Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (tutkimustoimisto)

Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Elovaara I et al. MS-taudin diagnoosi, lääkehoito ja kuntoutus.
2 Hiltunen-Back E et al. Sukupuolitautien diagnostiikka ja hoito.
3 Leppänen M et al. Abnormal antenatal Doppler velocimetry and cognitive outcome in very low-birth-weight infants at 2 years of age.
4 Lill S et al. Elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy without routine intraoperative cholangiography: a retrospective analysis of 1101 consecutive cases.
5 Munck P et al. Cognitive outcome at 2 years of age in Finnish infants with very low birth weight born between 2001 and 2006.
6 Niemi-Mustonen P et al. Vanhempien tupakointi äidin ensiraskaudesta lapsen 15 vuoden ikään.
7 Remes L. Survival and Quality of Life Among Patients with Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease.
8 Remes L et al. Quality of life three years after major lower extremity amputation due to peripheral arterial disease.
9 Remes L et al. Quality of life among lower extremity peripheral arterial disease patients who have undergone endovascular or surgical revascularization: A case-control study.

Julkaisutietokanta 24.8.2011 Publications Data Base 24.8.2011