Psykiatrian klinikka

Julkaisut 2011
Publications 2011

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1 Ekblad M et al. Relation of prenatal smoking exposure and use of psychotropic medication up to young adulthood.
2 Hirvonen J, Hietala J. Dysfunctional brain networks and genetic risk for schizophrenia: specific neurotransmitter systems.
3 Hirvonen J et al. Effects of antidepressant drug treatment and psychotherapy on striatal and thalamic dopamine D2/3 receptors in major depressive disorder studied with (11C)raclopride PET.
4 Immonen-Räihä P et al. Equality for rape victims: developing pathways in Southwest Finland.
5 Joutsa J et al. Extensive abnormality of brain white matter integrity in pathological gambling.
6 Karlsson H et al. No association between serotonin 5-HT 1A receptors and spirituality among patients with major depressive disorders or healthy volunteers.
7 Koponen S et al. Axis I and II psychiatric disorders in patients with traumatic brain injury: A 12-month follow-up study.
8 Korkeila J et al. Early retirement from work among employees with a diagnosis of personality disorder compared to anxiety and depressive disorders.
9 Kronström K et al. Optimism and pessimism as predictors of work disability with a diagnosis of depression: A prospective cohort study of onset and recovery.
10 Kronström K et al. Personality traits and recovery from major depressive disorder.
11 Lampi KM et al. Finnish Prenatal Study of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (FIPS-A): Overview and design.
12 Lehto K et al. Masennuslääkkeiden seksuaaliset sivuvaikutukset nuorilla.
13 Luutonen S et al. Outcome of depression in primary care: Better than expected.
14 Luutonen S et al. Weak sense of coherence predicts depression: 1-year and 9-year follow-ups of the Finnish Outcomes of Depression International Network (ODIN) sample.
15 Luutonen S et al. Takuulla hoitoon - mutta millaiseen? VARHAIN -tutkimus psykiatrisen erikoissairaanhoidon käynnistymisestä.
16 Luutonen S et al. Breast cancer patients receiving postoperative radiotherapy: Distress, depressive symptoms and unmet needs of psychosocial support.
17 Maron E et al. Gender differences in brain serotonin transporter availability in panic disorder.
18 Oranta O et al. The effects of interpersonal counselling on health-related quality of life after myocardial infarction.
19 Pyökäri N et al. Kohtauksittainen ahmintahäiriö on yleinen syömishäiriö.
20 Salokangas RKR et al. Incidence of hospitalised schizophrenia in Finland since 1980: decreasing and increasing again.
21 Taiminen T. Persoonallisuushäiriöt ja työkyky.
22 Taiminen T, Hietala J. Bentsodiatsepiinit heikentävät kognitiivista suorituskykyä ja saattavat aiheuttaa masennusta.
23 Taiminen T et al. Psychiatric (axis I) and personality (axis II) disorders in patients with burning mouth syndrome or atypical facial pain.
24 Virta JR et al. Cerebral acetylcholinesterase activity is not decreased in MS patients with cognitive impairment.

Julkaisutietokanta 23.11.2012 Publications Data Base 23.11.2012