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Julkaisut 2009
Publications 2009

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1 Elonheimo H et al. Psychosocial correlates of police-registered youth crime. A Finnish population-based study.
2 Goodwin RD et al. Do mental health problems in childhood predict Chronic physical conditions among males in early adulthood? Evidence from a community-based prospective study.
3 Hautala L et al. Uncovering hidden eating disorders using the SCOFF questionnaire: Cross-sectional survey of adolescents and comparision with nurse assessments.
4 Karukivi M et al. Nuorten aleksitymia on yhtä yleistä kuin aikuisten.
5 Klomek AB et al. Childhood bullying behaviors as a risk for suicide attempts and completed suicides: a population-based birth cohort study.
6 Lehti V et al. Mental health, substance use and suicidal behavior among young indigenous people in the Arctic: a systematic review. .
7 Niemelä S et al. Childhood antecedents of being a cigarette smoker in early adulthood. The Finnish 'From a boy to a man' study.
8 Raevuori A et al. Syömishäiriöiden varhaiset riskitekijät.
9 Salokangas RKR et al. Perceived negative attitude of others as an early sign of psychosis.
10 Sourander A et al. Childhood predictors of completed and severe suicide attempts: findings from the Finnish 1981 Birth Cohort Study.
11 Sourander A et al. Childhood bullying behavior and later psychiatric hospital end psychopharmacologic treatment: findings from the Finnish 1981 Birth Cohort study.
12 Tuisku V et al. Factors associated with deliberate self-harm behaviour among depressed adolescent outpatients.

Julkaisutietokanta 26.8.2010 Publications Data Base 26.8.2010