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Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Ala-Nissilä S et al. Tension-free vaginal tape - a suitable procedurefor patients with recurrent stress urinary incontinence.
2 Alhola P et al. Estrogen + progestin therapy and cognition: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study.
3 Depypere H T et al. A 60-month non-comparative study on bleeding profiles with the levonorgestrel intrauterine system from the late transition period to estrogen supplemented menopause.
4 Erkkola R et al. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over pilot study on the use of a standardized hop extract to alleviate menopausal discomforts.
5 Grenman S. Promoting female reproductive and sexual health: The importance of attitude.
6 Grenman S. Scandinavian spirit and important decisions at the NFOG 2010 congress: more support available for research and improving clinical skills.
7 Haataja L et al. Five-year follow-up of prematurely born children with postnatally developing caudothalamic cysts.
8 Heinonen P et al. Trocar-guided polypropylene mesh for pelvic organ prolapse surgery - perioperative morbidity and short-term outcome of the first 100 patients.
9 Heliövaara-Peippo S et al. The effect of hysterectomy or levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system on lower urinary tract symptoms:a 10-year follow-up study of a randomised trial.
10 Hiltunen-Back E et al. Sukupuolitautien diagnostiikka ja hoito.
11 Hogberg T et al. Sequential adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in endometrial cancer-results from two randomised studies.
12 Huhtinen K. Molecular Profiling of Human Endometrium and Endometriosis.
13 Immonen-Räihä P et al. Tasavertaisuutta ja tukea raiskauksen uhreille.
14 Jalkanen A et al. Pregnancy outcome in women with multiple sclerosis: Results from a prospective nationwide study in Finland.
15 Janson PO et al. Per Bergsjö in memoriam.
16 Jokimaa V. Munasarja ikääntyy-mikä muuttuu?
17 Leppänen M et al. Abnormal antenatal Doppler velocimetry and cognitive outcome in very low-birth-weight infants at 2 years of age.
18 Lind A et al. Relations between brain volumes, neuropsychological assessment and parental questionnaire in prematurely born children.
19 Louvanto K et al. Genotype-specific persistence of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in women followed for 6 years in the Finnish family HPV study.
20 Louvanto K et al. Genotype-specific clearance of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infections among mothers in the finnish family HPV study.
21 Mäkinen J. Kohdunulkoinen raskaus.
22 Nieminen P et al. Kohdunkaulan, emättimen ja ulkosynnytinten solumuutokset-diagnostiikka, hoito ja seuranta.
23 Pallasmaa N et al. Cesarean delivery in Finland: maternal complications and obstetric risk factors.
24 Palva K et al. A randomized trial comparing tension-free vaginal tape with tension-free vaginal tape-obturator:36 month results.
25 Saaresranta T et al. Menopausal Insomnia.
26 Saloniemi T et al. Novel hydroxysteroid (17 beta) dehydrogenase 1 inhibitors reverse estrogen-induced endometrial hyperplasia in transgenic mice.
27 Tertti K et al. The role of organic cation transporters (OTCs) in the transfer of methormin in the dually perfused human placenta.
28 Timonen S. Kun laskettu aika on ohi.
29 Vähämiko S et al. Dietary sucrose intake is related to serum leptin concentration in overweight pregnant women.
30 Wang Y et al. Different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome by Rotterdam criteria are differently steroidogenic but similarly insulin resistant.
31 Zhang W-H et al. Effect of a collector bag for measurement of postpartum blood loss after vaginal delivery: cluster randomised trial in 13 European countries.

Julkaisutietokanta 24.8.2011 Publications Data Base 24.8.2011