Neurokirurgian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Frantzen J. Bioactive Glass in Lumbar Spondylodesis - A Pre-Clinical and Clinical Study.
2 Juvela S et al. C-reactive protein as predictor for poor outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage.
3 Peltola MJ et al. Novel composite implant in craniofacial bone reconstruction.
4 Posti J. Alpha2-Adrenoceptor-mediated Vascular Responses Induced by Dexmedetomidine.
5 Rantakokko J et al. Posterolateral spondylodesis using bioactive glass S53P4 and autogenous bone in instrumented unstable lumbar spine burst fractures. A prospective 10-year follow-up study.

Julkaisutietokanta 3.9.2013 Publications Data Base 3.9.2013