Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (yleislääketiede)

Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Ahonen S, Kivelä S-L. Toiminnallisten ja kognitiivisten hoitomenetelmien vaikutukset iäkkäiden primaariseen unettomuuteen.
2 Dugravot A et al. Do socioeconomic factors shape weight and obesity trajectories over the transition from midlife to old age? Results from the French GAZEL cohort study.
3 Elovainio M et al. Organisational justice and markers of inflammation: the Whitehall II study.
4 Elovainio M et al. Does organisational justice protect from sickness absence following a major life event? A Finnish public sector study.
5 Feldt T et al. Development of sense of coherence in adulthood: a person-centered approach. The population-based HeSSup cohort study.
6 Gimeno D et al. Justice at work and metabolic syndrome: the Whitehall II study.
7 Heponiemi T et al. Association of contractual and subjective job insecurity with sickness presenteeism among public sector employees.
8 Hintsa T et al. Do pre-employment influences explain the association between psychosocial factors at work and coronary heart disease? The Whitehall II study.
9 Honkinen P-L. Lapsuusiän käytöshäiriöt ennustavat elämänhallinnan ongelmia nuoruudessa.
10 Huttunen S, Kivelä S-L. Muistelun ja muisteluterapian vaikutukset depressiota sairastavien ikääntyvien ja iäkkäiden hoidossa: järjestelmällinen katsaus.
11 Joensuu M et al. Psychosocial work environment and hospital admissions due to mental disorders: a 15-year prospective study of industrial employees.
12 Jokela M et al. From midlife to early old age: health trajectories associated with retirement.
13 Karinkanta S et al. Physical therapy approaches to reduce fall and fracture risk among older adults.
14 Kauppi P et al. Allergic rhinitis alone or with asthma is associated with an increased risk of sickness absences.
15 Kivelä S-L, Koistinen L. Kemialliset rajoitteet iäkkäiden hoidossa.
16 Kivimäki M et al. Antidepressant medication use, weight gain, and risk of type 2 diabetes: a population-based study.
17 Kivimäki M et al. Antidepressant use before and after the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes: a longitudinal modeling study.
18 Kivimäki M et al. Psychosocial work environment as a risk factor for absence with a psychiatric diagnosis: an instrumental-variables analysis.
19 Korkeila J et al. Early retirement from work among employees with a diagnosis of personality disorder compared to anxiety and depressive disorders.
20 Korkeila J et al. Childhood adversities as predictors of incident coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.
21 Korkeila J et al. Childhood adversities, adulthood life events and depression.
22 Kouvonen AM et al. Sense of coherence and psychiatric morbidity: a 19-year register-based prospective study.
23 Kronström K et al. Optimism and pessimism as predictors of work disability with a diagnosis of depression: A prospective cohort study of onset and recovery.
24 Lamberg T et al. Unemployment, depressiveness and disability retirement: a follow-up study of the Finnish HeSSup population sample.
25 Lammintausta A et al. Myocardial infraction events and cardiovascular risk factor levels in Finnish- and Swedish-speaking populations in Finland.
26 Lietzén R et al. Stressful life events and the onset of asthma.
27 Liukkonen V et al. Employment trajectories and changes in sense of coherence.
28 Lorenzetti F et al. Intraoperative hemodynamic evaluation of the radial and ulnar arteries during free radial forearm flap procedure.
29 Melchior M et al. Does sickness absence due to psychiatric disorder predict cause-specific mortality? A 16-year follow-up of the GAZEL occupational cohort study.
30 Nabi H et al. Psychological and somatic symptoms of anxiety and risk of coronary heart disease: the health and social support prospective cohort study.
31 Nabi H et al. Does depression predict coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease equally well? The Health and Social Support Prospective Cohort Study.
32 Nabi H et al. Low pessimism protects against stroke: The Health and Social Support (HeSSup) prospective cohort study.
33 Nabi H et al. Effects of depressive symptoms and coronary heart disease and their interactive associations on mortality in middle-aged adults: the Whitehall II cohort study.
34 Nurminen J et al. Psychotropic drugs and the risk of fractures in old age: a prospective population-based study.
35 Oksanen T et al. Self-report as an indicator of incident disease.
36 Oksanen T et al. Prospective study of workplace social capital and depression: are vertical and horizontal components equally important?
37 Panula J. Surgically Treated Hip Fracture in Older People with Special Emphasis on Mortality Analysis.
38 Puttonen S et al. Is shift work a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis? The Finnish Public Sector study.
39 Rantanen I, Tuominen R. Relative magnitude of presenteeism and work-related factors affecting them among health care professionals .
40 Remes L. Survival and Quality of Life Among Patients with Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease.
41 Remes L et al. Quality of life among lower extremity peripheral arterial disease patients who have undergone endovascular or surgical revascularization: A case-control study.
42 Rod NH et al. Sleep disturbances and cause-specific mortality: Results from the GAZEL cohort study.
43 Saarinen J et al. Muistipotilaiden masennustilojen lääkehoidon vaikutukset - systemoitu katsaus.
44 Salminen M et al. The metabolic syndrome defined by modified International Diabetes Federation criteria and mortality: A 9-year follow-up of the aged in Finland.
45 Salminen S et al. Sleep disturbances as a predictor of occupational injuries among public sector workers.
46 Salo P et al. Sleep disturbances as a predictor of cause-specific work disability and delayed return to work.
47 Salonoja M et al. One-time counselling decreases the use of benzodiazepines and related drugs among community-dwelling older persons.
48 Salonoja M et al. Kaatumisvammojen sekundaarisessa ehkäisyssä on puutteita.
49 Singh-Manoux A et al. Lost work days in the 6 years leading to premature death from cardiovascular disease in men and women.
50 Sivenius J et al. Aivohalvausten ilmaantuvuuden kehityssuunnat Suomen väestössä vuoteen 2030.
51 Toivanen M et al. Rasittuuko äiti, kun lapsi sairastaa? Seurantatutkimus tilapäisen hoitovapaan vaikutuksesta ylirasittuneisuuteen työssäkäyvillä äideillä.
52 Tuominen R et al. Relative importance of the functional abilities comprising Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index among rheumatoid arthritis patients .
53 Tuominen R et al. Perceived functional disabilities among rheumatoid arthritis patients .
54 Vaapio S et al. Iäkkäiden arvostus ja vanhusten hoito ikääntyvien arvioimana.
55 Vaapio S et al. Increased muscle strength improves managing in activities of daily living fall-prone community-dwelling older women.
56 Vahtera J et al. Employee control over working times and risk of cause-specific disability pension: the Finnish Public Sector Study.
57 Vahtera J et al. All-cause and diagnosis-specific sickness absence as a predictor of sustained suboptimal health: a 14-year follow-up in the GAZEL cohort.
58 Virta JJ et al. Midlife alcohol consumption and later risk of cognitive impairment: a twin follow-up study.
59 Virtanen M et al. Patient overcrowding in hospital wards as predictor of diagnosis-specific mental disorders among staff: a two-year prospective cohort study.
60 Virtanen M et al. Overtime work and incident coronary heart disease: the Whitehall II prospective cohort study.
61 Virtanen M et al. School neighborhood disadvantage as a predictor of long-term sick leave among teachers: prospective cohort study.
62 Virtanen M et al. Work disability following major organisational change: the Whitehall II study.
63 Virtanen P et al. Locality differences of sickness absence in the context of health and social conditions of the inhabitants.
64 Westerlund H et al. Effect of retirement on major chronic conditions and fatigue: French GAZEL occupational cohort study.

Julkaisutietokanta 24.8.2011 Publications Data Base 24.8.2011