Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (hoitotiede)

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Anttila M et al. Use of web-based patient education sessions on psychiatric wards.
2 Camuccio CA et al. Managing distressed and disturbed patients: the thoughts and feelings experienced by Italian nurses.
3 Danielsson-Ojala R et al. Describing the sublanguage of wound care in an adult ICU.
4 Eloranta S et al. Ikäihmisten psyykkinen hyvinvointi ja psykososiaalisen tuen toteutuminen kotihoidossa.
5 Guise V et al. Development, implementation and initial evaluation of narrative virtual patients for use in vocational mental health nurse training.
6 Guise V et al. What can virtual patient simulation offer mental health nursing education?
7 Heikkinen K et al. Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients knowledge with Internet-based education.
8 Heikkinen K et al. Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients' emotions when using different patient education methods.
9 Hottinen A et al. Adolescent in-patients' view of mechanical restraint: a Finnish interview study.
10 Hottinen A et al. Attitudes towards different containment measures: a questionnaire survey in Finnish adolescent psychiatry.
11 Hottinen A et al. Underaged patients' opinions toward different containment measures: a questionnaire survey in Finnish adolescent psychiatry.
12 Idvall E et al. Nurses' sociodemographic background and assessments of individualized care.
13 Iltanen S et al. Knowledge about patients' rights among professionals in public health care in Finland.
14 Istomina N et al. Lithuanian nurses' assessments of their empowerment.
15 Junnila R et al. The Weighty Matter intervention: a family-centered way to tackle an overweight childhood.
16 Klemetti S et al. Päiväkirurgisten lapsipotilaiden pitkittyvää preoperatiivista paastoa voidaan lyhentää vanhempien aktiivisella ohjauksella.
17 Klemetti S et al. The quality of the face-to-face counselling in paediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy: Parental point of view.
18 Koivunen M et al. Nurses' roles in systematic patient education sessions in psychiatric nursing.
19 Kontio R et al. Seclusion and restraint in psychiatry: Pateients' experiences and practical sggestions on how to improve practices and use alternatives.
20 Korhonen T et al. University students' knowledge of, and attitudes towards, HIV and AIDS, homosexuality and sexual risk behaviour: a questionnaire survey in two Finnish universities.
21 Kuokkanen L et al. Sairaanhoitajien käsitykset valtaistumisestaan ja siihen liittyvistä tekijöistä työssään.
22 Kuokkanen L et al. Valtaistumista edistävät ja estävät tekijät sairaanhoitajien työssä.
23 Laaksonen C. Health-Related Quality of Life in School Children - Validation of Instrument, Child Self Assessment, Parent-Proxy Assessment and School Nursing Documentation of Health Check-ups.
24 Lakanmaa RL et al. Competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing--still in need of definition? A Delphi study.
25 Morris R et al. Is the community attitudes towards the mentally ill scale valid for use in the investigation of European nurses' attitudes towards the mentally ill? A confirmatory factor analytic approach.
26 Mört S. Health Related Quality of Life after Childhood Cancer - A Finnish Nationwide Survey.
27 Nikula A et al. Vaccination competence of graduating public health nurse students and nurses.
28 Olli J et al. Facilitating and hindering factors in the realization of disabled children's agency in institutional contexts: literature review.
29 Oranta O et al. Depression-focused interpersonal counseling and the use of healthcare services after myocardial infarction.
30 Papastavrou E et al. A seven country comparison of nurses' perceptions of their professional practice environment.
31 Papastavrou E et al. A cross-cultural study of the concept of caring through behaviours: patients' and nurses' perspectives in six different EU countries.
32 Papastavrou E et al. Patients' and nurses' perception of respect and human presence through caring behaviors: A comparative study.
33 Pitkänen A et al. Assessing quality of life in patients with schizophrenia in an acute psychiatric setting: Reliability, validity and feasibility of the EQ-5D and the Q-LES-Q.
34 Pitkänen A et al. Patient education methods to support quality of life and functional ability among patients with schizophrenia: a randomised clinical trial.
35 Ryhänen AM. Internet-Based Breast Cancer Patient's Pathway as an Empowering Patient Educational Tool.
36 Ryhänen AM et al. The impact of an empowering Internet-based Breast Cancer Patient Pathway programme on breast cancer patients' knowledge: a randomised control trial.
37 Ryhänen AM et al. Internet based patient pathway as an educational tool for breast cancer patients.
38 Salminen L et al. Terveysalan opettajien tiedot yrittäjyydestä ja asenteet yrittäjyyttä kohtaan.
39 Siekkinen M, Leino-Kilpi H. Developing a patient education method - the e-Knowledge Test with feedback.
40 Siirala W et al. Using respiratory rate and the thoracic movement to assess respiratory insfufficiency in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a preliminary study.
41 Silvennoinen A-S et al. Sairaanhoitajan ammatillinen pätevyys perioperatiivisessa toimintaympäristössä.
42 Siponen U et al. The use of coercive measures in adolescent psychiatric inpatient treatment: a nationwide register study.
43 Sjöblom O et al. Avoiding hazards - What can health care learn from aviation?
44 Stolt M et al. Foot health and self-care activities of older people in home care.
45 Suhonen R et al. Nurses' assessments of individualised care in long-term care institutions.
46 Suhonen R et al. Patients' and nurses' perceptions of individualised care: an international comparative study.
47 Suhonen R, Leino-Kilpi H. Older orthopaedic patients' perceptions of individualised care: a comparative survey.
48 Suhonen R et al. Patient satisfaction as an outcome of individualised nursing care.
49 Sulosaari V et al. Nurse students' medication competence - An integrative review of the associated factors.
50 Verbeek H et al. A European study investigating patterns of transition from home care towards institutional dementia care: the protocol of a RightTimePlaceCare study.
51 Välimäki M et al. Mobile telephone text messages to encourage adherence to medication and to follow up with people with psychosis: Methods and protocol for multicenter randomized controlled two-armed trial.
52 Välimäki M et al. Information and communication technology-based cognitive remediation for supporting treatment compliance for people with serious mental illness.
53 Välimäki M et al. Information and communication technology in patient education and support for people with schizophrenia.
54 Välimäki M et al. Virtual reality for treatment compliance for people with serious mental illness.
55 Välimäki M et al. Information and communication technology based prompting for treatment compliance for people with serious mental illness.
56 Välimäki M et al. Developing an internet-based support system for adolescents with depression.

Julkaisutietokanta 3.9.2013 Publications Data Base 3.9.2013