Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (hoitotiede)

Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Aitamaa E et al. Ethical problems in nursing management: the role of codes of ethics.
2 Auvinen J et al. Male participation and prevention of human immunodefiency virus (HIV) mother-to-child transmission in Africa.
3 Axelin A. Parents as Pain Killers in the Pain Management of Preterm Infants.
4 Axelin A et al. Effects of pain management on sleep in preterm infants.
5 Axelin A et al. Mothers' different styles of involvement in preterm infant pain care.
6 Chambers M et al. Nurses' attitudes to mental illness: A comparison of a sample of nurses from five European countries.
7 Charalambous A et al. Individualised care and the professional practice environment: nurses' perceptions.
8 Eloranta S et al. Home care from the perspective of older clients and their professional carers.
9 Eloranta S et al. Perceptions of the psychological well-being and care of older home care clients: clients and their carers.
10 Flinkman M et al. Nurses' intention to leave the profession: integrative review.
11 Guise V et al. A mixed-mode approach to data collection: combining web and paper questionnaires to examine nurses' attitudes to mental illness.
12 Heikkinen K et al. Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients knowledge with Internet-based education.
13 Heikkinen K et al. Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patient education and cost of care.
14 Heikkinen K et al. The creation and evaluation of an ambulatory orthopedic surgical patient education web site to support empowerment.
15 Hätönen H. Patient Education to Support the Self-Management of Pateints with Mental Illness.
16 Hätönen H et al. Patient education practices in psychiatric hospital wards: A national survey in Finland.
17 Hätönen H et al. Patients' perceptions of patient education on psychiatric inpatient wards: a qualitative study.
18 Johansson K et al. Pre-admission education in surgical rheumatology nursing: towards greater patient empowerment.
19 Junttila K et al. The use of nursing diagnoses in perioperative documentation.
20 Kallava A et al. Aikuispotilaan ohjaaminen ennen EEG-tutkimusta ja sen aikana.
21 Klemetti S. Counselling on Limited Preoperative Fasting in Paediatric Ambulatory Tonsillectomy.
22 Klemetti S et al. The effect of preoperative nutritional face-to-face counseling about child`s fasting on parental knowledge, preoperative need-for-information, and anxiety, in pediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy.
23 Klemetti S et al. The effect of preoperative fasting on postoperative thirst, hunger and oral intake in paediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy.
24 Klemetti S et al. Active preoperative nutrition is safely implemented by the parents in pediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy.
25 Koivunen M et al. Nurses' information retrieval skills in psychiatric hospitals - Are the requirements for evidence-based practice fulfilled?
26 Koivunen M et al. Effects of the implementation of the web-based patient support system on staff's attitudes towards computers and IT use: a randomised controlled trial.
27 Kontio R et al. Patient restrictions: Are there ethical alternatives to seclusion and restraint?
28 Kuokkanen L et al. Sairaanhoitajien kokemat eetiset ongelmat hoitotyössä.
29 Kuosmanen L et al. Usability evaluation of a web-based patient information system for individuals with severe mental health problems.
30 Kuusela M et al. Moniammatillinen osaaminen iäkkään kotihoidon asiakkaan fyysisen toimintakyvyn tukemisessa.
31 Laaksonen C et al. Painokas-työkalupakki neuvolan tukena.
32 Laaksonen CB et al. The change in child self-assessed and parent proxy-assessed health related quality of life (HRQL) in early adolescence (age 10-12).
33 Lahtonen P et al. Sairaanhoitaja tutkimustiedon käyttäjänä.
34 Laine P. Verenpaineen mittaamisen opettaminen sairaanhoitaja- ja terveydenhoitajaopiskelijoille.
35 Lakanmaa R-L, Leino-Kilpi H. Tehopotilaan kuntoutus - tutkimusten kertomaa.
36 Lundgren-Laine H, Salanterä S. Think-aloud technique and protocol analysis in clinical decision-making research.
37 Mockiene V et al. The impact of an education intervention to change nurses' HIV-related knowledge and attitudes in Lithuania: a randomized controlled trial.
38 Mockiene V et al. Impact of intervention programs on nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to take care of patients with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a descriptive review.
39 Mockiene V et al. Nurses' willingness to take care of people living with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - does a teaching intervention make a difference?
40 Montin L et al. Total joint arthroplasty patients' perception of received knowledge of care.
41 Montin L et al. The changes in health-related quality of life and related factors during the process of total hip arthroplasty.
42 Mört S et al. Self-reported health-related quality of life of children and adolescent survivors of extracranial childhood malignancies: a Finnish nationwide survey.
43 Nikula A et al. Vaccination competence of graduating public health nurse students.
44 Nummelin M, Salminen L. Konferenssimatkalla Englannissa - mielenkiintoinen ja opettavainen kokemus.
45 Numminen O. Nursing Ethics Education in Finland from the Perspective of Codes of Ethics.
46 Numminen OH et al. Nurse educators' teaching of codes of ethics.
47 Oranta O et al. The outcomes of interpersonal counselling on depressive symptoms and distress after myocardial infarction.
48 Papastavrou E et al. The concept of caring in nursing: results from a pilot study (in Greek).
49 Papastavrou E et al. Student nurses experience of learning in the clinical environment.
50 Pelander T, Leino-Kilpi H. Children's best and worst experiences during hospitalisation.
51 Pitkänen A. Improving Quality of Life of Patients with Schizophrenia in Acute Psychiatric Wards.
52 Pitkänen A et al. Nurses' perceptions of nursing interventions supporting quality of life in acute psychiatric wards.
53 Rantanen M et al. Dental patient education: a survey from the perspective of dental hygienists.
54 Rustøen T, Salanterä S. Swedish nurses are prone to chronic shoulder and back pain because of miserable working conditions and poor leadership?
55 Ryhänen AM et al. The effects of Internet or interactive computer-based patient education in the field of breast cancer: A systematic literature review.
56 Sakellari E et al. Educational interventions in secondary education aiming to affect pupils' attitudes towards mental illness: a review of the literature.
57 Salmela M et al. The experience of hospital-related fears of 4- to 6-year-old children.
58 Salmela M et al. Coping with hospital-related fears: experiences of pre-school-aged children.
59 Salmela M et al. Coping strategies for hospital-related fears in pre-school-aged children.
60 Salminen L et al. Future challenges for nursing education - A European perspective.
61 Siponen U et al. A comparison of two hospital districts with low and high figures in the compulsory care of minors: an ecological study.
62 Stolt M et al. Foot health in older people and the nurses' role in foot health care - a review of literature.
63 Suhonen R et al. Adapting the indivudualized care scale for cross-cultural comparison.
64 Suhonen R et al. Individualized care scale - nurse version: a Finnish validation study.
65 Suhonen R et al. Nurses' perceptions of individualized care.
66 Suhonen R et al. Yksilöllisen hoidon teoria - Ammatillinen hoitoympäristö ja sairaanhoitajan autonomia osana teoriaa.
67 Suhonen R et al. Impact of patient characteristics on orthopaedic and trauma patients' perceptions of individualised nursing care.
68 Suhonen R et al. Research on ethics in nursing care for older people: A literature review.
69 Sulosaari V et al. An integrative review of the literature on registered nurses' medication competence.
70 Suominen T et al. Nurses' knowledge and attitudes to HIV/AIDS - An international comparison between Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.
71 Suominen T et al. Nursing students' knowledge about HIV/AIDS: an international comparison between Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.
72 Tiusanen TS et al. The validation of AORN recommended practices in Finnish perioperative nursing documentation.
73 Turunen S et al. Psychiatrists' views of compulsory psychiatric care of minors.
74 Vaartio H et al. Sairaanhoitaja potilaan oikeuksien toteutumisen valvojana proseduraalisen kivun yhteydessä.
75 Varjus SL et al. Professional autonomy of nurses in hospital settings - a review of the literature.
76 Välimäki M et al. Nursing and midwife students' willingness to provide care to patients with HIV/AIDS- A comparative study in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.

Julkaisutietokanta 24.8.2011 Publications Data Base 24.8.2011