Lastenkirurgian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2009
Publications 2009

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1 Helenius I et al. Operative treatment of fractures in children is increasing. A population-based study from Finland.
2 Helenius Ilkka. Kasvuikäisen selkäongelmien kirurginen hoito.
3 Helenius Ilkka et al. "Puuttuva nikama".
4 Hurme T et al. Clinical findings in prepubertal girls with inguinal hernia with special reference to the diagnosis of androgen insensitivity syndrome.
5 Jalanko T et al. Treatment of spinal deformities in patients with diastrophic dysplasia.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.8.2010 Publications Data Base 26.8.2010