Kirurgian klinikka

Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Andriole GL et al. Effect of dutasteride on the risk of prostate cancer.
2 Anttila V-J et al. Hoitoon liittyvien infektioiden torjunta.
3 Arnold SA et al. Lack of host SPARC enhances vascular function and tumor spread in an orthotopic murine model of pancreatic carcinoma.
4 Bendardaf R et al. MMP-9 (gelatinase B) expression is associated with disease-free survival and disease-specific survival in colorectal cancer patients.
5 Biancari F et al. Preoperative warfarin treatment and outcome of coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
6 Bota PC et al. Biomaterial topography alters healing in vivo and monocyte/macrophage activation in vitro.
7 Dagvadorj A et al. N-terminal truncation of Stat5a/b circumvents PIAS3-mediated transcriptional inhibition of Stat5 in prostate cancer cells.
8 Eloranta S et al. Perceptions of the psychological well-being and care of older home care clients: clients and their carers.
9 Fagerholm V et al. Assessment of islet specificity of dihydrotetrabenazine radiotracer binding in rat pancreas and human pancreas.
10 Grönroos JM. Clinical success of ERCP procedures in nonagenarian patients with bile duct stones.
11 Grönroos JM. Clinical suspicion of acute appendicitis - is the time ripe for more conservative treatment?
12 Grönroos JM et al. Endoscopic palliation of malignant obstructive jaundice in extremely elderly patients: plastic stent is enough.
13 Grönroos JM et al. Feasibility of ERCP procedures in patients 90 years of age and older.
14 Grönroos JM et al. Double-guidewire-assisted biliary cannulation: experiences from a single tertiary referral center.
15 Immonen-Räihä P et al. Regional care chain in the management of breast tumour patients in South-West Finland.
16 Iozzo P et al. Fatty acid metabolism in the liver, measured by positron emission tomography, is increased in obese individuals .
17 Jambor I et al. Functional imaging of localized prostate cancer aggressiveness using 11C-acetate PET/CT and 1H-MR spectroscopy.
18 Junnila S et al. Genome-wide gene copy number and expression analysis of primary gastric tumors and gastric cancer cell lines.
19 Junnila S et al. Gene expression analysis identifies over-expression of CXCL1, SPARC, SPP1, and SULF1 in gastric cancer.
20 Karinen H, Jalkanen J. Vuoristotauti.
21 Karvonen J et al. Endoscopic treatment of pseudocystocolonic fistula with fibrin glue.
22 Kauhanen S et al. Clinical PET imaging of insulinoma and beta-cell hyperplasia.
23 Komar G et al. Decreased blood flow with increased metabolic activity: A novel sign of pancreatic tumor aggressiveness.
24 Kylänpää M-L et al. Inflammation and immunosuppression in severe acute pancreatitis.
25 Kössi J et al. Laparoscopic and open colorectal surgery in previously operated patients is associated with considerable need for adhesiolysis.
26 Laato M, Kössi J. Haavan paraneminen.
27 Laato M et al. Kivespussin ja siittimen sairaudet.
28 Leveridge MJ et al. Imaging renal cell carcinoma with ultrasonography, CT and MRI.
29 Lill S et al. Elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy without routine intraoperative cholangiography: a retrospective analysis of 1101 consecutive cases.
30 Lorenzetti F et al. Intraoperative hemodynamic evaluation of the radial and ulnar arteries during free radial forearm flap procedure.
31 Malmberg M et al. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis after cardioplegic ischemia: Comparison to unprotected regional ischemia-reperfusion.
32 Mentula P et al. Surgical decompression for abdominal compartment syndrome in severe acute pancreatitis.
33 Mäkelä J, Roberts PJ. Akuutti vatsa.
34 Norrmén C et al. Liprin beta1 is highly expressed in lymphatic vasculature and is important for lymphatic vessel integrity.
35 Nurmi M. Virtsa- ja sukupuolielinten vammat.
36 Oiva J et al. Acute pancreatitis with organ dysfunction associates with abnormal blood lymphocyte signaling: controlled laboratory study.
37 Oiva J et al. Patients with acute pancreatitis complicated by organ failure show highly aberrant monocyte signaling profiles assessed by phospho-specific flow cytometry.
38 Oksala NK et al. Modified ankle-brachial index detects more patients at risk in a Finnish primary health care.
39 Ossowski I von et al. Mucosal adhesion properties of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG SpaCBA and SpaFED pilin subunits.
40 Ovaska J. Pallean sairaudet.
41 Ovaska J. Videoavusteinen kirurgia.
42 Panula J. Surgically Treated Hip Fracture in Older People with Special Emphasis on Mortality Analysis.
43 Pauniaho S-L, Ikonen TS. Kaikki kunnossa - valmiina viiltoon.
44 Peltola H et al. Short- versus long-term antimicrobial treatment for acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of childhood: prospective, randomized trial on 131 culture-positive cases.
45 Pettilä V et al. APCAP--activated protein C in acute pancreatitis: a double-blind randomized human pilot trial.
46 Rantala A. Postoperatiivisten infektioiden merkitys.
47 Rantala A. Leikkaushaavan paraneminen ja jälkihoito.
48 Rantala A. Leikkaussalin ilmastointi.
49 Rantala A et al. Eristys- ja verivarotoimileikkaukset.
50 Rantala A, Huotari K. Kirurgiset infektiot.
51 Rantala A, Huotari K. Leikkausalueen infektiot.
52 Rantala A, Huotari K. Mikrobilääkeprofylaksin käyttö kirurgiassa.
53 Rantala A et al. Leikkausalueen infektioiden ehkäisytoimet.
54 Rantala A, Takala S. Infektioiden torjunta endoskopiatoiminnassa.
55 Ristamäki R et al. Mahasyövän muuttuva ennuste ja hoito.
56 Roberts PJ. Leikkaussalitoiminta ja kirurgiset instrumentit.
57 Roberts PJ. Haavan ompelu.
58 Roberts PJ. Pienkirurgiset toimenpiteet.
59 Roberts PJ. Kirurginen onkologia.
60 Roberts PJ et al., toim. Kirurgia.
61 Roberts PJ, Joensuu H. GIST.
62 Salminen P et al. Long-term outcomes after laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication for reflux laryngitis.
63 Salminen P, Rantala A. Suolta ei pidä tyhjentää ennen paksusuolileikkausta.
64 Sand J et al. Calcium channel blockers and biliary pancreatitis.
65 Schrey A et al. Perfusion in free breast reconstruction flap zones assessed with positron emission tomography.
66 Schrey A et al. The limitations of tissue-oxygen measurement and positron emission tomography as additional methods for postoperative breast reconstruction free-flap monitoring.
67 Stjernberg-Salmela S et al. Low TNF-induced NF-kappaB and p38 phosphorylation levels in leucocytes in tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome.
68 Teräs M et al. Dual-gated cardiac PET - Clinical feasibility study.
69 Trottier G et al. Nutraceuticals and prostate cancer prevention: a current review.
70 Vanninen E et al. FDG-PET syövän levinneisyyden arvioinnissa kuratiivisen hoidon potilailla.
71 Varpe P et al. Patient's age should not play a key role in clinical decisions on surgical treatment of rectal cancer.
72 Vikatmaa P et al. Chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (cLPS) is present in atherosclerotic and aneurysmal arterial wall - cLPS levels depend on disease manifestation.

Julkaisutietokanta 24.8.2011 Publications Data Base 24.8.2011