Lastentautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Aaltonen J. Early Nutritional Determinants in Cardio-Metabolic Programming - A Prospective Randomized Controlled Dietary Intervention Stydy .
2 Aaltonen J et al. Impact of maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding on infant metabolic programming: a prospective randomized controlled study.
3 Andersson A-M et al. Proceedings of the 5th Copenhagen workshop on endocrine disrupters: Ubiquitous endocrine disrupters and possible human health effects.
4 Anttila P et al. Lasten päänsärky.
5 Arkkola T et al. Relationship of maternal weight status and weight gain rate during pregnancy to the development of advanced beta cell autoimmunity in the offspring: a prospective birth cohort study.
6 Axelin A. Parents as Pain Killers in the Pain Management of Preterm Infants.
7 Axelin A et al. Effects of pain management on sleep in preterm infants.
8 Axelin A et al. Mothers' different styles of involvement in preterm infant pain care.
9 Block SL et al. The efficacy of live attenuated influenza vaccine against influenza-associated acute otitis media in children.
10 Bois C et al. Age- and cell-related gene expression of aromatase and estrogen receptors in the rat testis.
11 Bonde JP, Toppari J. Prevention of male infertility: Environmental and systemic disease effects on male fertility.
12 Calder PC et al. Essential fats for future health. Proceedings of the 9 th unilever nutrition symposium, 26-27 may 2010.
13 Chen T et al. Serological evidence of Merkel cell polyomavirus primary infections in childhood .
14 Collado MC et al. Effect of mother`s weight on infant`s microbiota acquisition composition, and activity during early infancy; a prospective follow-up study initiated in early pregnancy.
15 Ekblad M et al. Sikiöaikainen tupakka-altistus lisää nuorten psykiatrista sairastavuutta.
16 Ekblad M et al. Prenatal smoking exposure and the risk of psychiatric morbidity into young adulthood.
17 Ekblad M et al. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and regional brain volumes in preterm infants.
18 Elo LL et al. Early suppression of immune response pathways characterizes children with prediabetes in genome-wide gene expression profiling.
19 Erkkola M et al. Age at the introduction of solid foods during the first year and allergic sensitization at age 5 years.
20 Giongo A et al. Toward defining the autoimmune microbiome for type 1 diabetes.
21 Grze´skowiak L et al. Manufacturing process influences properties of probiotic bacteria.
22 Haataja L et al. Five-year follow-up of prematurely born children with postnatally developing caudothalamic cysts.
23 Hakanen M et al. Dietary and lifestyle counselling reduces the clustering of overweight-related cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescents.
24 Hedman L et al. Dating of human bocavirus infection with protein-denaturing IgG-avidity assays - secondary immune activations are ubiquitous in immunocompetent adults.
25 Heikkinen T. Lasten influenssan hoito oseltamiviirilla on hyödyllistä.
26 Heikkinen T et al. Äkillinen välikorvatulehdus.
27 Heinonen S et al. Effectiveness of inactivated influenza vaccine in children aged 9 months to 3 years: an observational cohort study.
28 Heinonen S et al. Feasibility of diagnosing influenza within 24 hours of sympotom onset in children 1-3 years of age.
29 Heinonen S et al. Early oseltamivir treatment of influenza in children 1-3 years of age: A randomized controlled trial.
30 Huber VC et al. Contribution of vaccine-induced immunity toward either the HA or the NA component of influenza viruses limits secondary bacterial complications.
31 Huttunen R et al. Smoking and the outcome of infection.
32 Hämäläinen M et al. ETS-related gene ERG expression in AML patients is significantly associated with NPM1 mutation status.
33 Ilmonen J et al. Impact of dietary counselling and probiotic intervention on maternal anthropometric measurements during and after pregnancy: A randomized placebo-controlled trial .
34 Isolauri E et al. Probiotics and the allergic response.
35 Jahnukainen T et al. Clinical outcome and occurrence of uveitis in children with idiopathic tubulointerstitial nephritis.
36 Jartti T et al. Nasopharyngeal bacterial colonization during the first wheezing episode is associated with longer duration of hospitalization and higher risk of relapse in young children.
37 Jartti T et al. Allergic sensitization is associated with rhinovirus-, but not other virus-, induced wheezing in children.
38 Jartti T et al. Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with increased risk of viral coinfections in wheezing children.
39 Jartti T, Vanto T. Astmapotilaan on tärkeää tietää oma paras PEF-arvonsa.
40 Jermendy A et al. The interferon-induced helicase IFIH1 Ala946Thr polymorphism is associated with type 1 diabetes in both the high-incidence Finnish and the medium-incidence Hungarian populations .
41 Johnson SB et al. The environmental determinants of diabetes in the yong (TEDDY) study: predictors of early study withdrawal among participants with no family history of type 1 diabetes.
42 Jorgensen N et al. Serum inhibin-b in fertile men is strongly correlated with low but not high sperm counts: a coordinated study of 1,797 Europeam and US men.
43 Järvelä L et al. Auditory event related potentials as tools to reveal cognitive late effects in childhood cancer patients.
44 Järvelä LS et al. Physical activity and fitness in adolescent and young adult long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
45 Jóhannsdóttir IM et al. Social outcomes in young adult survivors of low incidence childhood cancers.
46 Kainulainen L et al. Recurrent and persistent respiratory tract viral infections in patients with primary hypogammaglobulinemia.
47 Kallio K et al. Arterial intima-media thickness, endothelial function, and apolipoproteins in adolescents frequently exposed to tobacco smoke.
48 Kalliomäki M. Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics: a hope or hype in allergy?
49 Kalliomäki M et al. Guidance for substantiating the evidence for beneficial effects of probiotics: prevention and management of allergic diseases by probiotics.
50 Kantola K et al. Expression and serological characterization of polyomavirus WUPyV and KIPyV structural proteins .
51 Korja R et al. Relations between maternal attachment representations and the quality of mother-infant interaction in preterm and full-term infants.
52 Korppi M et al. Serologic diagnosis of human bocavirus infection in children.
53 Korvenranta E. Very Preterm Infants in Finland - Use of Health Care Services and Economic Consequences During the First Five Years of Life.
54 Korvenranta E et al. Impact of very preterm birth on health care costs at five years of age.
55 Korvenranta E et al. Hospital costs and quality of life during 4 years after very preterm birth.
56 Koskinen A et al. Maternal hyperglycemia modifies extracellular matrix signaling pathways in neonatal rat lung.
57 Kotaniemi-Syrjänen A et al. The prognosis of wheat hypersensitivity in children.
58 Krysiak-Baltyn K et al. Country-specific chemical signatures of persistent environmental compounds in breast milk.
59 Kyrönlahti A et al. CATA4 regulates sertoli cell function and fertility in adult male mice.
60 Kyrönlahti A et al. GATA4 regulates sertoli cell function and fertility in adult male mice.
61 Laaksonen CB et al. The change in child self-assessed and parent proxy-assessed health related quality of life (HRQL) in early adolescence (age 10-12).
62 Laine MK et al. Symptoms or symptom-based scores cannot predict acute otitis media at otitis-prone age.
63 Laitinen K et al. Early nutritional environment: focus on health effects of microbiota and probiotics.
64 Latva-Pukkila U et al. Dietary and clinical impacts of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
65 Lehtinen P. Pienen lapsen uloshengitysvaikeus.
66 Leppänen M et al. Abnormal antenatal Doppler velocimetry and cognitive outcome in very low-birth-weight infants at 2 years of age.
67 Lind A et al. Relations between brain volumes, neuropsychological assessment and parental questionnaire in prematurely born children.
68 Lind A et al. Cognitive and neuropsychological outcomes at 5 years of age in preterm children born in the 2000s.
69 Lipponen K et al. Effect of HLA class I and class II alleles on progression from autoantibody positivity to overt type 1 diabetes in children with risk-associated class II genotypes.
70 Lukkarinen H, Peltola V. Influenza A induced acute autonomic neuropathy in an adolescent.
71 Lukkarinen H et al. Recurrent sinus arrest and asystole due to breath-holding spell in a toddler; recovery with levetiracetam- therapy.
72 Luoto R. Probiotic Interventions in Infancy: Benefit and Safety Assessment of Extended Applications.
73 Luoto R et al. Safety of lactobacillus GG probiotic in infants with very low birth weight: Twelve years of experience.
74 Luoto R et al. Initial dietary and microbiological environments deviate in normal-weight compared to overweight children at 10 years of age.
75 Luoto R et al. The impact of perinatal probiotic intervention on the development of overweight and obesity: follow-up study from birth to 10 years.
76 Luoto R et al. Impact of maternal probiotic-supplemented dietary counselling on pregnancy outcome and prenatal and postnatal growth: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
77 Luoto R et al. Incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in very-low-birth-weight infants related to the use of Lactobacillus GG.
78 Lähteenmäki P. Lapselle on turvattava hyvä saattohoito.
79 Madanat-Harjuoja L-M et al. Preterm delivery among female survivors of childhood, adolescent and young adulthood cancer.
80 Madanat-Harjuoja LMS et al. Risk of cancer among children of cancer patients - a nationwide study in Finland.
81 Main KM et al. Genital anomalies in boys and the environment.
82 Marjamäki L et al. Maternal intake of vitamin D during pregnancy and risk of advanced beta cell autoimmunity and tybe 1 diabetes in offspring.
83 Maunu J. The Vulnerable Brain and Very Preterm Infants - Findings from the PIPARI-Study.
84 Maunu J et al. Ventricular dilatation in relation to outcome at 2 years of age in very preterm infants: a prospective Finnish cohort study.
85 Meikar O et al. Accumulation of piRNAs in the chromatoid bodies purified by a novel isolation protocol.
86 Mertsola J, Alanen A. Synnytyksen aikaiset ja vastasyntyneen infektiot.
87 Mertsola J, He Q. Bordetella pertussis ja bordetellat.
88 Mertsola J, Heikinheimo M. Lapsi vastaanotolla.
89 Mertsola J et al. Decennial administration of a reducend antigen content diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine in young adults.
90 Meyts ER et al. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome, cryptorchidism, hypospadias, and testicular tumors.
91 Moebjerg Kristensen D et al. Intrauterine exposure to mild analgesics is a risk factor for development of male reproductive disorders in human and rat.
92 Munck P et al. Cognitive outcome at 2 years of age in Finnish infants with very low birth weight born between 2001 and 2006.
93 Mört S et al. Cancer related factors do not explain the quality of life scores for childhood cancer survivors analysed with two different generic HRQL instruments.
94 Mört S et al. Self-reported health-related quality of life of children and adolescent survivors of extracranial childhood malignancies: a Finnish nationwide survey.
95 Nascimento-Carvalho C et al. Seasonal patterns of viral and bacterial infections among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia in a tropical region.
96 Nascimento-Carvalho CM et al. Procalcitonin is useful in identifying bacteraemia among children with pneumonia.
97 Nenad B et al. Management of phenylketonuria in Europe: Survey results from 19 countries.
98 Nermes M et al. Interaction of orally administered Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG with skin and gut microbiota and humoral immunity in infants with atopic dermatitis.
99 Niinikoski H et al. Insuliinihoidon lapsille aiheuttama lipoatrofia.
100 Nordström D, Putto-Laurila A. Reumasairaille parasta hoitoa?
101 Nurmio M et al. Orexins and the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis.
102 Nwaru BI et al. Maternal diet during pregnancy and allergic sensitization in the offspring by 5 yrs of age: a prospective cohort study.
103 Oikarinen S et al. Enterovirus RNA in blood is linked to the development of type 1 diabetes.
104 Olli-Lähdesmäki T et al. High-dose ganciclovir in HHV-6 encephalitis of an immunocompetent child.
105 Paget WJ et al. Assessing the burden of paediatric influenza in Europe: the European paediatric influenza analysis (EPIA) project.
106 Pahkala K et al. Clustered metabolic risk and leisure-time physical activity in adolescents: effect of dose?
107 Peltola V. Pneumococcal meningitis still with us in the era of conjugate vaccines.
108 Peltola V et al. Temporal association between rhinovirus circulation in the community and invasive pneumococcal disease in children.
109 Penttinen M, Hietala M. Lastentaudit ja periytyminen.
110 Prasad M et al. Are serum alfa- and beta-carotene concentrations associated with the development of advanced beta-cell autoimmunity in children with increased genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes?
111 Rautava L. The Effect of the Birth Hospital and the Time of Birth on the Outcome of Finnish Very Preterm Infants.
112 Rautava L et al. Development and behaviour of 5-year-old very low birthweight infants.
113 Rautava L et al. Health and the use of health care services in 5-year-old very-low-birth-weight infants.
114 Rautava S et al. Breast milk-transforming growth factor-beta2 specifically attenuates IL-1beta-induced inflammatory responses in the immature human intestine via an SMAD6- and ERK-dependent mechanism.
115 Rijkers GT et al. Guidance for substantiating the evidence for beneficial effects of probiotics: current status and recommendations for future research.
116 Rousku H et al. Ensisynnyttäjien näkemykset imeväisen ruokinnasta ja sen yhteydestä terveyteen.
117 Ruottinen S et al. Dietary fiber does not displace energy but is associated with decreased serum cholesterol concentrations in healthy children 1-3.
118 Saarikoski LA et al. Adiponectin is related with carotid artery intima-media thickness and brachial flow-mediated dilatation in young adults-The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
119 Salonen J et al. Differential developmental expression of transcription factors GATA-4 and GATA-6, their cofactor FOG-2 and downstream target genes in testicular carcinoma in situ and germ cell tumors.
120 Schmidt LS et al. Infectious exposure in the first years of life and risk of central nervous system tumours in children: analysis of birth order, childcare attendance and seasonality of birth.
121 Schmidt LS et al. Incidence of childhood central nervous system tumors in the nordic countries.
122 Schmidt LS et al. Fetal growth, preterm birth, neonatal stress and risk for CNS tumors in children: A nordic population- and register-based case-control study.
123 Schüz J et al. Birth characteristics and Wilms tumors in children in the Nordic countries: a register-based case-control study.
124 Siggberg L et al. 19p 13.3 aberrations are associated with dysmorphic features and deviant psychomotor development.
125 Silvennoinen H et al. Incidence of influenza-related hospitalizations in different age groups of children in Finland.
126 Simell O et al. Enhancing the understanding of pre-type 1 diabetes in the general population.
127 Simell S. Natural History of Celiac Disease-Associated Antibodies and Progression to Overt Disease In Children At Increased Genetic Risk.
128 Simell S et al. Age at development of type 1 diabetes- and celiac disease-associated antibodies and clinical disease in genetically susceptible children observed from birth.
129 Sironen A et al. Expression of SPEF2 during mouse spermatogenesis and identification of IFT20 as an interacting protein.
130 Soukka H et al. Three distinct episodes of GBS septicemia in a healthy newborn during the first month of life.
131 Taipala T et al. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 in reducing the risk of infections in infancy.
132 Takala TI et al. Blood cell and iron status analytes of preterm and full-term infants from 20 weeks onwards during the first year of life.
133 Tanner LM et al. Combined hyperlipidemia in patients with lysinuric protein intolerance.
134 Toppar J et al. Cryptorchidism and hypospadias as a sing of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS): environmental connection.
135 Toppari J, Juul A. Trends in puberty timing in humans and environmental modifiers.
136 Toppari J et al. Possible role of fetal exposure.
137 Tuokkola J et al. Cow's milk allergy in children: adherence to a therapeutic elimination diet and reintroduction of milk into the diet.
138 Tuokkola J et al. Validation of a questionnaire on cow's milk allergy: parental reports and physician´s diagnosis.
139 Vaarno J et al. Lasten ja nuorten ylipainoepidemia on pysäytettävä - mutta miten?
140 Vaitkeviciené G et al. High white blood cell count at diagnosis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: biological background and prognostic impact. Results from the NOPHO ALL-92 and ALL-2000 studies.
141 Virtanen SM et al. Early introduction of oats associated with decreased risk of persistent asthma and early introduction of fish with decreased risk of allergic rhinitis.
142 Virtanen SM et al. Maternal food consumption during pregnancy and risk of advenced beta-cell autoimmunity in the offspring.
143 Vuorenoja S et al. Mikä kysymys säästi tähystystutkimukselta?
144 Vähämiko S et al. Dietary sucrose intake is related to serum leptin concentration in overweight pregnant women.

Julkaisutietokanta 24.8.2011 Publications Data Base 24.8.2011