Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon

Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Aittokallio J. Kohti erikoislääkärien kurjuutta?
2 Aantaa R. Näitä et löydä oppikirjoista!
3 Aantaa R et al. Suolaa, suolaa, enemmän suolaa...
4 Antila HM et al. Tubeless anaesthesia with sevoflurane and propofol in adult laryngeal surgery.
5 Biancari F et al. Preoperative warfarin treatment and outcome of coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
6 Breivik H et al. Nordic guidelines for neuraxial blocks in disturbed haemostasis from the Scandinavian society of anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine.
7 Grönlund J et al. Effect of telithromycin on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oral oxycodone.
8 Grönlund J et al. Exposure to oral oxycodone in increased by concomitant inhibition of CYP2D6 and 3A4 pathways, but not by inhibition of CYP2D6 alone.
9 Grönlund J et al. Effect of inhibition of cytochrome P450 enzymes 2D6 and 3A4 on the pharmacokinetics of intravenous oxycodone: A randomized, three-phase, crossover, placebo-controlled study.
10 Grönlund J et al. Miconazole oral gel increases the exposure to oral oxycodone by inhibition of CYP2D6 and CYP3A4.
11 Hagelberg N. Ajankohtaista kivun tutkimuksesta ja hoidosta.
12 Hagelberg N. Kivunhoidon klassikko on uudistunut.
13 Hagelberg N. Ensitietoa kivusta.
14 Hagelberg N, Olkkola K. Oksikodoni - jotain uutta, jotain vanhaa.
15 Hagelberg NM. Social work in a pain clinic.
16 Hagelberg NM, Olkkola KT. Fentanyl for breakthrough cancer pain - what´s new?
17 Hagelberg NM et al. Clarithromycin, a potent inhibitor of CYP3A, greatly increases exposure to oral S-ketamine.
18 Halme P et al. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with an ultrasound scalpel or laser: is there a difference?
19 Heinonen I et al. Comparison of exogenous adenosine and voluntary exercise on human skeletal muscle perfusion and perfusion heterogeneity .
20 Heinonen IH et al. Regulation of human skeletal muscle perfusion and its heterogeneity during exercise in moderate hypoxia.
21 Hellsten KS et al. Human locus coeruleus neurons express the GABA A receptor gamma2 subunit gene and produce benzodiazepine binding.
22 Hirvonen MM et al. COMT Val158Met genotype doe not alter cortical or striatal dopaminen D2 receptor availability in vivo.
23 Hynninen V-V. Sepelvaltimotauti ja anestesia.
24 Iirola T, Jokinen M. Society of cardiovascular anesthesiologists 15th annual update on cardiopulmonary bypass.
25 Iirola T et al. Highly variable pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine during intensive care: a case report.
26 Illman H. Lihasrelaksaation hallinta.
27 Illman H et al. Reversal of neuromuscular blockade by sugammadex does not affect eeg derived indices of depth of anesthesia.
28 Illman H et al. The duration of residual neuromuscular block after administration of neostigmine or sugammadex at two visible twitches during train-of-four monitoring.
29 Illman HL et al. Effect of nitrous oxide on cisatracurium infusion demands: a randomized controlled trial.
30 Jaakola M-L. Morbidin obeesi synnyttäjä.
31 Jalonen J, Alahuhta S. Häiritty hyytyminen ja sentraaliset puudutukset.
32 Karanko MS et al. Arterial oxygenation can fall critically during intramedullary nailing of pathological femoral fractures.
33 Kask A-K. "Anestesiakurssi 2010 oli todella hyvä!".
34 Kaskinoro K et al. Normobaric hyperoxia does not induce significant electroencephalogram changes in healthy male subjects.
35 Katomaa J. Sydämen asialla.
36 Klemetti S et al. The effect of preoperative nutritional face-to-face counseling about child`s fasting on parental knowledge, preoperative need-for-information, and anxiety, in pediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy.
37 Klemetti S et al. The effect of preoperative fasting on postoperative thirst, hunger and oral intake in paediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy.
38 Klemetti S et al. Active preoperative nutrition is safely implemented by the parents in pediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy.
39 Korpela K. Suomen Punaisen Ristin ERU:n (Emergency Response Unit) mukana Haitin määnjäristysalueella.
40 Laurila I, Hagelberg N. Hei, miten voitte?
41 Leino K.A. et al. Spread of spinal block in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
42 Leino KA et al. The effect of desmopressin on blood loss in patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing hip arthroplasty.
43 Luostarinen T et al. Adenosine-induced cardiac arrest during intraoperative cerebral aneurysm rupture.
44 Lähde J. Turun tauti - mikäs se simmottis oikke olika?
45 Lähde J. Lääkärinä suomalaisten kriisinhallintajoukoissa Afganistanissa.
46 Malmberg M et al. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis after cardioplegic ischemia: Comparison to unprotected regional ischemia-reperfusion.
47 Merivirta RM et al. Plasma levels of bupivacaine and its metabolites after subacromial infusions in concentrations 2.5 or 5.0 mg/ml.
48 Nieminen T. The Role of Cytochrome P450 3A Inducers and Inhibitors in the Metabolism and the Effects of Oxycodone.
49 Nieminen TH et al. St John`s wort greatly reduces the concentrations of oral oxycodone.
50 Nieminen TH et al. Grapefruit juice enhances the exposure to oral oxycodone.
51 Nieminen TH et al. Oxycodone concentrations are greatly increased by the concomitant use of ritonavir or lopinavir/ritonavir .
52 Olkkola Klaus. Säästääkö yliopistolaitos itsensä hengiltä?
53 Olkkola KT, Hagelberg NM. Investigation of drug-drug interactions and pain - From volunteer studies to randomized controlled trials in patients with chronic pain.
54 Ryynänen O-P et al. Is advanced life support better than basic life support in prehospital care? A systematic review.
55 Saari T. Väliaikainen ulkoinen tahdistus.
56 Saari T et al. Dilatoivaa kardiomyopatiaa sairastavan potilaan sektion menestyksekäs hoito levosimendaanin avulla.
57 Saari TI et al. Effects of itraconazole on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intravenously and orally administered oxycodone.
58 Saari TI, Olkkola KT. Azole antimycotics and drug interactions in the perioperative period.
59 Siirala W. Ylipainoisen potilaan ventilointi yleisanestesian aikana.
60 Siirala W et al. Predictive equations over-estimate the resting energy expenditure in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients who are dependent on invasive ventilation support.
61 Taittonen M et al. Selkäydinstimulaatio refraktorisen rasitusrintakivun hoidossa.
62 Tommila M. Granulation Tissue Formation The Effect of Hydroxyapatite Coating of Cellulose on Cellular Differentation.
63 Tommila M et al. Hemoglobin expression in rat experimental granulation tissue.
64 Valtonen M, Savola J. Onnistunut ECMO-hoito äkillisessä hengitysvajauksessa ja sydänkirurgian yhteydessä: 2 tapausselostusta.
65 Varis J et al. Cholesterol microembolization syndrome: a complication of anticoagulant therapy.
66 Vuori A, Ylitalo-Liukkonen K. Hengitysilman kostuttaminen suojaa infektioilta.
67 Vuori A, Ylitalo-Liukkonen K. Miten kostutan hengitysilman?
68 Vuori A, Ylitalo-Liukkonen K. Hengitysilman kostuttaminen suojaa infektioilta.
69 Vuori A, Ylitalo-Liukkonen K. Kriittisen hengitysvajepotilaan hoitoketju.
70 Vänttinen O. Lapsi ensihoidon potilaana.
71 Wittfooth S et al. Studies on the effects of heparin products on pregnancy-associated plasma protein A.

Julkaisutietokanta 24.8.2011 Publications Data Base 24.8.2011