect of hysterectomy or levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system on lower abdominal pain and back pain among women treated for menorrhagia: a five-year randomized controlled trial.
156 Hellström-Lindahl E et al. Comparison of Abeta levels in the brain of familial and sporadic Alzheimer's disease.
157 Hertzen von LC et al. Scientific rationale for the Finnish Allergy Programme 2008-2018: emphasis on prevention and endorsing tolerance.
158 Hiekkanen H et al. Association of injury severity, MRI-results and ApoE genotype with 1-year outcome in mainly mild TBI: A preliminary study.
159 Hieta N et al. Lupin allergy and lupin sensitization among patients with suspected food allergy.
160 Hietala J,. Challenges in antipsychotic drug treatment.
161 Hietanen S. Apoptosis in carcinogenesis and chemotherapy of the uterine cervix.
162 Higuchi T et al. Combined reporter gene PET and iron oxide MRI for monitoring survial and localization of transplanted cells in the rat heart .
163 Higuchi T et al. Reporter gene PET for monitoring survival of transplanted endothelial progenitor cells in the rat heart after pretreatment with VEGF and atorvastatin .
164 Hiissa J et al. Resampling reveals sample-level differential expression in clinical genome-wide studies.
165 Hilli J et al. MAO-A and COMT genotypes as possible regulators of perinatal serotonergic symptoms after in utero exposure to SSRIs.
166 Hilli J et al. Lack of clinically significant interactions between concomitantly administered rasagiline and escitalopram.
167 Himanen L et al. Attention and depressive symptoms in chronic phase after traumatic brain injury.
168 Hintsanen M et al. Cloninger's temperament traits and preclinical atherosclerosis: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study .
169 Hintsanen M et al. Cloninger`s temperament traits and preclinical atheloschlerosis: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
170 Hirvonen J et al. Measurement of central mu-opioid receptor binding in vivo with PET and [11C] carfentanil: a test-retest study in healthy subjects.
171 Hirvonen J et al. Assessment of MAO-B occupancy in the brain with PET and (11C)-L-deprenyl-D2: a dose-finding study with a novel MAO-B inhibitor, EVT 301.
172 Hirvonen MM et al. C957T Polymorphism of dopamine D2 receptor gene affects striatal DRD2 in vivo availability by changing the receptor affinity.
173 Hirvonen MM et al. C957T polymorphism of the human dopamine D2 receptor gene predicts extrastriatal dopamine receptor availability in vivo.
174 Hirvonen-Kari M et al. Effect of clinical audits of radiation use in one hospital district in Finland.
175 Hohenthal U. Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adult Patients with Special Reference to Rapid Methods for Etiological Diagnosis .
176 Hohenthal U et al. Utility of C-reactive protein in assessing the disease severity and complications of community-acquired pneumonia .
177 Hollmén M et al. Suppression of breast cancer cell growth by a monoclonal antibody targeting cleavable ErbB4 isoforms.
178 Honka M-J et al. The Pro12A1a polymorphism of the PPARgamma2 gene is associated with hepatic glucose uptake during hyperinsulinemia in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
179 Honkinen P-L. Nuorten koherenssin tunne: mittaaminen, ennustavat tekijät, seuraukset.
180 Honkinen P-L et al. Early childhood psychological problems predict a poor sense of coherence in adolescents: a 15-year follow-up study.
181 Huhtaniemi I, Perheentupa A. Miehen ikääntymiseen liittyvien hormonimuutosten diagnostiikka ja hoito.
182 Huhtinen K et al. Serum HE4 concentration differentiates malignant ovarian tumours from ovarian endometriotic cysts.
183 Hulkkonen J et al. Polymorphism in the IL6 promoter region in associated with the risk factors and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis in men: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
184 Hurme T et al. Clinical findings in prepubertal girls with inguinal hernia with special reference to the diagnosis of androgen insensitivity syndrome.
185 Huttunen K et al. Parents' views on the quality of life of their children 2-3 years after cochlear implantation.
186 Huupponen R et al. Testosterone: clinical relevance in ageing men.
187 Huvila J et al. Gene expression profiling of endometrial adenocarcinomas reveals increased apolipoprotein E expression in poorly differentiated tumors.
188 Hynninen V-V. Sytokromi P450 entsyymien estäjien vaikutukset tulehduskipulääkkeiden ja venlafaksiinin farmakokinetiikkaan.
189 Hynninen VV et al. Voriconazole increases while itraconazole decreases plasma meloxicam concentrations.
190 Hynninen VV et al. Oral voriconazole and miconazole oral gel produce comparable effects on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of etoricoxib.
191 Hyötiä M et al. Suuhygienistin kokemuksia ammattipätevyydestä suun terveydentilan selvityksessä.
192 Högel H, Jaakkola P. Hypoksia ja sen merkitys syövässä.
193 Hörste zu Meyer G et al. CD73 is expressed on invading T lymhocytes in the inflamed peripheral nerve .
194 Ibrahem S et al. Carriage of methicillin-resistant staphylococci and their SCCmec types in a long-term-care facility.
195 Ibrahim N et al. The potential value of EGFR and P53 immunostaining in tumors of the urinary bladder.
196 Iirola T. Pakko lukea.
197 Iivanainen E et al. The EGFR inhibitor gefitinib suppresses recruitment of pericytes and bone marrow-derived perivascular cells into tumor vessels.
198 Ijäs J et al. Primary care guidelines: senior executives' views on changing health centre practices in hypertension treatment.
199 Ikonen TS et al. Tarkistuslista vähentää virheitä leikkaussaleissa.
200 Ikonen TS et al. Esikartoitus hyödyttää terveydenhuollon menetelmien arviointia.
201 Ilanne-Parikka P et al. Diabetes.
202 Ilanne-Parikka P et al. Diabetes .
203 Ilva T et al. Early markers of myocardial injury: cTnI is enough .
204 Iozzo P et al. Contribution of glucose tolerance and gender to cardiac adiposity.
205 Isolauri E et al. Obesity - Extending the hygiene hypothesis.
206 Itälä-Remes M. Krooninen lymfaattinen leukemia (KLL).
207 Jaakkola PM, Pursiheimo J-P. p62 degradation by autophagy.
208 Jaakkola S et al. Dental fear: One single clinical question for measurement.
209 Jackson CE et al. Albuminuria in chronic heart failure: prevalence and prognostic importance .
210 Jacobsson B et al. Quantification of Ureaplasma urealyticum DNA in the amniotic fluid from patients in PTL and pPROM and its relation to inflammatory cytokine levels.
211 Jalanko T et al. Treatment of spinal deformities in patients with diastrophic dysplasia.
212 Jalava-Karvinen et al. Simultaneous quantitative analysis of FcgammaRI (CD64) and CR1 (CD35) in neutrophils in distinguishing between bacterial infections, viral infections, and flammatory diseases .
213 Jartti L et al. Migration at early age from a high to a lower coronary heart disease risk country lowers the risk of subclinical atherosclerosis in middle-aged men.
214 Jartti T et al. The clinical importance of rhinovirus-associated early wheezing.
215 Jartti T et al. Bronchiolitis: Age and previous wheezing episodes are linked to viral etiology and atopic characteristics.
216 Jartti T et al. Systemic T-helper and T-regulatory cell type cytokine responses in rhinovirus vs. respiratory syncytial virus early wheezing: an observational study.
217 Jartti T et al. Obesity, adipokines and asthma.
218 Jartti T et al. Onko uloshengityksen typpioksidin mittauksesta hyötyä lasten astman diagnostiikassa ja hoidossa?
219 Joensuu H et al. Fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide with either docetaxel or vinorelbine, with or without trastuzumab, as adjuvant treatments of breast cancer: final results of the FinHer trial.
220 Jokela M et al. Urban/rural differences in body weight: Evidence for social selection and causation hypotheses in Finland .
221 Jokinen P et al. Impaired cognitive performance in Parkinson´s disease is related to caudate dopaminergic hypofunction and hippocampal atrophy.
222 Jokinen P et al. Simple ratio analysis of 18F-fluorodopa uptake in striatal subregions separates patients with early Parkinson´s disease from healthy controls.
223 Joutsiniemi T et al. Transobturatoric tape procedure for female stress urinary incontinence.
224 Juonala M et al. Alcohol consumption is directly associated with carotid intima-media thickness in Finnish young adults. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
225 Juvela S, Siironen J. Cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
226 Juvela S et al. Apolipoprotein E genotype and outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
227 Jylhävä J et al. Genetics of C-reactive protein and complement factor H have an epistatic effect on carotid artery compliance: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
228 Jylhävä J et al. Serum amyloid A is independently associated with metabolic risk factors but not with early atherosclerosis: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
229 Järveläinen H et al. Extracellular matrix molecules: Potential targets in pharmacotherapy .
230 Järvisalo MJ et al. Breast feeding in infancy and arterial endothelial function later in life. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
231 Jääskelä-Saari H. Auger-emitter Radiochemotherapy in Squamous Cell Cancers: in Vitro and in Vivo Experiments with 111In-BLMC.
232 Kaasinen V et al. Pelihimon neurobiologiaa.
233 Kaila M et al. Allergy from infancy to adolescence. A population-based 18-year follow-up cohort.
234 Kaitaniemi S et al. The unique substrate specificity of human AOC2, a semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase.
235 Kaitosaari T et al. Tracking and determinants of LDL particle size in healthy children from 7 to 11 years of age: the STRIP Study.
236 Kajander S et al. Low radiation dose imaging of myocardial perfusion and coranary with a hybrid PET/CT scanner .
237 Kallio K et al. Decreased aortic elasticity in healthy 11-year-old children exposed to tobacco smoke .
238 Kallio K. Exposure to Tobacco Smoke and Markers of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Children and Adolescents. The STRIP Study.
239 Kangasniemi L et al. Extended release of adenovirus from silica implants in vitro and in vivo.
240 Kangassalo J et al. Nukkumatin painajaisia.
241 Kankuri-Tammilehto M. Prognostic Markers and Prolonged Interferon-alfa Therapy In Renal Cell Carcinoma.
242 Kantola I. Iäkkään verenpainepotilaan hoito.
243 Kantola K et al. Merkel cell polyomavirus DNA in tumor-free tonsillar tissues and upper respiratory tract samples: Implications for respiratory transmission and latency.
244 Kari O et al. Tear fluid concentration of mmp-8 is elevated in non-allergic eosinophilic conjunctivitis and correlates with conjunctival inflammatory cell infiltration.
245 Kari O et al. GIIPLA2 content of tears in non-allergic eosinophilic conjunctivitis.
246 Kari O et al. GIIAPLA2 content of tears in non-allergic eosinophilic conjunctivitis.
247 Karikoski M et al. Clever-1/Stabilin-1 regulates lymphocyte migration within lymphatics and leukocyte entrance to sites of inflammation.
248 Karjalainen PP et al. Two-year follow-up after percutaneous coronary intervention with titanium-nitride-oxide-coated stents versus paclitaxel-eluting stents in acute myocardial infarction.
249 Karppinen N et al. Serum follicle stimulating hormone levels and sleep architecture in postmenopausal women.
250 Karukivi M et al. Nuorten aleksitymia on yhtä yleistä kuin aikuisten.
251 Karvonen J. Bile Duct Stones, Strictures and Iatrogenic Lesions: Studies on Early Diagnosis and Treatment.
252 Karvonen J et al. Successful endoscopic treatment of spontaneous perforation of the common hepatic duct.
253 Karvonen J et al. The diameter of common bile duct does not predict the cause of extrahepatic cholestasis.
254 Kasanen IHE et al. The diet board: welfare impacts of a novel method of dietary restriction in laboratory rats.
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256 Kauhanen S et al. The clinical value of [18F]fluoro-dihydroxyphenylalanine positron emission tomography in primary diagnosis, staging, and restaging of neuroendocrine tumors.
257 Kauhanen SP et al. A prospective diagnostic accuracy study of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography, multidetector row computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging in primary diagnosis and staging of pancreatic cancer.
258 Kaunisto MA et al. Elevated MBL concentrations are not an indication of association between the MBL2 gene and type 1 diabetes or diabetic nephropathy.
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264 Kharroubi M, Törmänen M. Kokemuksia akuutista postoperatiivisesta kivunhoidosta (APS) Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa.
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269 Kiviniemi TO et al. High dose of red wine elicits enhanced inhibition of fibrinolysis.
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273 Klemetti S et al. The effect of preoperative fasting on postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting in pediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy.
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275 Knuuti J et al. Quantification of myocardial blood flow will reform detection of CAD .
276 Knuuttila A et al. Bevasitsumabi ei-pienisoluisen keuhkosyövän hoidossa.
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282 Koivuviita N et al. A case report: a patient with IgA nephropathy and coealic disease. Complete clinical remission following gluten-free diet .
283 Koivuviita N et al. Increased basal myocardial perfusion in patients with chronic kidney disease without symptomatc coronary artery disease.
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285 Komar G et al. Decreased blood flow with increased metabolic activity: a novel sign of pancreatic tumor aggressiveness.
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291 Korhonen PE et al. Ankle-brachial index is lower in hypertensive than in normotensive inviduals in a cardiovascular risk population.
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298 Korkeila P et al. Progression of venous pathology after pacemaker and cardioverter-defibrillator implantation: A prospective serial venographic study.
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300 Koskenvuo JW et al. Echocardiography in Fabry disease: diagnostic value of endocardial border binary appearance.
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302 Koski TA et al. Array comparative genomic hybridization identifies a distinct DNA copy number profile in renal cell cancer associated with hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer.
303 Koskinen J et al. Conventional cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome in predicting carotid intima-media thickness progression in young adults: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
304 Koskinen T et al. Short-term heart rate variability in healthy young adults. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
305 Koskinen T et al. Metabolic syndrome and short-term heart rate variability in young adults. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
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316 Kumpulainen S et al. The effect of hospital operative volume, residual tumor and first-line chemotherapy on survival of ovarian cancer - a prospective nation-wide study in Finland.
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323 Laaksonen MML et al. Associations of genetic lactase non-persistence and sex with bone loss in young adulthood.
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330 Laihia JK et al. Protodynamic therapy for bladder cancer: in vitro results of a novel treatment concept.
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333 Laitinen I, Knuuti J. Imaging of vulnerable plaque: Potential breakthrough or pipe dream? .
334 Laitinen I. Imaging of the Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque. Pre-Clinical Evaluation of PET Tracers for Vascular Inflammation.
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336 Laitinen I et al. Evaluation of alphavbeta3 integrin-targeted positron emission tomography tracer 18F-galacto-RGD for imaging of vascular inflammation in atherosclerotic mice.
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348 Lehti V et al. Mental health, substance use and suicidal behavior among young indigenous people in the Arctic: a systematic review. .
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365 Leskelä H-V et al. Congenital pseudarthrosis of neurofibromatosis type 1: impaired osteoblast differentiation and function and altered NF1 gene expression.
366 Leskelä P et al. Fasting plasma total ghrelin concentrations in monozygotic twins discordant for obesity .
367 Leskinen Y et al. Valvular calcification and its relationship to atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease .
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370 Lindgren MM et al. Reduced fluoroquinolone susceptibility in salmonella enterica isolates from travelers, Finland.
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373 Lindholm P et al. Preliminary study of carbon-11 methionine PET in the evaluation of early response to therapy in advanced breast cancer.
374 Lindholm P et al. The role of PET/CT and current challenges in prostate cancer management.
375 Lindroos MM et al. Cerebral oxygen and glucose metabolism in patients with mitochondrial m.3243A>G mutation .
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382 Louhelainen M et al. Oral levosimendan prevents postinfarct heart failure and cardiac remodeling in diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats.
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403 Martikainen I. Brain Dopamine and Serotonin Receptors in the Perception of Pain. Positron Emission Tomography Studies in Healthy Subjects.
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416 Miettinen S et al. Inhibition of P-glycoprotein-mediated docetaxel efflux sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to concomitant docetaxel and SN-38 exposure.
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423 Montalescot G et al. Prasugrel compared with clopidogrel in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (TRITON-TIMI 38): double-blind, randomised controlled trial.
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433 Mustonen H et al. Taurocholate potentiates ethanol-induced NF-kappaB activation and inhibits caspase-3 activity in cultured rat gastric mucosal cells.
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441 Nandelstadh P von et al. A class III PDZ binding motif in the myotilin and FATZ families binds enigma family proteins: a common link for Z-disc myopathies.
442 Nascimento-Carvalho CM et al. Simkania negevensis infection among Brazilian children hospitalized with community-acguired pneumonia.
443 Nekolla SG et al. PET and MRI in cardiac imaging: from validation studies to integrated applications .
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445 Nellist M et al. Missense mutations to the TSC1 gene cause tuberous sclerosis complex.
446 Nermes M et al. Safety of barley starch syrup in patients with allergy to cereals.
447 Nesterov SV et al. Myocardial perfusion quantitation with 15 O-labelled water PET: high reproducibility of the new cardiac analysis software (Carimas TM) .
448 Nevalainen TJ et al. Phospholipase A2 activity of crocodile serum.
449 Niemelä S et al. Childhood antecedents of being a cigarette smoker in early adulthood. The Finnish 'From a boy to a man' study.
450 Niemi M et al. Acoustic and neurophysiologic observations related to lingual nerve impairment.
451 Nieminen A et al. Early gastric cancer: clinical characteristics and results of surgery.
452 Nieminen K. Immunomodulation of Allergic Immune Response During Specific Immunotherapy.
453 Nieminen K et al. Three-year follow-up study of allergen-induced in vitro cytokine and signalling lymphocytic activation molecule mRNA responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of allergic rhinitis patients undergoing specific immunotherapy.
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455 Nieminen TH et al. Rifampin greatly reduces the plasma concentrations of intravenous and oral oxycodone.
456 Niinikoski H et al. Alexander disease as a cause of nocturnal vomiting in a 7-year-old girl.
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458 Niinikoski H et al. Blood pressure is lower in children and adolescents with a low-saturated-fat diet since infancy. The special Turku coronary risk factor intervention project.
459 Niiranen TJ et al. Home blood pressure has a stronger association with arterial stiffness than clinic blood pressure: the Finn-Home Study.
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463 Noponen T et al. Circulatory effect of inhaled iloprost in the newborn preterm lamb.
464 Norrmén C et al. FOXC2 controls formation and maturation of lymphatic collecting vessels through cooperation with NFATc1.
465 Nucifora G et al. Prevalence of coronary artery disease assessed by multislice computed tomography coronary angiography in patients with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation.
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473 Nurmio M et al. Functional in vitro model to examine cancer therapy cytotoxicity in maturing rat testis.
474 Nuutila J et al. CRP/CD11b ratio: a novel parameter for detecting gram-positive sepsis.
475 Nuutila J et al. Comparison of degranulation of easily mobilizable intracellular granules by human phagocytes in healthy subjects and patients with infectious diseases .
476 Nuutinen J et al. Perfusion differences on SPECT and PWI in patients with acute ischemic stroke.
477 Nymark M et al. Serum lipopolysaccharide activity is associated with the progression of kidney disease in Finnish patients with type 1 diabetes.
478 Nyrhinen T et al. Are patient rights to information and self-determination in diagnostic genetic testing upheld? A comparison of patients' and providers' perceptions.
479 Ochala J et al. Maintenance of muscle mass, fiber size, and contractile function in mice lacking the Z-disc protein myotilin.
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481 Ojala T et al. Fetal cardiac sympathetic activation is linked with maternal body mass index.
482 Okello A et al. Conversion of amyloid positive and negative MCI to AD over 3 years: an 11C-PIB PET study.
483 Okin PM et al. Prognostic value of changes in the electrocardiographic strain pattern during antihypertensive treatment. The losartan intervention for end-point reduction in hypertension study (LIFE).
484 Oksa S et al. Breast magnetic resonance imaging findings in women treated with toremifene for premenstrual mastalgia .
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489 O´Connor P et al. Oral fingolimod (FTY720) in multiple sclerosis: two-year results of a phase II extension study.
490 Paananen P et al. Evaluation of the effects of different transfusion trigger levels during the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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516 Pikkarainen E, Viikari J. Vähäestrogeeniset ehkäisypillerit ja nuorten naisten luumassan kehitys.
517 Pitkänen A et al. Individual quality of life of people with severe mental disorders.
518 Pitta DR et al. Phylogenetic classification of human papillomavirus genotypes in high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women from a densely populated Brazilian urban region.
519 Potts AL et al. Dexmedetomidine pharmacokinetics in pediatric intensive care - a pooled analysis.
520 Poulter NR et al. Baseline heart rate, antihypertensive treatment and prevention of cardiovascular outcomes in ASCOT (Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial) .
521 Poutanen O et al. Stability of affect associated with autobiographical memories.
522 Preiss D et al. Predictors of development of diabetes in patients with chronic heart failure in the Candesartan in Heart Failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbility (CHARM) program.
523 Pudas-Tähkä S-M et al. Pain assessment tools for unconscious or sedated intensive care patients: a systematic review.
524 Pulkki-Råback L et al. Depressive symptoms and the metabolic syndrome in childhood and adulthood: A prospective cohort study.
525 Puolakka K et al. Use of the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire in estimation of long-term productivity costs in patients with recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis.
526 Puolakka K et al. A mismatch between self-reported physical work load and the HAQ: early identification of rheumatoid arthritis patients at risk for loss of work productivity.
527 Pursiheimo J-P et al. Hypoxia-activated autophagy accelerates degradation of SQSTM1/p62.
528 Puska M et al. Calcium phosphate formation on ethylphosphoester of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and poly[bis(methacrylate)]phosphazene in vitro.
529 Putkonen M et al. Single-dose pegfilgrastim is comparable to daily filgrastim in moblilizing peripheral blood stem cells: a case-matched study in patients with lymphoproliferative malignancies.
530 Puttonen S et al. Shift work in young adults and carotid artery intima-media thickness: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
531 Pätilä T et al. Spontaneous recovery of myocardial function after ligation of Ameroid-stenosed coronary artery.
532 Pätilä T et al. Improved diastolic function after myoblast transplantation in a model of ischemia-infarction.
533 Raevuori A et al. Syömishäiriöiden varhaiset riskitekijät.
534 Rahi M. Role of Membrane Transporters, P-glycoproteing and MRP1, in the Placental Transfer of Drugs. With Special Reference to Saquinavir and Quetiapine.
535 Rahi MM et al. The effect of probenecid and MK-571 on the feto-maternal transfer of saquinavir in dually perfused human term placenta.
536 Raiko L et al. Tight junctions in Hailey-Hailey and Darier's diseases.
537 Raitakari OT et al. Common variation in NOS1AP and KCNH2 genes and QT interval duration in young adults. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
538 Raitakari OT et al. Pulse pressure in youth and carotid intima-media thickness in adulthood. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
539 Rantala A. Onko leikkaussalin ilmastoinnin laminaarivirtaus rahan tuhlausta?
540 Rantalaiho V et al. The good initial response to therapy with a combination of traditional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs is sustained over time . The eleven-year results of the finnish rheumatoid arthritis combination therapy trial.
541 Rautava L et al. Health-related quality of life in 5-year-old very low birth weight infants.
542 Rautava S et al. Specific probiotics in reducing the risk of acute infections in infancy - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
543 Rautava S, Walker WA. Academy of breastfeeding medicine founder`s lecture 2008: breasfeeding - An extrauterine link between mother and child.
544 Reiman M. Antenatal Inflammation and Brain Pathology in Preterm Infants.
545 Reiman M et al. Diffusion tensor imaging of the inferior colliculus and brainstem auditory-evoked potentials in preterm infants.
546 Reiman M et al. Interleukin-6 -174 and -572 genotypes and the volume of deep gray matter in preterm infants.
547 Rekola J et al. The effect of heat treatment of wood on osteoconductivity.
548 Remes A et al. Alzheimerin taudin merkkitekijöiden käyttö muistisairauksien diagnostiikassa .
549 Remes K. Erikoislääkärin uutiset: Hematologia .
550 Erikoislääkärin uutiset: Hematologia .
551 Remes L et al. Predictors for institutionalization and prosthetic ambulation after major lower extremity amputation during an eight-year follow-up.
552 Renholm M et al. Continuity of care in ambulatory surgery critical pathways: The patients' perceptions.
553 Ristamäki R et al. Hepatosellulaarisen karsinooman hoito.
554 Ristkari T et al. Childhood psychopathology and sense of coherence at age 18: findings from the Finnish from a boy to a man study.
555 Ritmala-Castren M, Lundgren-Laine H. Saksittua tehohoitotyöstä 1/2009.
556 Robinson S et al. Multidetector row computed tomography of the injured larynx after trauma.
557 Robinson SP et al. Reduced intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation for Hodgkin´s lymphoma: identification of prognostic factors predicting outcome.
558 Roesch LFW et al. Influence of fecal sample storage on bacterial community diversity.
559 Roivainen A et al. Whole-body distribution and metabolism of [N-methyl-11C](R)-1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-(1-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinolinecarboxamide in humans; an imaging agent for in vivo assessment of peripheral benzodiazepine receptor activity with positron emission tomography.
560 Ronning JA et al. Cross-informant agreement about bullying and victimization among eight-year-olds: whose information best predicts psychiatric caseness 10-15 years later?
561 Rosen von-Hoewel von J et al. Obesity related programming statements in materials on infant feeding aimed at parents in five european countries.
562 Rosengård-Bärlund M et al. Early autonomic dysfunction in type 1 diabetes: a reversible disorder?
563 Ruohola A et al. Viral etiology of common cold in children, Finland.
564 Ruohonen ST et al. Sympathetic nervous system-targeted neuropeptide Y overexpression in mice enhances neointimal formation in response to vascular injury.
565 Ruohonen ST et al. Stress-induced hypertension and increased sympathetic activity in mice overexpressing neuropeptide Y in noradrenergic neurons.
566 Ruokonen E et al. Aikuisten vaikean sepsiksen hoito.
567 Ruokonen Esko et al. Akuuttihoidon lääkkeet ja niiden käyttö.
568 Ruokoniemi P et al. Acetazolamide may provoke cyclsporine toxicity - a case report .
569 Ruottinen S et al. Carbohydrate intake, serum lipids and apolipoprotein E phenotype show association in children.
570 Ruuska T et al. Granulocyte-monocyte adsorptive apheresis in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease: Results, practical issues, safety, and future perspectives.
571 Ruuskanen O et al. Adenoviruses.
572 Ruuskanen O et al. Kuumeisen lapsen arviointi.
573 Ryhänen AM et al. Evaluation of written patient educational materials in the field of diagnostic imaging .
574 Räsänen K et al. Differences in the nemosis response of normal and cancer-associated fibroblasts from patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma.
575 Rönnemaa T. INR-arvon nousu eksenatidihoidon aikana.
576 Rönnemaa T. Lääkäritutkijat - häviävä voimavara?
577 Rönnemaa T. Minimed-glukoosisensori .
578 Rönnemaa T. Jatkuva verensokerimittaus .
579 Rönnemaa T. Jalkojen omaseuranta .
580 Rönnemaa T. Jalkojen päivittäinen hoito ja kynsien leikkaaminen .
581 Rönnemaa T. Kenkien ja sukkien valinta .
582 Rönnemaa T. Mistä diabeetikon jalkaongelmat johtuvat?
583 Rönnemaa T. Diabeetikon jalkaongelmille altistavia tekijöitä .
584 Rönnemaa T. Diabeetikon jalkaongelman laukaisevat tekijät .
585 Rönnemaa T. Neuropatiasta johtuvat haavaumat .
586 Rönnemaa T. Charcot´'n jalka eli neuroartropatia .
587 Rönnemaa T. Valtimoverenkierron häiriöt jaloissa diabeetikolla .
588 Rönnemaa T. Diabeetikon jalkavaurioiden jälkihoito .
589 Rönnemaa T. Miten ja miksi diabeteksen lisäsairauksia voi kehittyä? .
590 Rönnemaa T. Kohonnut verenpaine ja sen lääkehoito diabeetikolla .
591 Rönnemaa T. Kolesteroli- ja triglyseridiaineenvaihdunnan häiriöt ja niiden hoito diabeetikolla .
592 Rönnemaa T. Lisääntynyt hyytymistaipumus ja diabetes .
593 Rönnemaa T. Miksi diabeetikon sepelvaltimotautiriski on suurempi muita?
594 Rönnemaa T. Sepelvaltimotaudin oireet ja tutkimukset diabeetikolla .
595 Rönnemaa T. Sepelvaltimotaudin ehkäisy ja hoito .
596 Rönnemaa T. Sepelvaltimokohtaus (sydäninfarkti) ja diabetes .
597 Rönnemaa T. Aivoverenkiertohäiriöt ja diabetes.
598 Rönnemaa T. Miten, miksi ja milloin munuaisten toiminta voi häiriintyä?
599 Rönnemaa T. Miten munuaisten toimintaa tutkitaan?
600 Rönnemaa T. Nefropatian oireet .
601 Rönnemaa T. Nefropatian ehkäisy .
602 Rönnemaa T. Nefropatian hoito .
603 Rönnemaa T. Mitä on neuropatia?
604 Rönnemaa T. Neuropatiaoireet .
605 Rönnemaa T. Neuropatian tutkiminen .
606 Rönnemaa T. Neuropatian ehkäisy ja hoito .
607 Rönnemaa T. Diabetes ja iho.
608 Rönnemaa T. Erektiohäiriöt ja diabetes .
609 Rönnemaa T. Diabetekseen liittyvät yläraajaongelmat .
610 Rönnemaa T. Osteoporoosi ja diabetes .
611 Rönnemaa T. Diabetes ja kilpirauhanen .
612 Rönnemaa T. Diabetes ja keliakia .
613 Rönnemaa T. Diabeetikko leikkauksissa ja erityistutkimuksissa .
614 Rönnemaa T. Diabetes ja rokotukset .
615 Rönnemaa T . Jatkuvanäyttöiset glukoosisensorit .
616 Rönnemaa T . Muut munuaisongelmat .
617 Rönnemaa T, Huhtanen J. Jalkavammojen estäminen .
618 Rönnemaa T, Huhtanen J. Lievien jalkaongelmien hoito .
619 Rönnemaa T, Summanen P. Näköhäiriöt diabeteksen toteamisvaiheessa .
620 Rönnemaa T, Summanen P. Mitä tapahtuu verkkokalvosairaudessa eli retinopatiassa?
621 Rönnemaa T, Summanen P. Retinopatian ehkäisy.
622 Rönnemaa T, Summanen P. Retinopatian hoito.
623 Rönnemaa T, Summanen P. Harmaakaihi ja diabetes .
624 Saalasti P et al. Purennan restauroinnilla eroon niska- ja päänsäryistä.
625 Saarelainen H et al. Flow mediated vasodilation and circulating concentrations of high sensitive C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in normal pregnancy - The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
626 Saaresranta T, Paljakka K. Fysiatria. Hengityselinsairaudet ja hengitysvaje.
627 Saaresranta T, Paljakka K. Hengityselinsairaudet ja hengitysvaje.
628 Saari KM. Varsinais-Suomen silmätautiopin historia Suomen kulttuurihistorian kehyksissä.
629 Saari KM. Suomalaisten juuret oftalmologian kannalta.
630 Saari KM. Kristinusko ja silmätautioppi.
631 Saari KM. Lähetysaika Lounais-Suomessa, yliopistolaitoksen synty Länsi-Euroopassa ja arabialaisen silmälääketieteen kultakausi Lähi-Idässä.
632 Saari KM. Keskiaika ja suomalaisten opinkäynti ulkomaisissa yliopistoissa.
633 Saari KM. Lääketieteen ja silmätautiopin kehityksestä reformaatiokaudelta Turun akatemian perustamiseen.
634 Saari KM. Silmätautiopin kehitys Turun akatemian aikana.
635 Saari KM. Silmätautiopin kehitys Varsinais-Suomessa Turun palosta Turun yliopiston perustamiseen.
636 Saari KM. Oftalmologia Varsinais-Suomessa Turun yliopiston alkuvaiheiden aikana .
637 Saari KM. Silmälääkäreiden vaikutus Turun yliopiston lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan perustamiseen.
638 Saari KM. Silmätautioppi lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan alkuvaiheiden aikana.
639 Saari KM. Suomen oftalmologisen neurofysiologian tutkimuksen oppi-isä.
640 Saari KM. Silmätautiopin kehitys Varsinais-Suomessa 1950-luvulla.
641 Saari KM. Oftalmologiaa Varsinais-Suomessa 1960-1985.
642 Saari KM. Tetralogia ja panacea. Akkommodaatio- ja pseudomyopiatutkimusta Turussa.
643 Saari KM. Silmätautiopin nopean kehittymisen aika.
644 Saari KM. Oftalmologia Varsinais-Suomessa 2000-luvun alussa.
645 Saari KM. Suomalaisen silmälääketeollisuuden historia.
646 Saari KM. Silmälääkäreiden, lääke-esittelijöiden ja laitetoimittajien yhteistyötä potilaan parhaaksi.
647 Saari KM. Ergoftalmologian historiaa Suomessa.
648 Saari KM. Optisen alan historiaa Varsinais-Suomessa ja maassamme.
649 Saari KM. Kristinuskon varhainen tulo Suomeen sekä silmätautien hoito Bysantissa ja suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen keskuudessa.
650 Saari T, Tuppurainen T. Mustia kirsikoita, valkoisia ostereita ja lumisia rinteitä - perfuusiolääketiedettä Whistlerissä.
651 Saarikoski M et al. Kliininen oppimisympäristö ja ohjaus hoitajaopiskelijoiden kokemana - muutokset kymmenvuotiskaudella.
652 Saarikoski M et al. The role of the nurse teacher in clinical practice: an empirical study of Finnish student nurse experiences.
653 Saarni LA et al. Do ergonomically designed school workstations decrease musculoskeletal symptoms in children? A 26-month prospective follow-up study.
654 Saarni SE et al. Lihavuusleikkauksen vaikutukset psyykkiseen ja sosiaaliseen hyvinvointiin.
655 Saarni SI et al. Lihavuuden leikkaushoitoon liittyviä eettisiä näkökohtia.
656 Sala E et al. Ääniergonomian kartoitusopas työpaikalla tehtävää ääniergonomista selvitystä varten.
657 Salanterä S, Lundgren-Laine H. Better ICU documentation with language technology.
658 Salenius P, Salanterä S. Omahoitajan toiminta lastenpsykiatrisella osastotutkimusjaksolla.
659 Salmela M et al. Child-reported hospital fears in 4 to 6-year-old children.
660 Salminen LK et al. The competence of student nurse teachers.
661 Salminen M et al. The long-term effect of a multifactorial fall prevention programme on the incidence of falls requiring medical treatment.
662 Salminen M et al. Effects of risk-based multifactorial fall prevention on postural balance in the community-dwelling aged: A randomized controlled trial.
663 Salminen MJ et al. Effect of a risk-based multifactorial fall prevention program on the incidence of falls.
664 Salminen P. The laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication - a better operation?
665 Salminen P et al. Use of self-expandable metal stents for the treatment of esophageal perforations and anastomotic leaks.
666 Salminen P, Ovaska J. Heterotopic gastric mucosal patch in patients with reflux laryngitis: an entity of clinical interest?
667 Salminen S et al. Microbial-host interactions: Selecting the right probiotics and prebiotics for infants.
668 Salo TM et al. Fractal scaling properties of heart rate dynamics and myocardial efficiency in dilated cardiomyopathy.
669 Saloheimo P et al. Seasonal variation of intracerebral haemorrhage in subjects with untreated hypertension.
670 Salokangas RKR. Skitsofreniapotilaan somaatiset sairaudet.
671 Salokangas RKR,. Katoaako skitsofrenia?
672 Salokangas RKR et al. Perceived negative attitude of others as an early sign of psychosis.
673 Salokangas RKR et al. Skitsofreniapotilaat tarvitsevat yhä paljon sairaalahoitoa.
674 Santalahti P. Perheterapeuttina monikulttuurisessa ja muuttuvassa maailmassa. .
675 Santalahti P et al. Lasten mielenterveyspalveluiden käyttö.
676 Saraheimo M, Rönnemaa T. Pitkään diabetesta sairastaneen vanheneminen .
677 Saraheimo M, Rönnemaa T. Vanhuusiässä diabetekseen sairastuvan hoitotavoitteet .
678 Saraheimo M, Rönnemaa T. Vanhuusiässä tyypin 2 diabetekseen sairastuneen verensokeritasapainon hoito .
679 Saraheimo M, Rönnemaa T. Vanhuusiässä diabetekseen sairastuneen verensokerin seuranta .
680 Saraheimo M, Rönnemaa T. Lisäsairauksien ehkäisy vanhuusiässä tyypin 2 diabetekseen sairastuneilla.
681 Saraheimo M, Rönnemaa T. Korkean verensokerin aiheuttama tajuttomuus ilman happomyrkytystä .
682 Saraste A et al. Nuclear cardiology needs new "blood".
683 Saraste A et al. Cardiovascular molecular imaging: an overview .
684 Saraste A et al. Eteiskorvakkeen katetrisulku .
685 Sarian LO et al. Increased risk of oncogenic human papillomavirus infections and incident high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia among smokers.
686 Sarimo J et al. Proximal 1- and 2-tendon hamstring avulsions: Overview and surgical technique.
687 Sarkola Marja. Human papillomavirus (HPV) in mothers before and after delivery - a three year follow-up study.
688 Sarkola ME et al. Effect of second pregnancy on maternal carriage and outcome of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV).
689 Satomaa T et al. Analysis of the human cancer glycome identifies a novel group of tumor-associated N-acetylglucosamine glycan antigens.
690 Scheinin NM et al. Follow-up of [11C]PIB uptake and brain volume in patients with Alzheimer disease and controls.
691 Schmitt F, Piha J. Lapsed pereteraapias -laps ja vanema raske haigus.
692 Schrey A,. Free Flap Monitoring Using Oxygen Measurement and Positron Emission Tomography.
693 Schwaiger M et al. Myocardial innervation.
694 Seppälä J et al. Major reduction of monitor units with the avoidance of leaf-sequencing step by direct aperture based IMRT optimisation.
695 Seppälä J et al. Carbon-11 acetate PET/CT based dose escalated IMRT in prostate cancer.
696 Setälä M et al. Särkylääke ei auta kuukautiskipuihin - epäile endometrioosia.
697 Sever PS et al. Antihypertensive therapy and the benefits of atorvastatin in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial: lipid-lowering arm extension .
698 Sever PS et al. Coronary heart disease benefits from blood pressure and lipid-lowering .
699 Sherif HM et al. Evaluation of a novel 18 F-labeled positron-emission tomography perfusion tracer for the assessment of myocardial infarct size in rats .
700 Siiskonen T et al. Excitation functions for proton-induced reactions on natural hafnium: Production of 177Lu for medical use.
701 Siiskonen T et al. Excitation functions of proton-induced reactions in (nat)Cu in the energy range 7-17MeV.
702 Siljander H et al. Role of insulin autoantibody affinity as a predictive marker for type 1 diabetes in young children with HLA-conferred disease susceptibility.
703 Siljander HTA et al. Predictive characteristics of diabetes-associated autoantibodies among children with HLA-conferred disease susceptibility in the general population.
704 Sillanpää M, Cross HJ. The psychosocial impact of epilepsy in childhood.
705 Sillanpää M, Schmidt D. Delayed time to first remission indentifies poor long-term drug response of childhood-onset epilepsy: A prospective population-based study.
706 Sillanpää M, Schmidt D. Early seizure frequency and aetiology predict long-term medical outcome in childhood-onset epilepsy.
707 Silvennoinen H et al. Clinical presentation of influenza in unselected children treated as outpatients.
708 Simberg S et al. Vocal symptoms and allergy - a pilot study.
709 Simberg S et al. Exploring genetic and enviromental effects in dysphonia: a twin study.
710 Simell O et al. Cohort profile: the STRIP study (special Turku coronary risk factor intervention project), an infancy-onset dietary and life-style intervention trial.
711 Simen-Kapeu A et al. Tobacco smoking and chewing as risk factors for multiple human papillomavirus infections and cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions in two countries (Côte d'Ivoire and Finland) with different tobacco exposure.
712 Sivenius J et al. Modelling the burden of stroke in Finland until 2030.
713 Sjösten N et al. Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome as a predictor of work disability.
714 Sjösten N et al. Increased risk of lost work days prior to the diagnosis of sleep apnea.
715 Sjösten N et al. Increased risk of lost work days prior to the diagnosis of sleep apnea.
716 Sleight P et al. Prognostic value of blood pressure in patients with high vascular risk in the ongoing telmisartan alone and in combination with ramipril global endpoint trial study.
717 Snapir A et al. Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibition on dexmedetomidine-induced vasoconstriction in healthy human volunteers.
718 Soininen P et al. High-throughput serum NMR metabonomics for cost-effective holistic studies on systemic metabolism.
719 Solomon SD et al. Effect of the direct renin inhibitor aliskiren, the angiotensin receptor blocker losartan, or both on left ventricular mass in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy.
720 Sourander A et al. Childhood predictors of completed and severe suicide attempts: findings from the Finnish 1981 Birth Cohort Study.
721 Sourander A et al. Childhood bullying behavior and later psychiatric hospital end psychopharmacologic treatment: findings from the Finnish 1981 Birth Cohort study.
722 Steinhubl SR et al. Aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease: The association of aspirin dose and clopidogrel with thrombosis and bleeding.
723 Stenholm T et al. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus screening by online immunometric monitoring of bacterial growth under selective pressure .
724 Stolt S. Language in Acquisition. Early Lexical Development and Associations between Lexicon and Grammar - Findings from Full-Term and Very-Low-Birth-Weight Finnish Children.
725 Stolt S et al. Associations between lexicon and grammar at the end of the second year in Finnish children.
726 Stolt S et al. The early lexical development and its predictive value to language skills at 2 years in very-low-birth-weight children.
727 Strandberg T, Viikari J. Tulisiko CRP:tä mitata valtimotautiriskin määrittämiseksi?
728 Suhonen R et al. European orthopaedic and trauma patients' perceptions of nursing care: a comparative study.
729 Suhonen R et al. Yksilöllinen hoito ja siihen yhteydessä olevat tekijät - esimerkki hoitotieteen teorianmuodostuksesta empiirisen tutkimuksen avulla.
730 Suhonen R et al. Cross-cultural nursing research.
731 Suikkala A et al. Factors related to the nursing student-patient relationship: the patients' perspective.
732 Sulkko K et al. Selkäydinstimulaationhoito.
733 Suohonen R et al. The driving and restraining forces that promote and impede the implementation of individualised nursing care: a litterature review.
734 Suomela S et al. CCHCR1 is up-regulated in skin cancer and associated with EGFR expression.
735 Suominen H et al. Information flow in intensive care narratives.
736 Suominen H et al. Evaluating pain in intensive care.
737 Suominen T et al. Nursing students' attitudes towards HIV/AIDS patients in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.
738 Surrel F et al. Group X phospholipase A2 stimulates the proliferation of colon cancer cells by producing various lipid mediatros.
739 Syrjänen K. Histology, classification and natural history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).
740 Syrjänen K. Annual disease burden due to human papillomavirus (HPV) 6 and 11 infections in Finland.
741 Syrjänen K. Annual disease burden due to human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 and 18 infections in Finland.
742 Syrjänen K. Human papillomavirus (HPV) involvement in esophageal carcinogenesis.
743 Syrjänen K et al. Reproducibility of classification and correction for verification bias as determinants of performance of Papanicolaou smear cytology in the screening settings.
744 Syrjänen K et al. Persistent high-risk human papillomavirus infections and other end-point markers of progressive cervical disease among women prospectively followed up in the new independent states of the former Soviet Union and the Latin American screening study cohorts.
745 Syrjänen KJ, ed. Selected Papers on Gynaecologic Oncology.
746 Syrjänen KJ. Introduction.
747 Syrjänen S et al. Up-regulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 is associated with high-risk HPV and grade of cervical lesion at baseline but does not predict outcomes of high-risk HPV infections or incident CIN.
748 Syrjänen S et al. Immunosuppressive cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) is up-regulated in high-grade CIN but not associated with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) at baseline, outcomes of HR-HPV infections or incident CIN in the LAMS cohort.
749 Syrjänen S et al. Dynamics of human papillomavirus serology in women followed up for 36 months after pregnancy.
750 Söderlund-Venermo M et al. Clinical assessment and improved diagnosis of bocavirus-induced wheezing in children, Finland.
751 Söderström J. Bönäriammatti.
752 Söderström M et al. The consequences of an outbreak of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa among patients treated for critical leg ischemia.
753 Taittonen M et al. Selkäydinstimulaatio vaikean hoitoresistentin rintakivun (refraktaari angina pectoris) hoidossa.
754 Takala RSK et al. Pulmonary inflammatory mediators after sevoflurane anaesthesia in tobacco smoking and non-smoking patients.
755 Talvinen K et al. Securin promotes the identification of favourable outcome in invasive breast cancer.
756 Tanner J et al. Yläetuhampaiden epätyypillinen lohkeilu.
757 Taylor J et al. How to be a professor: what the books dont't tell you.
758 Tenovuo J, Rönnemaa T. Diabetes ja suu .
759 Tenovuo O et al. A randomized controlled trial of rivastigmine for chronic sequels of traumatic brain injury - what it showed and taught?
760 Tertti R et al. Varjoaineet ja munuaisongelmat .
761 Tertti R et al. Intravenous administration of low molecular weight and unfractionated heparin elicits a rapid increase in serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein A.
762 Tetri S et al. Hypertension and diabetes as predictors of early death after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
763 Thastum M et al. Prevalence and predictors of emotional and behavioural functioning of children where a parent has cancer: a multinational study.
764 Thorn LM et al. Effect of parental type 2 diabetes on offspring with type 1 diabetes.
765 Thorn LM et al. Metabolic syndrome as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, mortality and progression of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes.
766 Tiainen M et al. Arrythmias and heart rate variability during and after therapeutic hypotermia for cardiac arrest.
767 Tikka S et al. Congruence between NOTCH3 mutations and GOM in 131 CADASIL patients.
768 Tirri T et al. Adhesion of respiratory-infection-associated microorganisms on degradable thermoplastic composites.
769 Tiusanen T et al. Perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisen arviointi.
770 Toikka T et al. Onko diabeetikoiden jalkojen omahoito parantunut 20 vuoden aikana?
771 Toivonen R et al. Retargeting improves the efficacy of a telomerase-dependent oncolytic adenovirus for head and neck cancer.
772 Forsblom C et al. Lipid abnormalities predict progression of renal disease in patients with type 1 diabetes .
773 Tommila M. Tutorlääkäröintiä Turussa.
774 Tommila M et al. Hydroxyapatite coating of cellulose sponges attracts bone-marrow-derived stem cells in rat subcutaneous tissue.
775 Toriseva M, Kähäri V-M. Proteinases in cutaneous wound healing.
776 Torniainen S et al. Four novel mutations in the lactase gene (LCT) underlying congenital lactase deficiency (CLD).
777 Tuisku V et al. Factors associated with deliberate self-harm behaviour among depressed adolescent outpatients.
778 Tukiainen E et al. Hemostatic gene polymorphisms in severe acute pancreatitis.
779 Tuomasjukka SS et al. Regio-distribution of stearic acid is not conserved in chylomicrons after ingestion of randomised, stearic acid-rich fat in a single meal.
780 Tuomi J et al. Medical applications of rapid prototyping - from applications to classification.
781 Tuomi S et al. PKCepsilon regulation of an alpha5 integrin-ZO-1 complex controls lamellae formation in migrating cancer cells.
782 Tuominen S et al. Potilaiden kokemukset nivelreuman aiheuttamasta haitasta .
783 Tuunanen H et al. Response to letter regarding article, "Trimetazidine, a metabolic modulator, has cardiac and extracardiac benefits in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy".
784 Tvorogov D et al. Somatic mutations of ErbB4. Selective loss-of-function phenotype affecting signal transduction pathways in cancer.
785 Tähtinen OI et al. Wide-necked intracranial aneurysms:Treatment with stent-assisted coil embolization during acute (<72 hours) subarachnoid hemorrhage- experience in 61 consecutive patients .
786 Tähtinen PA et al. Parental experiences and attitudes regarding the management of acute otitis media - a comparative questionnaire between Finland and The Netherlands .
787 Tárkányi E et al. Excitation functions of 3He- and alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on natSb for production of medically relevant 123I and 124I radioisotopes.
788 Ujula T et al. Synthesis, 68Ga labeling and preliminary evaluation of DOTA peptide binding vascular adhesion protein-1: a potential PET imaging agent for diagnosing osteomyelitis.
789 Ukkonen H et al. Cardiovascular drug develpoment using radiopharmaceuticals .
790 Ukkonen H et al. The effect of right ventricular pacing on myocardial oxidative metabolism and efficiency: relation with left ventricular dyssynchrony.
791 Uusimaa J et al. Genetiikan nykymahdollisuudet epilepsian diagnostiikassa .
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794 Vaapio SS et al. Quality of life as an outcome of fall prevention interventions among the aged: a systematic review.
795 Vaartio H et al. Measuring nursing advocacy in procedural pain care - development and validation of an instrument.
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797 Vahtera J et al. Effect of Retirement on Sleep Disturbances: the GAZEL Prospective Cohort Study.
798 Valkonen H et al. Recurrent wheezing after respiratory syncytial virus or non-respiratory syncytial bronchiolitis in infancy: a 3-year follow-up.
799 Valleala H et al. Rituximab therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis refractory or with contraindication to anti-tumour necrosis factor drugs: real-life experience in Finnish patients.
800 Valmunen T et al. Modulation of facial sensitivity by navigated rTMS in healthy subjects.
801 Valtonen P et al. Maternal serum ADMA is not associated with proinflammatory cytokines or C-reactive protein during normal pregnancy.
802 Vanto T et al. Lasten ruoka-allergia. Käypä hoito -suosituksen päivitystiivistelmä.
803 Varis J et al. Experiences of telemedicine-aided hypertension control in the follow-up of Finnish hypertensive patients.
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805 Varpe P. Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Cancer - Controversial Issues.
806 Varpe P et al. Thromboprophylaxis following surgery for colorectal cancer - is it worthwhile after hospital discharge?
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808 Verdecchia P et al. Effects of telmisartan, ramipril and their combination on left ventricular hypertrophy in individuals at high vascular risk in the ongoing telmisartan alone and in combination with ramipril global end point trial etc.
809 Victorzon M et al. Lihavuuskirurgian vaikuttavuus ja turvallisuus.
810 Viikari J. Onko lääketeollisuudella sijaa lääkäreiden koulutuksessa? "Kyllä on. Mitä tahansa luentoa on kuunneltava kriittisesti.".
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812 Viikari J et al. The initiatives and outcomes for cardiovascular risks that can be achieved through paediatric counselling.
813 Viljanen A. Effects of Weight Loss on Adipose Tissue, Liver and Heart Metabolism in Humans. Studies with PET, MRI ja MRS.
814 Viljanen APM et al. Effects of weight loss on liver free fatty acid uptake and hepatic insulin resistance.
815 Viljanen APM et al. Effect of weight loss on liver free fatty acid uptake and hepatic insulin resistance.
816 Viljanen APM et al. Effect of caloric restriction on myocardial fatty acid uptake, left ventricular mass, and cardiac work in obese adults.
817 Viljanen APM et al. Effects of weight loss on visceral and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue blood-flow and insulin-mediated glucose uptake in healthy obese subjects .
818 Vilkman H et al. The effects of lorazepam on extrastriatal dopamine D2/3-receptors - A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled PET study.
819 Vilska S et al. Mental health of mothers and fathers of twins conceived via assisted reproduction treatment: a 1-year prospective study.
820 Virolainen P, Manninen M. Periprosthetic joint infections.
821 Virta JJ et al. Voxel-based analysis of cerebral glucose metabolism in mono- and dizygotic twins discordant for Alzheimer disease.
822 Virtanen H et al. A survey of patients' personal expenditure related to ambulatory surgery.
823 Virtanen I et al. Normal cardiorespiratory polygraphy - no sleep disturbance?
824 Virtanen I et al. Yöpolygrafia normaali - ei unenaikaista hengityshäiriötä?
825 Virtanen J et al. Comparison of principal and independent component analysis in removing extracerebral interference from near-infrared spectroscopy signals.
826 Virtanen KA et al. Functional brown adipose tissue in healthy adults.
827 Virtanen M et al. Mielenterveyssyistä johtuvat sairauslomat lisääntyneet mutta eläkkeet vähentyneet kunta-alalla.
828 Virtanen M et al. Contribution of parental and school personnel smoking to health risk behaviours among Finnish adolescents.
829 Virtanen R et al. Prevalence and incidence of headache in adolescent Finnish twins.
830 Voors AA et al. C-terminal provasopressin (copeptin) is a strong prognostic marker in patients with heart failure after an acute myocardial infarction: results from the OPTIMAAL study .
831 Vuontela V et al. Brain activation and deactivation during location and color working memory tasks in 11-13-year-old children .
832 Vuorenoja S. Targeted Ablation of Gonadotropin Dependent Endocrine Tumors in Transgenic Mice Trough Their Luteinizing Hormone Receptor (LHR).
833 Vuorenoja S et al. Hecate-CGbeta conjugate and gonadotropin suppression shows two distinct mechanisms of action in the treatment of adrenocortical tumors in transgenic mice expressing Simian Virus 40 T antigen under inhibin-alfa promoter.
834 Vuori A, Herrala J. Suositukset neuromuskulaarisesta syystä johtuvan vaikean hengitysvajeen hoitoon.
835 Vuorisalo S et al. Mitä tiedetään verisuonikirurgian vaikuttavuudesta.
836 Vuoristo M-S et al. Carboplatin and vinorelbine combined with subcutaneous interleukin-2 in metastatic melanoma with poor prognosis.
837 Välimaa H et al. Human lactoferrin but not lysozyme neutralizes HSV-1 and inhibits HSV-1 replication and cell-tocell spread.
838 Välimäki M et al. Patients' rights to complain in Finnish psychiatric care: An overview.
839 Wadén J et al. A1C variability predicts incident cardiovascular events, microalbuminuria and overt diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes.
840 Wadén J et al. Adult stature and diabetes complications in patients with type 1 diabetes. The FinnDiane Study and the diabetes control and complications trial.
841 Wallentin L et al. Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes .
842 Westerlund H et al. Does Working While III Trigger Serious Coronary Events? The Whitehall II Study.
843 Westerlund H et al. Self-rated health before and after retirement in France (GAZEL): a cohort study.
844 Wohlfahrt-Veje C et al. Acquired cryptorchidism is frequent in infancy and childhood.
845 Xavier SD et al. Prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in oral mucosa of men with anogenital HPV infection.
846 Yang X et al. Sustained participation in youth sport decreases metabolic syndrome in adulthood.
847 Yeghiazarians Y et al. Injection of bone marrow cell extract into infarcted hearts results in functional improvement comparable to intact cell therapy.
848 Zhang D et al. Predicting physical and chemical properties of bioactive glasses from chemical composition. Part 3: In vitro reactivity.
849 Zhang N et al. Concurrent cetuximab, cisplatin, and radiation for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in vitro.
850 Zhao DS et al. Development of a multi-component fiber-reinforced composite implant for load-sharing conditions.
851 Zhou Q et al. Mutations/polymorphisms in the 55 kDa subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon in human colorectal cancer.
852 Zucchi F et al. Fas/CD95 promoter polymorphism gene and its relationship with cervical carcinoma.

Turun yliopistollinen keskussairaala University hospital of Turku
Julkaisutietokanta 26.8.2010 Publications Data Base 26.8.2010