Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (tutkimustoimisto)

Julkaisut 2011
Publications 2011

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1 Huhtala M et al. Parental psychological well-being and cognitive development of very low birth weight infants at 2 years.
2 Jalava-Broman J et al. Change in the frequency of HRT use from 2000 to 2005 and reasons to discontinue: follow-up of a normal cohort in Finland.
3 Kuusela M et al. The medico-professional quality of GP consultations assessed by analysing patient records.
4 Lind A et al. Cognitive and neuropsychological outcomes at 5 years of age in preterm children born in the 2000s.
5 Lind A et al. Associations between regional brain volumes at term-equivalent age and development at 2 years of age in preterm children.
6 Mattila M-L et al. Sense of coherence and health behaviour in adolescene.
7 Mäkinen M et al. Electronic prescriptions are slowly spreading in the European union.
8 Rautava P. Kehityskeskustelu - käskytyskeskustelu vai dialogi?
9 Rautava P et al. Palvelujärjestelmätutkimuksella parempaan terveydenhuoltoon.
10 Renkonen R et al. Riittääkö Suomessa lääkäritutkijoita?
11 Sillanpää M et al. Academic and social success in adolescents with previous febrile seizures.

Julkaisutietokanta 23.11.2012 Publications Data Base 23.11.2012