Syöpätautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Abdalla FBE et al. Image DNA cytometry in FNABs of Libyan breast disease.
2 Avoranta T et al. The expression and distribution of group IIA phospholipase A2 in human colorectal tumours.
3 Bendardaf R et al. MMP-9 (gelatinase B) expression is associated with disease-free survival and disease-specific survival in colorectal cancer patients.
4 Buhmeida A et al. Nuclear morphometry in prognostication of breast cancer in Saudi Arabian patients: comparison with European and African breast cancer.
5 Bösze P, Syrjänen K. Tissue-based classification of HPV infections of the uterine cervix and vagina (mucosal HPV infections).
6 Guedes AC et al. Short-term outcome of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2: considerations for management strategies and reproducibility of diagnosis.
7 Heikkinen PT et al. Hypoxic conversion of SMAD7 function from an inhibitor into a promoter of cell invasion.
8 Heikkinen PT et al. Hypoxia-activated Smad3-specific dephosphorylation by PP2A.
9 Hilli J et al. NCT01110291: induction of CYP3A activity and lowered exposure to docetaxel in patients with primary breast cancer.
10 Hollmén M, Elenius K. Potential of ErbB4 antibodies for cancer therapy.
11 Huang J-X et al. Relationship between COX-2 and cell cycle-regulatory proteins in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
12 Huovinen R et al. Rintasyövän diagnostiikka ja seulonta.
13 Iivanainen E, Elenius K. ErbB targeted drugs and angiogenesis.
14 Jambor I et al. Functional imaging of localized prostate cancer aggressiveness using 11C-acetate PET/CT and 1H-MR spectroscopy.
15 Jantunen E et al. Lymfoomapotilaiden allogeeniset kantasolujensiirrot.
16 Joensuu H et al. Docetaxel versus docetaxel alternating with gemcitabine as treatments of advanced breast cancer: final analysis of a randomised trial.
17 Jokilehto T et al. Retention of prolyl hydroxylase PHD2 in the cytoplasm prevents PHD2-induced anchorage-independent carcinoma cell growth.
18 Jokilehto T, Jaakkola PM. The role of HIF prolyl hydroxylases in tumour growth.
19 Kankaanranta L et al. Boron neutron capture therapy in the treatment of locally recurred head-and-neck cancer: final analysis of a phase I/II trial.
20 Kankuri-Tammilehto MK et al. Prognostic evaluation of COX-2 expression in renal cell carcinoma.
21 Kauhanen S et al. Clinical PET imaging of insulinoma and beta-cell hyperplasia.
22 Kellokumpu-Lehtinen P-L et al. Anaemia: a rare but neglected problem among Finnish patients receiving chemotherapy for solid tumours.
23 Korkeila E et al. Preoperative radiotherapy downregulates the nuclear expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alfa in rectal cancer.
24 Korkeila EA et al. Preoperative radiotherapy modulates ezrin expression and its value as a predictive marker in patients with rectal cancer.
25 Korobova E et al. Evaluation of stable iodine status of the areas affected by the Chernobyl accident in an epidemiological study in Belarus and the Russian Federation.
26 Koskimaa H-M et al. Molecular markers implicating early malignant events in cervical carcinogenesis.
27 Lindholm P. Eturauhasen syövän liitännäishoidot.
28 Lindholm P et al. PET imaging of blood flow and glucose metabolism in localized musculoskeletal tumors of the extremities.
29 Longatto-Filho A et al. Hormonal contraceptives and the length of their use are not independent risk factors for high-risk HPV infections or high-grade CIN.
30 Louvanto K et al. Genotype-specific persistence of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in women followed for 6 years in the Finnish family HPV study.
31 Louvanto K et al. Genotype-specific clearance of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infections among mothers in the finnish family HPV study.
32 Luoto P et al. Human dosimetry of carbon-11 labeled N-butan-2-yl-1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-methylisoquinoline-3-carboxamide extrapolated from whole-body distribution kinetics and radiometabolism in rats.
33 Minn H et al. Impact of PET/CT on planning of radiotherapy in head and neck cancer.
34 Minn H, Vihinen P. Melanoma imaging with highly specific PET probes: ready for prime time?
35 Monsonego J et al. Evaluation of oncogenic human papillomavirus RNA and DNA tests with liquid-based cytology in primary cervical cancer screening: the FASE study.
36 NSCLC Meta-analyses Collaborative Group. Adjuvant chemotherapy, with or without postoperative radiotherapy, in operable non-small-cell lung cancer: two meta-analyses of individual patient data.
37 Palmroth J et al. Natural seroconversion to high-risk human papillomaviruses (hrHPVs) is not protective against related HPV genotypes.
38 Penttinen HM et al. Quality of life and physical performance and activity of breast cancer patients after adjuvant treatments.
39 Purmonen T et al. Current and predicted cost of metastatic renal cell carcinoma in Finland.
40 Pyrhönen S. Munuaissyövän hoito.
41 Rappu P et al. Detection of melanoma-derived cancer-testis antigen CT16 in patient sera by a novel immunoassay.
42 Ristamäki R et al. Mahasyövän muuttuva ennuste ja hoito.
43 Ryhänen AM et al. The effects of Internet or interactive computer-based patient education in the field of breast cancer: A systematic literature review.
44 Sarian LO et al. Optional screening strategies for cervical cancer using standalone tests and their combinations among low- and medium-income populations in Latin America and Easter Europe.
45 Schmitt F et al. Cancer during pregnancy: two case studies.
46 Schrey A et al. Perfusion in free breast reconstruction flap zones assessed with positron emission tomography.
47 Schrey A et al. The limitations of tissue-oxygen measurement and positron emission tomography as additional methods for postoperative breast reconstruction free-flap monitoring.
48 Seppälä J et al. A method to improve target dose homogeneity of craniospinal irradiation using dynamic split field IMRT.
49 Silvoniemi M et al. Physicians' attitudes towards euthanasia in Finland: would training in palliative care make a difference?
50 Sundvall M et al. EGFR targeting drugs in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
51 Sundvall M et al. Cell death or survival promoted by alternative isoforms of ErbB4.
52 Syrjänen K. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Involvement in Esophageal Carcinogenesis.
53 Syrjänen K et al. Cervical cancer screening in Mediterranean countries: implications for the future.
54 Syrjänen KJ. Prophylactic HPV vaccines: the Finnish perspective.
55 Syrjänen S et al. p300 expression is related to high-risk human papillomavirus infections and severity of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia but not to viral or disease outcomes in a longitudinal setting.
56 Syrjänen S et al. Up-regulation of 14-3-3sigma (Stratifin) is associated with high-grade CIN and high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) at baseline but does not predict outcomes of HR-HPV infections or incident CIN in the LAMS study.
57 Syrjänen S et al. Up-regulation of lipocalin 2 is associated with high-risk human papillomavirus and grade of cervical lesion at baseline but does not predict outcomes of infections or incident cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
58 Tarkkonen K et al. Fibroblast growth factor 8 induced downregulation of thrombospondin 1 is mediated by the MEK/ERK and P13K pathways in breast cancer cells.
59 Tolvanen T et al. Biodistribution and radiation dosimetry of [11C]choline: a comparison between rat and human data .
60 Tuomela J et al. Fast growth associated with aberrant vasculature and hypoxia in fibroblast growth factor 8b (FGF8b) over-expressing PC-3 prostate tumour xenografts.
61 Vanninen E et al. FDG-PET syövän levinneisyyden arvioinnissa kuratiivisen hoidon potilailla.
62 Vihinen P et al. Hyödyttävätkö ihomelanooman immunologiset hoidot?
63 Vihinen PP et al. A phase II trial of bevacizumab with dacarbazine and daily low-dose interferon-alfa2a as first line treatment in metastatic melanoma.

Julkaisutietokanta 24.8.2011 Publications Data Base 24.8.2011