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Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Auranen A et al. Fibroosia suoliliepeessä - voisiko olla desmoidi?
2 Brummer THI et al. Pharmaceutical thrombosis prophylaxis, bleeding complications and thromboembolism in a national cohort of hysterectomy for benign disease.
3 Eigeliene N et al. Androgens inhibit the stimulatory action of 17 beta-estradiol on normal human breast tissue in explant cultures.
4 Firtser S et al. Relation of total and free testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin with cardiovascular risk factors in men aged 24-45 years. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study. .
5 Hallamaa M et al. Serum HE4 concentration is not dependent on menstrual cycle or hormonal treatment among endometriosis patients and healthy premenopausal women.
6 Heinonen P et al. Tension-free vaginal tape procedure without preoperative urodynamic examination: Long-term outcome.
7 Herse F et al. Cytochrome P450 subfamily 2J polypeptide 2 expression and circulating epoxyeicosatrienoic metabolites in preeclampsia.
8 Huhtinen K et al. Endometrial and endometriotic concentrations of estrone and estradiol are determined by local metabolism rather than circulating levels.
9 Hynninen J et al. FDG PET/CT in staging of advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: Frequency of supradiaphragmatic lymph node metastasis challenges the traditional pattern of disease spread.
10 Jokimaa V, Ekblad U. Lisääntymisterveys hoidetun syövän jälkeen - raskauden ehkäisyä, suunnittelua ja seurantaa.
11 Jørgensen N et al. Recent adverse trends in semen quality and testis cancer incidence of Finnish men: reply to Bonde et al., IJA 2012.
12 Kero K et al. Oral mucosa as a reservoir of human papillomavirus: Point prevalence, genotype distribution, and incident infections among males in a 7-year prospective study.
13 Kero K et al. Reply from authors re: Guido Barbagli, Salvatore Sansalone, Massimo Lazzeri. Oral mucosa and urethroplasty: It's time to change. Oral mucosa as a reservoir of human papillomavirus: Implications for the use of oral mucosal transplants in urethroplasty.
14 Kiilholma P et al. Vaginaaliset verkkokorjaukset lantionpohjan laskeumien hoidossa.
15 Kortekangas-Savolainen O et al. Hospital-diagnosed late sequelae after female Chlamydia trachomatis infections in 1990-2006 in Turku, Finland.
16 Koskimaa H-M et al. Human papillomavirus genotypes present in the oral mucosa of newborns and their concordance with maternal cervical human papillomavirus genotypes.
17 Kuitunen S et al. Medical E-learning: practical experiences in Turku.
18 Leminen H et al. The effect of hysterectomy or levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system on premenstrual symptoms in women treated for menorrhagia: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial.
19 Makinen J et al. Challenges in training and its assessment: a survey of ob-gyn trainees in the University of Turku, Finland .
20 Morin-Papunen L et al. Metformin improves pregnancy and live-birth rates in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial.
21 Mäkinen J et al. Assessment of Ob-Gyn trainee's competence.
22 Rautava J et al. Prevalence, genotype distribution and persistence of human papillomavirus in oral mucosa of women: A six-year follow-up study.
23 Rintala MA et al. High-risk human papillomavirus associated with incident cervical intraepithelial neoplasia developing in mothers in the Finnish Family HPV Study cohort.
24 Tuomisto H et al. The association of serum oestradiol level, age, and education with cognitive performance in peri- and late postmenopausal women.
25 Ylijoki M et al. Is chorioamnionitis harmful for the brain of preterm infants? A clinical overview.

Julkaisutietokanta 3.9.2013 Publications Data Base 3.9.2013